There are a lot of talks lately about outfits replacing normal armor skins. Mostly complaints and requests to add skins instead of the outfits. They have a point but unfortunately they do not offer any real solution.
So I’ve got some ideas I would like to share with both community and ANet about the case. Hopefully, those might be useful.
To start with, a message to community:
I am afraid that problem with outfits is not just about doing outfits being simple-to-create (1 armor skin vs 3 distinct armor skins for each weight) and more profitable (1 skin for all weights instead of 1 skin for 1 weight) – problem is that there are a lot of players using outfits already. If ANet will stop adding outfits right now or, what is even worse, will remove them completely and replace with skins – that will be a big blow to all those who prefer using outfits. And I bet there are a lot of people who love them.
So basically – outfits cannot be removed from game and have to be obtainable somehow to keep interested players in-game. Or, at least, something similar should be introduced to replace them without hurting players experience.
General thoughts on outfits:
Let’s be honest, outfits concept is a really good one!
Probably not completely finished and polished yet, but it IS good.
You can use them with just one click, you don’t need to buy/waste transmutation charges, you don’t even need armor on to use them, you don’t have to reapply them each time you change some part of your gear, you can easily switch between them.
I love them and I use a few of them, but… mostly on naked alts used to craft some stuff and such. Why? Because I really want to make my character stand out, I really hate being a cloned version of lots of other players around in the world of Tyria.
So basically, as already said thousands of times on forums – outfits lack flexibility. You can’t mix different skins and create your unique sets. I mean truly different – not just another re-colored version of the same outfit which will still be pretty distinguishable.
Now, here comes the idea:
There might be a good way to get out of this situation without hurting outfits owners and making all who love to mix skins happy at the same time: do a few enhancements to outfits system. Here is the details on the idea:
1. Introduce blank outfit templates:
- Blank outfit template can be filled-in with different armor skin parts (6 parts in total) and will then be converted into account-bound outfit (like we have right now)
- Each blank outfit sold for gems in gem store = direct profit, price doesn’t really matter for me but I guess it might match the outfits price (around 500-800 gems)
- Each blank outfit is usable only once = they are awesome enough to make them non-reusable, I would agree to buy tons of those just to have all skin sets I like as outfits
- Since we allow any skins to be applied to the blank outfit now – they might have to be split by the weight category UNLESS you were using skins which are available in each weight (like skins coming from outfits OR old skin sets like Zodiac) and are unlocked for you in each weight
- In addition – since player can now create their own otfits – you might allow player to remove them (like throwing away an item) in case he wants to get rid of some – he will lose outfit, yes, but he won’t lose unlocked skins so it’s not an issue
2. All outfits which were in-game before can be converted into skins
- All existing outfits have to be separated into 6 skin parts, basically they become common skins unlocked for account – that might take some work, but it can be done
- Players who have outfits will receive it in outfits tab as a custom outfit with all 6 pieces from the skin of that outfit and will also receive 6 skins in their skins collection
- Outfits in gem store will be replaced with their skin versions, since you have them now in-game as separate skins – there is no problem to add them like that
Details can be changed, but basically that’s it!
In the end of the day:
+ Players who love outfits – didn’t lose anything, they still have the converted version
+ Players who bougth outfits so far – received outfit parts skins and can use them now
+ Players who want to mix-n-match – can now do that and even more!
+ All players – can now create their own ready-to use outfits (aka skin sets)
+ ANet can sell blank outfit templates – I bet demand will be HUGE on those
+ ANet can sell skin sets now without need to create outfits – players will create them
+ ANet will get additional profit on selling old outfits converted into skin sets
It will be a win-win for everyone, or not?
Yes, to get new outfit you will have to pay twice now (for skins and for blank outfit template), but that can be mitigated with prices or just with the total awesomeness of this feature being in-game.
So, I would love to hear your thoughts on this idea.