Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match
Here’s my Guardian, went for a futuristic look that really fits well with the newly released 8 bit weapons.
That is actually flippin’ cool!
To contribute to this thread here’s mine.
Dyes: Celestial, Illumination & Midnight Ice
Feathered Headpices
CoE Vest
CoE Gloves
CoE Pants
Embroidered Sandals
Dyes: Celestial, Illumination & Midnight Ice
Feathered Headpices
CoE Vest
CoE Gloves
CoE Pants
Embroidered Sandals
If your skintone was darker I would totally believe you for an elonian survivor
Dyes: Celestial, Illumination & Midnight Ice
Feathered Headpices
CoE Vest
CoE Gloves
CoE Pants
Embroidered SandalsIf your skintone was darker I would totally believe you for an elonian survivor
Kinda don’t know what that is hehe
Here are my elementalist, warrior, ranger, and guardian. Many transmutation stones were sacrificed in the name of fashion :P
Dyes: Celestial, Illumination & Midnight Ice
Feathered Headpices
CoE Vest
CoE Gloves
CoE Pants
Embroidered SandalsIf your skintone was darker I would totally believe you for an elonian survivor
Kinda don’t know what that is hehe
Someone who survived Palawa Joko’s assault on the land of Elona and came to Tyria.
Overall I can see it as well if you did have darker skintone.
Here are 3 mixed sets I made for my ele:
1st one is lovely
My elementalist in
1) Priory armor + HotW chest + temple shoes
2) Norn t1 + t2 shoulders + inquest boots + temple gloves
3) TA dress + AC boots + Conjurer shoulders + Embroidered gloves
4) Arah helm, gloves and boots + “shadow” chest and skirt
My necro in Demon masque and
1) “tactical” chest and shoulder + “shadow” skirt + CM boots + exalted gloves
2) “shadow” chest + “tactical” legs, gloves and shoulder + country boots
(edited by Cinnamonfox.4965)
Helm: Swindler
Shoulders: Duelist
Chest: Vigil
Gloves: Duelist
Legs: T3 Cultural
Boots: Heritage
Stormbluff Isle ~ Knights Templar
This is my Mes (I know not your typical look for a mes but I liked the fused gs too much to pass it up).
Armor set is:
Beginner necro mask
SE pauldrons
HOTW chest
CoF gloves
TA pants
TA feet
Colors are: Midnight Ice and white dyes.
Weapons are: fused greatsword (working on getting The Crossing)
This is my Guardian:
Helm: T3 Cultural
Shoulders: T3 Cultural
Chestplate: Heart of Koda Breastplate
Gloves: Vigil Gauntlets
Leggings: Orion Legguards
Boots: Vigil Boots
Vigil head/chest/boots.
Human T2 shoulders.
Karma heavy plate gloves.
Still undecided on the leggings. (vigil/barbaric)
Elementalist is wearing t3 cultural helm, Conjurer shoulders, Masquerade gloves and boots, Priory chest and legs. The gloves clip through the sleeves quite a bit, but I like the way it looks.
Thief is wearing COF shoulders and gloves, TA chest, legs and boots.
Here’s my level 45 Guardian. I like chainmail armor and it fits the character so I transmute a lot of stuff to keep it looking like the cheap stuff you can buy from the vendor, lol.
Lol this has to be the funniest I’ve seen “Tom Cruise” lol…. Nice one
This thread has some fantastic matching! For mine, it took a lot of previewing but I think I’m happiest with this armour for my warrior, Violet:
Enduring Breastplate
Tier 1 Human Shoulders ( Commander’s Shoulders)
Whisper’s Gauntlets
Truyere Leggings
Whisper’s boots
Finally got my 4th alt the way I want, posting all level 80s.
Himei Vi – Norn Ranger (main)
Himei Ki – Human Ele
Gleaceon – Human Guardian
Himei vi Bunnitania – Human Warrior (finished her look yesterday) I really love the color scheme with her skin and the back with the weapon to match.
Guardian 20/0/30/20/0
Actual armor:
Heavy Mortal Helm of the Undead – Con dmg + prec,tough
Heavy Arcon Pauldrons of the Undead – pow + tough,vital
Knight’s Barbaric Coat of the Undead – tough + pow,prec
Commander’s Gauntlets of the Undead – Condition dmg + prec,tough
Knight’s Barbaric Legplates of Vampirism – Heal + pow,tough
Commander’s Footgear of Vampirism – Heal + pow,tough
Carrion Flame Crusher of Water – heal + pow,tough
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
Guardian 20/0/30/20/0
Actual armor:
Heavy Mortal Helm of the Undead – Con dmg + prec,tough
Heavy Arcon Pauldrons of the Undead – pow + tough,vital
Knight’s Barbaric Coat of the Undead – tough + pow,prec
Commander’s Gauntlets of the Undead – Condition dmg + prec,tough
Knight’s Barbaric Legplates of Vampirism – Heal + pow,tough
Commander’s Footgear of Vampirism – Heal + pow,toughHammer:
Carrion Flame Crusher of Water – heal + pow,tough
I love your pink theme- awesome with your skin tone
This is my Mes (I know not your typical look for a mes but I liked the fused gs too much to pass it up).
Armor set is:
Beginner necro mask
SE pauldrons
HOTW chest
CoF gloves
TA pants
TA feet
Colors are: Midnight Ice and white dyes.Weapons are: fused greatsword (working on getting The Crossing)
That is the most terrifying Minnie Mouse I’ve ever seen.
Here’s the current look on my warrior. It’s a simple mix of Barbaric armor and the temple karma set. I had a concept on him being a Blood Knight to contrast his Personal Story selection of being a charming noble. The armor on the left hand works especially nice with a greatsword or a x/shield setup, since with the former he moves with the armored shoulder in front, whereas any shield defaults to the left hand, giving him a half-armored look.
I found that most of the armor sets don’t look too good on a slim male character.
The dyejob isn’t final though, I’ve got my eyes on various other dyes, including Blood, Abyss and Illumination as possibilities.
Someone help me out with an engineer outfit for human females, I’m starting to get desperateeeee…
Here’s my Human Female Engineer. Agreed; it was not easy to find something I was happy with on her.
Engineer Monacle
Falconer’s Coat – Cultural t2
Duelist Gloves
Scout’s Leggings – Cultural t1
SANDALS! – Assassin’s Boots – Cultural t3
Well, I have a vague idea in mind now… Vielen dank man, appreciated.
two for my ranger:
first one is my main look
Head: crafted exotic
Shoulers Crafted exotic
Chest: Orr temple
Arms: Crafted exotic
Legs: Krytan(gem store) (not sure what set i was previewing during the screen shot though. whoops)
boots: Inquest
the other is (not actually how it’s pictured, but the only screenie i had of it, and pretty close )
Head: the 500 badge of honor WvW helm
Shoulders: T1 sylvari cultural
Chest: Krytan (gem store)
legs: Krytan
For legs and boots, wanted Inquest but settled for Krytan there as well because it looks as good for better and i didn’t have to work for it lol
(weapons that look real good with these are ebon vanguard greatsword, and the pirate longbow)
Misty (top pic) is wearing baroque mask, CoF pauldrons, duelists coat, pants and boots, and emblazoned gloves. Holk is wearing Rampagers noble mask, shoulders and gloves, troopers jerkin and pants and armageddon boots
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.
(edited by joneb.5679)
I have mixed 3 different sets, Sylvari T2, T3 and TA.
Helm: T2 (hidden)
Shoulder: T2
Chest: T3
Gloves: TA
Pants: T3
Boots: TA
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
I usually have mixed sets on my characters, but they’re often simple mixes with one or two different pieces.
- Tier 2 Sylvari cultural
- Twilight Arbor skirt
- Karma chest, shoulders & gloves (occasionally swap out for a basic Magician coat.
- Honor of the Waves leggings
- Acolyte shoes (still looking for a good replacement..)
- Priory chest & legs
- Tier 3 Asura headpiece (same idea as Gomoratoad basically
- Crafted shoulders, looking to replace them with either T3 or Inquest
Sanctum of Rall
(edited by Eivene.9127)
Here’s my finalised look for NightHawk
Weapons: Twilight, Bow of the White Hart
Armour: HoM Head, Vigil Shoulders, T3 Chest + Pants, T1 Gloves, T2 Boots
Dyes: Burgundy, Sand, Midnight Ice, Celestial
Hired Assassins [HIRE]/Golden Company XIII [GC] – Sanctum of Rall (ex-SBI)
Five of my eight level 80 characters have mix and match armor. I didn’t use it for the soldier classes though, since the glimmer of the metals are hard to match.
1st armor skin I just created today. The theme was my guild “Extraordinary Gentleman” my runes give my elite some special effects so I’m pretty contempt with this skin.
2nd armor skin is what I use for everything (especially wvwvw)
Cropped and edited to insert words.
My ele
transmuted a neccro starting mask because I like the symetry with the tattoos
Vigil Shirt
Ascalon pants
Exotic boots from TP (easy to find there in that style)
My “pure” looking thief
very nice! what pieces did you use?
My ele
transmuted a neccro starting mask because I like the symetry with the tattoos
Vigil Shirt
Ascalon pants
Exotic boots from TP (easy to find there in that style)
Well done! That is the most bad kitten ele I have ever seen
Sylvari Mesmer
Ascalonian Clergy Vestments
Light Arcon Gloves
Commando’s Leggings
Orchid Boots
Just came back to GW2, so let me reintroduce xD waves
My healing Engi: Ririukai
Head (not showing): Medium Whispering Mask of the Water
Shoulders: Medium Aurora Shoulderpads of the Water
Body: Nightshade Coat of the Water (cultural tier 2)
Arms: Medium Aurora Gloves of the Water
Legs: Cleric’s Emblazoned Pants of the Water
Feet: Evergreen Boots of the Water (cultural tier 1)
Shoulders: Black, Black, White Gold
Body: Black, Black, Blue Ice
Arms: Black, Pale, White Gold
Legs: Blue Ice
Feet: Black, Black, Black
Got a mix between some dungeon specific armor, storyline only armor, misc bits from the market and some Vigil shoulder pads.
Helm – Primeval
Shoulders – Avenger
Chest – TA
Gloves – Arah
Leg – Arah
Foot – Flame Legion
(edited by Paradox.4028)
Here is my main.
His name is Exelion The Last. I’ve been playing around with colors and I set in on this look. The dyes used are antique gold, tarnished steel, and antique bronze. The legs, shoulders, and gloves are barbaric. The helm is scale, and the chest and boots are heritage. The weapon I use is the Ebon Vanguard hammer.
The look I was going for was for the armor to look old but strong. I think of them like herilooms since he is supposed to be descended from my GW1 main a warrior named Exelion The Great.
Story line Trooper head and shoulders, named top and legs and finally temple hands and feet
this is a really simple but great look, love the giant floppy boots!