Precursor Armor - Now with bigger butt capes
Butt Capes. Just say no (more)
Hate the leggings too. Everything else looks good though. I’d wear the rest of the set coupled with Ascalonian pants.
I know, right? I would sell my soul and a kidney for TIGHT stuff (=no clipping!). PANTS, PANTS AND MORE PANTS, PLEASE! I miss the tight Necro stuff from GW1… I have been wearing Profane armor on my Necro since 2012 because nothing else is tight enough for my liking…
Looking at these makes me a bit concerned here honestly.
Edit- was only able to see the male versions of the pre because I don’t have any female characters.
Idk, would be nice for Anet to give us pics of the actual legendary armors to look at.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
(edited by Swagger.1459)
Is it the experimental set?
Because, ewww, so ugly.
Is there a picture of this armor somewhere?
Is there a picture of this armor somewhere? most things.. in the waredrobe
RIP City of Heroes
That’s not even my biggest issue, or anywhere near it. Can anyone explain why this is necessary?
Even if my charr had breasts to hide, which she doesn’t, they wouldn’t be that low down on her body.
I’m all for variety in armour, and I understand that ‘scantily clad’ is the only setting female characters get with new armour releases, but on a charr? Why?
I’m fine with dresses, even if my female charr would never wear a dress. To each their own. More power to the sparklecats. But a bra? Bramour? ON A CHARR?
Urgh. I mean, I didn’t like medium armour anyway because of the face on the back, but this problem isn’t limited to the medium weight class:
I’m not going to go into some big long rant about gender, diversity, and tolerance. I’m not gonna spit the dummy and say I’ll never buy gems again. I’m just gonna say I don’t like this shift towards more feminine female charrmour. I want charr-bras and charr-dresses to be the rarity, not the norm, if we really must go in this direction.
Sure, the option is great to have for those who want to take it, but some of us don’t play Charrbies or glamkitties or sparklecats, and we’d like new armour options that reflect that.
Firstly all experimental precursors are deliberately designed to be ugly. They are supposed to be failed experiment after all.
Secondly butt capes keep you warm while you running around in Shieverpeaks.
I was super disappointed to find the LEGENDARY ARMOR was just as crappy as everything. Following the common stereotypes for each different weight. I sure hope the compelte thing looks better, since my uncontrollable ocd and mentale illnesses demand I use the best gear..
I know a good shoulder-waist-ratio on men is considered sexy, but I still think they overdid it on my Sylvari. XD
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
Oh look more buttcapes! That’s what we needed!
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I’m a little relieved that these are so underwhelming. I was never going to be able to craft these, at least now I don’t have to worry about losing out. Lol.
I know a good shoulder-waist-ratio on men is considered sexy, but I still think they overdid it on my Sylvari. XD
Omg that is awful!!!
Oh… yeah… and down with butt capes. XD
That’s not even my biggest issue, or anywhere near it. Can anyone explain why this is necessary? if my charr had breasts to hide, which she doesn’t, they wouldn’t be that low down on her body.
I’m all for variety in armour, and I understand that ‘scantily clad’ is the only setting female characters get with new armour releases, but on a charr? Why?
I’m fine with dresses, even if my female charr would never wear a dress. To each their own. More power to the sparklecats. But a bra? Bramour? ON A CHARR?
Urgh. I mean, I didn’t like medium armour anyway because of the face on the back, but this problem isn’t limited to the medium weight class:’m not going to go into some big long rant about gender, diversity, and tolerance. I’m not gonna spit the dummy and say I’ll never buy gems again. I’m just gonna say I don’t like this shift towards more feminine female charrmour. I want charr-bras and charr-dresses to be the rarity, not the norm, if we really must go in this direction.
Sure, the option is great to have for those who want to take it, but some of us don’t play Charrbies or glamkitties or sparklecats, and we’d like new armour options that reflect that.
What happened to the famous quote by one of the Charr designers- “Six t*ts or none!”
I know a good shoulder-waist-ratio on men is considered sexy, but I still think they overdid it on my Sylvari. XD
Look at them gains!
I know a good shoulder-waist-ratio on men is considered sexy, but I still think they overdid it on my Sylvari. XD
Look at them gains!
When everyday is Chest Day.
I know a good shoulder-waist-ratio on men is considered sexy, but I still think they overdid it on my Sylvari. XD
I think that just comes from horrible armor sizing on Sylvari
If you choose the biggest body type for sylvari it is even more pronounced, male especially, shoulderpads, gloves and boots look like you stole them from a Norn or something :/…
ANET please consider to fix this…i mean cmon…i don’t want a twiggy sylvari just to make the armors look decent….
and butt capes…..look at obsidian armor from GW1 any of it…….soo much better :/
Firstly all experimental precursors are deliberately designed to be ugly. They are supposed to be failed experiment after all.
Secondly butt capes keep you warm while you running around in Shieverpeaks.
I’m sorry ,but I have scientific proof that butt capes not only don’t keep you warm,but on the contrary,their movement around the rear bottom area causes a light breeze,and that in turn increases the circulation of air,which results in a drop of approximately 2 degrees Celsius lower than the ambient temperature.
Besides that,there’s always the problem that with a butt cape on you can never say
“It wasn’t me” again,since the cape movement is clear evidence of any aerial activity.
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
I’m not going to go into some big long rant about gender, diversity, and tolerance. I’m not gonna spit the dummy and say I’ll never buy gems again. I’m just gonna say I don’t like this shift towards more feminine female charrmour. I want charr-bras and charr-dresses to be the rarity, not the norm, if we really must go in this direction.
Sure, the option is great to have for those who want to take it, but some of us don’t play Charrbies or glamkitties or sparklecats, and we’d like new armour options that reflect that.
You have over 150 options of gender-neutral, non-revealing charr armors. As someone who plays a Charr, I think it’s about godkitten time we’re getting some armors that aren’t completely body-encasing. Though I wish they didn’t go for that wierd bikini design (I’d love for some of the NPC outfits seen worn around that show off the side of the torso and legs. Where are those armors in-game?)
I saw the light armor…and immediately saw ‘bug’. Unless they polish those kittens into a brilliant kitten , I doubt I need to bother with legendary armor so my wallet thanks you.
Apparently unlocking the collection requires you to beat the Vale Guardian.
I’m guessing that the rest of the process involves spending a lot of time doing raids.
I detest the raid system. I truly do. It’s mind-numbingly tedious.
You know that jumping puzzle you beat one time after 20 or 30 attempts spanning several days that you swore you would never, Ever, EVER do again?
I’d go back and do that JP twice before I’d set foot on another raid.
I might put up with it if it’s a one time thing to unlock the collection and then I don’t have to go back to raids, but I’m guessing that every single level of the collection requires a progressively harder raid achievement because quite frankly that’s the way ANet does things. If that’s the case, I’ll just have multiple sets of ascended if I need more than one set of stats. It’ll be cheaper anyhow. And since I am not a big fan of butt capes, I’d probably re-skin any legendary armor if I got it.
I figure in a few years (if I am still playing GW2), they’ll come up with another set of legendary armor based on stuff you do in fractals or dungeons or whatever (anything but raids). Then I might go legendary. Until then, ascended all the way.
That’s not even my biggest issue, or anywhere near it. Can anyone explain why this is necessary? if my charr had breasts to hide, which she doesn’t, they wouldn’t be that low down on her body.
I’m all for variety in armour, and I understand that ‘scantily clad’ is the only setting female characters get with new armour releases, but on a charr? Why?
I’m fine with dresses, even if my female charr would never wear a dress. To each their own. More power to the sparklecats. But a bra? Bramour? ON A CHARR?
Urgh. I mean, I didn’t like medium armour anyway because of the face on the back, but this problem isn’t limited to the medium weight class:’m not going to go into some big long rant about gender, diversity, and tolerance. I’m not gonna spit the dummy and say I’ll never buy gems again. I’m just gonna say I don’t like this shift towards more feminine female charrmour. I want charr-bras and charr-dresses to be the rarity, not the norm, if we really must go in this direction.
Sure, the option is great to have for those who want to take it, but some of us don’t play Charrbies or glamkitties or sparklecats, and we’d like new armour options that reflect that.
Finally! Female charr have been waiting for more armors to show off their femininity. Human-like cats should have human-like features!
Apparently unlocking the collection requires you to beat the Vale Guardian.
I’m guessing that the rest of the process involves spending a lot of time doing raids.
I detest the raid system. I truly do. It’s mind-numbingly tedious.
You know that jumping puzzle you beat one time after 20 or 30 attempts spanning several days that you swore you would never, Ever, EVER do again?
I’d go back and do that JP twice before I’d set foot on another raid.
I might put up with it if it’s a one time thing to unlock the collection and then I don’t have to go back to raids, but I’m guessing that every single level of the collection requires a progressively harder raid achievement because quite frankly that’s the way ANet does things. If that’s the case, I’ll just have multiple sets of ascended if I need more than one set of stats. It’ll be cheaper anyhow. And since I am not a big fan of butt capes, I’d probably re-skin any legendary armor if I got it.
I figure in a few years (if I am still playing GW2), they’ll come up with another set of legendary armor based on stuff you do in fractals or dungeons or whatever (anything but raids). Then I might go legendary. Until then, ascended all the way.
From what’s in that level of the collection at least, it appears you’re right. At least FoW armour in GW1 only required going in once if you got the ectos and shards by another means.
I haven’t tried the second or third wings, but my experience with the first is that it was part gearcheck, part endurance event where the mechanics are fairly simple and it’s just a matter of getting through eight or six minutes or however many it is without one of the ten people making a significant enough mistake to fail the raid. After a few attempts, I found it becoming a mix of boring (because it really was just doing the same things repeatedly) and stressful (because, well, you don’t want to be the one that cats up and ruins the run). Bleccch. No thanks. If I wanted to be bored and stressed, I’d do extra time working at my job – in fact, I’m significantly less bored and less stressed working my current job than I was during my raid experience.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Am I remembering incorrectly? I am almost positive that when the game first came out, the forums asked for less butt capes and less trench coats. And I am also almost positive there was a dev response along the lines of “okay, but armor takes time to make”
So, three years later, and we are still getting butt capes and trench coats. Ugh. Sometimes, I really wonder about whoever is in charge of approving armor designs.
Am I remembering incorrectly? I am almost positive that when the game first came out, the forums asked for less butt capes and less trench coats. And I am also almost positive there was a dev response along the lines of “okay, but armor takes time to make”
So, three years later, and we are still getting butt capes and trench coats. Ugh. Sometimes, I really wonder about whoever is in charge of approving armor designs.
Yup, I’m getting tired of the buttcapes. The devs have had plenty of opportunities now to add actual light pants and medium shirts, but they keep adding buttcapes and trenchcoats instead. The only redeeming quality here is that the medium armor is not exactly a trenchcoat. However, it is still very similar in design.
Can’t wait to see Legendary Butt Capes. Unless as you craft the butt capes eventually vanish for legendary.
RIP City of Heroes
It’s heart breakingly bad, I don’t understand how they let these designs slip by and get released. The medium armor is everything a lot of people have expressingly disliked already! Butt capes, bras with claws, giant oversized clunky shoulders, un-removable frilly cloth shoulders attached to chest piece… And the light armor has another weird rubbery butt cape and boobplate chest, gloves and boots that all look like metal… for a light class!
Guys don’t forget that these are the experimental armor sets, similar to the first step in making a legendary weapon. The experimental weapon skins are atrociously bad and look pretty much nothing like the final product. I guessing/hoping that this is the case with the experimental armors also.
Guys don’t forget that these are the experimental armor sets, similar to the first step in making a legendary weapon. The experimental weapon skins are atrociously bad and look pretty much nothing like the final product. I guessing/hoping that this is the case with the experimental armors also.
Yes, but usually you add more stuff onto the experimental weapons to make them into precursors, and then you add even more to make it a legendary. That means that this is the base of the legendary armor set, so the buttcapes will likely stay.
Guys don’t forget that these are the experimental armor sets, similar to the first step in making a legendary weapon. The experimental weapon skins are atrociously bad and look pretty much nothing like the final product. I guessing/hoping that this is the case with the experimental armors also.
There’s this picture of a probably full legendary heavy male set in the Phoenix glider add at TP. It looks like some more layers and detail were added compared to the experimental, but the general shape remains.
Today’s experimental are deliberately damaged, broken versions of old precursors. Today’s precursors are simpler legendaries, without SFX. The armors seem the be the same case: overall shape remains, some detail and effect is to be added. OP states they don’t like general shape, and it seems they won’t like the complete version either.
Edit: spelling.
(edited by Marge.4035)
Am I remembering incorrectly? I am almost positive that when the game first came out, the forums asked for less butt capes and less trench coats. And I am also almost positive there was a dev response along the lines of “okay, but armor takes time to make”
So, three years later, and we are still getting butt capes and trench coats. Ugh. Sometimes, I really wonder about whoever is in charge of approving armor designs.
Thankfully the trenchcoat situation isn’t as bad since the likes of glorious and triumphant came in. Actual leather cuirasses!
The earlier leather cuirasses were gemstore (viper’s, strider’s) but now there’s some decent in-game options. There’s a hero’s version of triumphant but it’s unavailable at the moment, it’s more ornate but actually I think I prefer the plainer top because it goes better with the rest of my outfit.
I’ll attach an outfit using the triumphant brigandine cuirass. You can get this one doing the WvW reward track:
I understand, that the experimental armor is supposed, to look a bit crappy and even clunky, but how it is now, it seems too crappy to me.
I would non of my characters wear one of these sets… maybe some single pieces are acceptable, but armor, that is going to become legendary, shouldn’t just be ‘acceptable’. Even crappy can look good. I actually like the most of the experimental weapons for their looks. The look damaged and broken, why can’t experimental armor also look like just broken pieces?
The thing, that sets me off most however are the silhouettes. Like it is now, the armor makes the characters look pretty ugly IMO. Why can’t the silhouettes be a bit flattering?
(I have nothing against the armors showing much skin, I actually love this on norn, so you can see their tattoos, but sexy does not need to mean naked.)
I’m totally a player of ‘FashionWars2’, so I’m always exited to see new skins and combine them. I was looking forward to experimental armor, but I can’t help, but feel very underwhelmed now… I’m sorry for the ones, who made the effort, to do this armor, but I don’t understand, how this could find its way in the game.
I’m begging for a remake of experimental armor (even if it might take months). Please listen to the community on this manner, because we are the ones, that will probably put hours of effort into getting this and the legendary armor.
Also, please make the legendary armor unique for each race. The basics could be similar, but maybe with different ornaments for each race. Something floral for sylvari, some gears for charr maybe?
This will be the most prestigious armor in the whole game, so please, please make it worth to earn it.