Precursor From Random Troll In Frostgorge
You always could get one from any mob in the game. he chance is just 0.0001%
You are one very lucky sucker. But unless you plan to use it, I’d sell it asap as the price should drop now that the patch is here.
screen shot or it didn’t happen!
Nah man, it was trolling yah..
Trolls be trollin yo.
They put some precursor in your troll so you can troll while you troll.
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!
Sell it fast before the price drops. The price will drop so even if you want it for yourself you can just buy a new one for a discount.
Yes i sold it pretty fast as it wasn’t one i wanted and I’m expecting prices to drop dramatically. I felt guilty though ;p Thank you for the advice I now love trolls despite their annoying knockdowns. I feel really lucky to have had one drop though, i never get anything nice ;p