Precursor Weapons, to much work???

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ziyall.7823


Before I start of to much into this post, I want to start off by saying that this isn’t so much a complaint as an observation, maybe, or just me voicing my concern.

I have recently started playing the game, and as a Ranger, falling in love with the class, and maybe even daring to dream about one day getting a Kudzu, Legendary longbow. I got even more exited when I learned that in the new expansion, I would be able to build my precursor, as the prospect of ever getting one as a drop or getting the 1,5k gold to buy one seemed impossible.

I recently finished building the Mawdrey backpack, I was exited of the prospect of building a precursor, as going through the stages of the backpack included both some grinding of materials, crafting and doing tasks in the world, so I thought, maybe they’d be doing something similar with the precursors. But boy, was I wrong!

I’m going to make a comparison of making the precursor into a legendary weapon compared to the first (of three) stages of actually building the precursor. I know you can’t do a real comparison, as you need two different currencies from a dungeon and WvW to get different items and needing to to 100% world completion to get another. This is just to prove my point, why I’m doing my comparison, cause trust me, right now, actually making the weapon legendary is the “easy” part of the journey.

For the sake of this post, I will also be looking at the longbow, Kudzu, cause that’s the one I know. Different items will be needed for different weapons, and doesn’t really matter if you need to gather x amount of metal vs. x amount to lumber, my goal is to try and open a debate, nothing more.

Kudzu Legenday = 10.635 components.
So, to make you Kudzu legendary, you will need exactly 10.635 components, that includes things like 1.200 of thee different currencies, 3.000+ various wood logs. The one item needed you get as a reward from world completion I counted as one item.

Kudzu Experiment I = 14.823 components.
This is the first step (of three) towards making the precursor weapon needed for the legendary bow. The 14.823 components includes 6.400 various wood logs, 7.500 various leather sections, 200 PvP tokens and 200 WvW tokens. The PvP tokens will take you between 80-100 daily quests to get and the WvW tokens will require you to gain 50 levels in WvW.

Keep in mind, that these 50 levels of WvW and 80-100 dailies and over 10k pieces of leather and wood is only to build the first part of the weapon. I would have loved to have shown you what’s in store for the second and third part of this, but there is nothing available on the wiki page, and I haven’t been able to find anything and what’s in store for us. But the’re nothing to indicate that there anything less grindy after this.

I want to stress out again, well, yes, I do think this is way way way to much with the collecting stuff. To be honest, this isn’t fun. And before you say it, I know, if it’s not fun, don’t do it. The reward doesn’t warrant all the work, and I’m not really doing anything when I’m out farming this stuff. For the people that are out to farm specific plants or other things to make gold, that’s a choice. When I decided to make that backpack I mentioned in the beginning, that was a choice as well. The stat upgrade was okay, but I was doing things along the way that made it fun.

Unlocking the achievement giving me access to the recipe for the bow was super fun. Had there been some type of grind involved, that would have also been okay. I could even have been okay with the current items being maybe 1/3 or 1/2 of what they are now, and maybe being on a daily or weekly cooldown. I don’t mind me having to wait a few months getting my weapon, and having to do things along the way, that would have been fun. But having them the way they are now, that’s no fun, I know many in my guild that were exited to go on the journey, and are already fed up and don’t want to do it, and that can’t be what they were after when putting the precursors in like this.

They could have easily made it so that things would have been locked behind timers. Collect this thing, that means go collect 50 of this wood, 20 of that wood, 40 of that leather, combine it, bring it to this place of power, kill a mini boss, get a bit of loot, your item is now ready for the next stage, but you can’t do anything with it for the next 4 days, or something to that effect.

You could also assemble it one piece at a time, instead of giving multiple crafting recipes, you get one for the crafting profession that can craft the weapon, you can make one of these a day, you need 7, when you have 7, you can combine them, you then get the next part, there always account bound, or even soulbound, that sort of thing.

If that meant they weren’t done with all of them by launch, then we could have waited. People don’t have a problem waiting with the new once. And if the new legendarys are the same type of grind to build, then why bother with the older once, and then, why make them craftable in the first place.

I’m sorry, but I feel like they were lazy with putting the old legendary weapons into crafting by just building a crafting wall, such a wall that to many are just not going to bother with them anyway?

Well, that my “little” rant, call it what you want. If people are interested, I will gladly share the spreadsheet I did for all the items needed to the precursor part 1 vs. legendary to compare the two sets of numbers to see that I did not cheat in any way. And if there would happen to be any developer stumbling upon this forum post, I would love to hear some feedback as to the design choice on the precursors.


Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sadu.9541


There are plenty threads like this, why start the same again?
Short version, nobody promised an easier or cheaper way towards a precursor. You now have a list of short term goals you may accomplish or you chose the old way, it is up to you.

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: champ.7021


Anet is so kitten at making fun adventures. Like seriously legendary weapons were boring before and now it’s worse because the one possible change in course has been ruined. Anet makes games for grinders not for people who enjoy challenges and fun

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sthenith.5196


The dev’s want you to play the game for as long as possible, that’s why the high number of “farm” or collecting is required. Is it fun ? No, not by any means for most. You’re better off just playing the game you want, farming the needed gold and buy the dam things off the TP.

Did they anticipate the reactions to the seemingly never ending farm ? Yes, they probably did and they don’t care. Just as long as you play and pay, they’re good with it.

My advice : ignore the crafting of precursors and subsequently the new legendaries.
It’s not needed to enjoy playing with friends. Thinking about it makes ppl only frustrated.

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


I was surprised that precursor crafting was so expensive, but it’s ok with me. The hardest part of getting a legendary weapon was always getting the precursor, and they kept it that way. Before HoT, I got the three major components together for both Sunrise and Twilight: two gifts of mastery, two gifts of fortune, and one legend specific gift for each sword. It was absolutely easier to do all of that than it was to get the 100+ deldrimor steel ingots that I need to get through stage 2 of Dawn. But that’s ok with me. If I grind hard for it I know I’ll burn out, but if I alternate my time between hitting all of the rich mining nodes and actually enjoying the game, it becomes much more bearable.

Just be patient and enjoy the game, and eventually you’ll have the money/resources to get what you want. But pick and choose your battles wisely. I straight up bought all of the pvp and wvw specific tokens because I don’t enjoy those game modes as much and pve, and the grind for those would have sucked the joy out of the game if I’d had to do it the hard way.

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlkPrince.2854


there really is no grind to getting the precursor its actually pretty fun if u just play the game like I did for the past year you would have enough materials to instantly craft ur precursor and the legendary

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


there really is no grind to getting the precursor its actually pretty fun if u just play the game like I did for the past year you would have enough materials to instantly craft ur precursor and the legendary


Nice try.


Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

there really is no grind to getting the precursor its actually pretty fun if u just play the game like I did for the past year you would have enough materials to instantly craft ur precursor and the legendary


Nice try.

It really depends on the player if that is a “nice try” or how it happened. I know several people who only had to run the precursor-specific tasks (most of which sound fun, in a growing-mawdrey sort of way). As BlkPrince says, they had the mats.

Others, for whatever reason, are starting their hunt without any mats and yes, that will take a long time and yes, that could turn out to be more expensive in time and/or money and/or effort than just buying stuff off the TP, using aggressive offers.

Either way, ANet always intended this to require lots of time, effort, and coin, so I’m not surprised nor dismayed that the new system requires all three.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PyrateSilly.4710


I am amassing the mats for Mawdry II, the ‘old’ version of Bolt since I had Zap drop, and every other ‘new’ version of the legendaries.
I went ahead and started all the new ones so that I could work on them as I am playing. Some of them take the same things from kills so since they dropped for one I could just then take the same thing over to the burner in another area and then get it for that one too. I always harvest everything anyway so as long as it takes me to get things I doubt very seriously I will spend gold on the TP since I have not done that for anything else yet.

So yes people can make them with spending “mounds” of gold. They are for me to have and play with and not for anyone else anyway.

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


you know….. it is for the people who never got 1 chance in 4 years and who don’t want to buy it in Auction.
We are still talking about a very rare drop. It is quite fine how it is now.

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


the cost of the craft of the precursor weapon are not bad to me the only thing that really disappointed me was they promise lore and story of the weapons an I have seen little to none the promise of learning more about the weapons while crafting it was exciting to me then it drop and the lore/story seem to not exist

(edited by PsychoT.3564)

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

~~~ snip ~~~

You know, there is an alternative way to get a Precursor. You’re not limited to just crafting it if you feel it’s too much of a hassle.


In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: erbourguet.4378


yea this is nuts, i have all i need for juggernaut exept the precursor, i wanted to give it a try for the new system, i already spend 200 gold, and i will not continue doing it, this is not fun at all, it started very good i have to say, but now they can have my 200 gold and lots of mats, i was doing math about it, and to get colossus i will have to spend 1500 gold, and alot of time doing it, colossus in tp its 750 gold. like WTH so you have to pay double to have the “fun” of doing it yourself? this Anet guys really dont know what they doing, its only the precursor after all, not the legendary itself.
so meh

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


there really is no grind to getting the precursor its actually pretty fun if u just play the game like I did for the past year you would have enough materials to instantly craft ur precursor and the legendary


Nice try.

I’m one of those people. I had stacks of leather like you wouldn’t believe and hardly missed a day of crafting ascended materials. The only thing I had to do was park 10 characters at the elder wood spot in Malchor’s Leap. On my day off, I watched Netflix all day and hit those nodes every hour. And voila, my Leaf of Kudzu is awaiting the fix on Heirloom Seed Pouches to be complete.

I found the collection fun. Now I’ve started Quip and the first part is hilarious! Not sure if I’ll continue working on it immediately… Some are more fun and easier than others. Twilight seems full of events, while kudzu is just about harvesting plants and quip is all running around laughing at people/throwing harpy love/vomiting on stuff.

Precursor Weapons, to much work???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nEmM.3076


It’s called a legendary. If everyone has one then it’s not really legendary anymore. Only the people that really want it will go through the process/buy it.