Precursor collection ?

Precursor collection ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: allorn.4169


I have started Kudzu (purchased the collection item from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs) on my ranger and received the first bloom from Vinewrath. I also purchased Dusk from him and was going to start that on my mesmer. But I can’t seem to find Dusk in the collection now and the recipe is no longer on the vendor.

Do I have to complete Kuzdu collection first before I can start Dusk? Or am I missing something to be able to do them both but on different characters. Thank you.

Precursor collection ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grim Jr.8946

Grim Jr.8946

You can only do precursor crafting once per account

Precursor collection ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: allorn.4169


Why do all the other ones I’ve started show up then, and in my collection as well as on the vendor still? I can’t see Dusk even in the vendor for sale. (the recipe) But I can see incinerator, and several others in my collections as well as on the vendor still?

Precursor collection ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


You can do multiple collections at the same time. I was working on colossus and the spear at the same time, no problem. You can only craft the pre once per account, but that’s not what OP was asking.

Precursor collection ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mage.3570


Precursor crafting once per account? Terrible implementation…even though I won’t be making one myself.

Been there, done that. What’s next?

Precursor collection ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


Precursor crafting once per account? Terrible implementation…even though I won’t be making one myself.

Legendaries are for skins, once you get the skin you don’t need to craft another one.

Precursor collection ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: allorn.4169


Ok..Dusk is apparently bugged for me, I filed a bug report.

I talked to someone in LA who could see it even though they had started the collection; it was on the vendor for them still. Also I can see the collections for Incinerator, Kudzu, Predator, and Predator, all of which I’ve started..they all show up on all my characters in the Achievements panel and all show up on the vendor still but Dusk is nowhere to be found as a collection weapon achievement or as a vendor item.

(I know it’s at the bottom, I found it there and bought it, but it’s not to be found now.) Please help.