Precursor from new reward system?
My guess would be no, that would be to easy. It was mentioned that precursors would become available through other means but nothing more specific yet.
Yet it would have been a good idea. Colin said 1 token for dailies and 10 for monthlies so put it for 100 tokens and it takes 2 months and a half of hard work to get a precursor. Seems fair.
Except of course if they still don’t want to touch that stuff yet, question of profits or whatever conspiracy…
I would like to know if precursors are affected by this update. We were just told that no scavenger hunt was being developed at this time but that precursors would be involved with the new open world reward system or did I mis-read that?
Can any dev please shed some light on this?
Colin said this ‘We are however working on expanding reward systems to make them more re-rewarding across all parts of the game, making the open world more rewarding, and adding new ways you can earn precursors as rewards via new reward systems taking advantage of our open persistent world.’ Well hopes are still up.
Colin said this ‘We are however working on expanding reward systems to make them more re-rewarding across all parts of the game, making the open world more rewarding, and adding new ways you can earn precursors as rewards via new reward systems taking advantage of our open persistent world.’ Well hopes are still up.
well the achievement point system would certainly fall under the category of “new reward systems” but systems WAS plural so it might not be that particular system.
Now if it was, you’d have to be really careful when deciding how long it’s going to take someone to acquire a precursor.
There’s people out there right now who used real money to buy gems, converted them to gold and simply bought their precursor. That’s whatever, that’s on them. That’s money they chose to spend at that time, same as any other item for sale in this world.
But then you have people who actually took the time and ground their flippin butts off to earn what they earned. If people started getting precursors from simple dailies and monthlies, you’ll alienate those people who actually spent the time (probably not having fun doing it) to get what they got. They won’t feel special.
So if it were up to me, the achievement token amount required for a precursor would be equal to a year’s worth of work and no less. 365 days.
A year is plenty of time for many things:
-a person who has a legendary can still enjoy the prestige of owning one
-The above also speaks for the person who’s very close and needs a few more days of work
-players may get sidetracked, they might not get their dailies or monthlies done when they’d like to. This is natural. It’ll differentiate the time it takes to acquire a precursor among players. Legendaries won’t pop up all over the place.
I feel that would be the best way to include a precursor in the achievement system. It’s not giving them away or making them too far out of reach. It’s a good balance between the hardcore, who will do what they need to do every day and the casual, who will do what they want and still feel like they’re making progress towards something.
A year is a long time but I feel like knowing what it takes to achieve something is alot better than wondering if the RNG gods like you or how long it’s going to take to raise 500+ gold.
It’s a good settlement