Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightingale.9714


This most recent update announcement has elicited quite a confusing mess of emotions from me as a Gw2 fan. When I first heard the news I’m like YES! This is going to be sooo awesome! We get new weapon skins, something to work towards and spend time on AND Legendaries will be getting an upgrade! Sweeet!

aaaaand then I started thinking about it too much : I…

The first info on this update came when they also announced that we would be eventually able to craft precursors, which I was absolutely stoked about. This is because I have absolutely NO luck in this game. I feel like I rarely ever get anything good regarding drops, from ALL sources. Ive put tons of money into the mystic forge with nothing but empty inventory space as my reward. I’ve spend at least a cool $100 JUST on black lion keys in the past which left me with 5 ticket scraps and nothing much else good. The point is that when I rely on RNG, I am almost 99% guaranteed to be screwed by it. And believe it or not, this isnt so much a complaint as it is a statement of fact. I have no luck, so I must rely on other means to get what I want/need. This is why the precursor crafting excited me. I wouldnt have to be lucky, I could just put more time into the game and eventually I’d get a precursor!

I assumed that with this crafting update, we would be able to craft the precursors as previously mentioned. This is not the case, which makes the Legendary updates just that much more depressing. I mean it’s great that theyre getting new looks and stats, but from where I’m standing it seems like I’ll never reach that goal. I’ve put 2,200 hours into the game through training characters and whatnot. I have 8 lvl 80’s. And yet it still feels like I’ll never get my shot at making a legendary.

This new update feels like its putting me even farther away from reaching that goal. With the changes to legendaries, the price of precursors will rise again, far outside of availability given my luck.

This probably all makes me sound like a whiny little B——, but I cant help it. It’s just so.kitten .depressing. I needed to talk about it and so here I am. What do the rest of you feel about this? Do you have problems with your luck? I feel that after putting in as much time and money as I have, I ought to have gotten a bit more back from the game, but perhaps I’m wrong.

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you in-game.

Oh and P.S. : Traehearne still sucks, let’s trade in his life force and use it to resurrect a certain Order of Whispers operative…

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Happyfool.8951


what part of upgrading legendaries made you think they would be adding new ways to get them in the next patch?

as announced a while back, they will be adding new ways to get precursors, ehem scavenger hunt. but they did not say it will be this patch. and the market prices are driven by supply and demand. I know that feeling of having legendaries to be unattainable, and i’ve found a very effective way to cheer me up. I simply have no plans of getting one.

We all do as we must to make our way in this world and unfortunately,
we have to do things others may qualify as “evil”.
~Krunch Bloodrage, Looking For Group

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightingale.9714


what part of upgrading legendaries made you think they would be adding new ways to get them in the next patch?

as announced a while back, they will be adding new ways to get precursors, ehem scavenger hunt. but they did not say it will be this patch. and the market prices are driven by supply and demand. I know that feeling of having legendaries to be unattainable, and i’ve found a very effective way to cheer me up. I simply have no plans of getting one.

it wasnt the upgrading legendaries that made me think of it, it was the crafting upgrades. I can appreciate that youve simply given up on getting a Legendary but… I cant work that way = / I’m a semi-completionist and I wont feel like I’ve done what I wanted in this game till I can get a Legendary.

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Happyfool.8951


it’s not that i’ve given up, it’s just that i’m avoiding the dilemma of choosing which legendary to make as i’m a bit of an altaholic. Also the fact the i’m not entirely impressed by the legendary skins themselves(example: I prefer The Hunter[prec] skin to The Predator[legend]).

my advice then to you would be to chill. The scavenger hunt will come. (soon i hope). The legendaries were supposed to be a long term goal. just think of it that way and maybe save for it little by little?

We all do as we must to make our way in this world and unfortunately,
we have to do things others may qualify as “evil”.
~Krunch Bloodrage, Looking For Group

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightingale.9714


it’s not that i’ve given up, it’s just that i’m avoiding the dilemma of choosing which legendary to make as i’m a bit of an altaholic. Also the fact the i’m not entirely impressed by the legendary skins themselves(example: I prefer The Hunter[prec] skin to The Predator[legend]).

my advice then to you would be to chill. The scavenger hunt will come. (soon i hope). The legendaries were supposed to be a long term goal. just think of it that way and maybe save for it little by little?

ok >.<

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I see your problem, OP. I took the easy route for my second legendary by finding the cheapest precusor on the marketplace (venom), which was 25 gold when I bought it. Then I could make a legendary and my semi-completionist was appeased.

I didn’t have to get dusk. Now, Venom has gone up in price to about 60 gold, but it’s still a whole lot cheaper than the more expensive precusors.

If you’re doing it to be a completionist, buy the cheapest precusor and make your legendary.

Or wait, because even though I’m a semi-completionist that doesn’t mean I have to get everything now.

There are long long long term goals for me, medium term goals, and short goals. I just place legendaries in the ultra long term goal.

It’s that much sweeter when you finally do get it.

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cuge.5398


Who the heck cares about completionist…. i want the bolt <.< i’m almost done with all gifts, but now its precursor price skyrocketed to 560 golds+ jeez

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olba.5376


So tell me…

what makes you think that when they release precursor crafting, it will be cheaper than the current prices of precursors on the TP?

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightingale.9714


So tell me…

what makes you think that when they release precursor crafting, it will be cheaper than the current prices of precursors on the TP?

What makes you think it wont be?

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cuge.5398


If they make them craftable i wont buy them from tp, i’ll just craft them ….

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightingale.9714


If they make them craftable i wont buy them from tp, i’ll just craft them ….

Aye. It wont rely on a lump sum of money. Will rely on slowly gathering the right materials and putting them together. A much better option imo.

Precursors and Legendaries: The Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sauzo.6821



With 8 level 80s, you can easily pull in 25g a day even casually. Use all 8 to farm Ori ore. That’s around 400 ore a day at almost 5s per ore. That’s 20g right there. Then run easy and fast dungeons like Hotw P1, SE P1/3, TA P1, CoF P1, CoE P1. That alone in just the gold reward is another 6g plus whatever you get in drops like cores and lodestones. Then finish off the night with a scarlet run that hopefully is successful and that’s another 5g or so. So in total per day, even doing crappy, you will still net around 30g. Do that for 1 month and you will easily have the cash to afford any precursor.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?