Pretty much the real issue of why DR is a problem for people
lol, press O = trade post, there was no period or lines in between them i literally said use karma or the trade post. sorry, should have spelled that out so “press O” couldn’t be ignored or misinterpreted.
and you’re going off into straw men and left field arguments. the specifics and micro details being dissimilar from gw to gw2 do not matter, the only things in this game you actually need to grind out are cosmetic.
(edited by fony.5102)
Entitlement is just a buzzword now, it’s hard to take arguments based on it seriously when it’s tossed around so much.
People aren’t asking for handouts here, they just want to play the game without being punished for playing the game. Thankfully SPvP doesn’t suffer from DR [yet] so it’s not a complete slap in the face.
just a copy/paste. not my words, though the general idea of making things more rewarding is what needs to happen instead of giving in to complaints about the short term problem or spending time creating systems to punish a few while affecting everyone else.
Well put there. You do a much better job in this thread than the individual you cut and pasted from!
[CERN] – Tarnished Coast
Excellent post, I can get behind most of that.
What the original post states is actually false.
The only pure level 80 area in the has only one type of mob.
You will hit DR just walking round soloing mobs in the only level appropriate content at level 80.
The players on the forums and the subreddit complaining about deminishing returns are a vocal minority that have a problem of entitlement.
I have serious issues with statements like this. People like myself have highlighted exactly how DR affects NORMAL PLAY.
Getting hit by DR penalty for trying to complete an event chain is NOT an issue of entitlement. moving my way to another point of interest or town should not penalise me by diminishing my drop rates because they threw so many mobs at me along the way!
What part of that is self-entitled? Exactly. What. Part!
Last night I did a little test. I farmed various dynamic events for about 1.5 hours. 18 events total. I didn’t see any DR from them. They all gave the exact same about of Exp, Karma and money.
Now I can see the DR kicking in maybe if you farm the exact same event over and over sure, but going from one event to another I didn’t see any effect.
ยป My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances
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