Problem with changes to Personal Story

Problem with changes to Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ganjar.9265


tl;dr I don’t like how each chapter of the story is now 10 levels apart

Hi there
I’ve been playing for about half an hour this morning and have been interacting with the changes that have just been made.
On the whole, I like them except for the change to how (and more importantly, when) we can enter our personal story chapters.

I understand ANet’s reasoning behind separating the chapters up into these more distinct chunks of story but I’m not sure that it is actually a good idea.
Question “does it make the game more or less fun to play?”.

In my case, I think it makes the game less fun to play because it takes away choice from the player. Ok, on the previous system it would be that I do a bit of story and then for the next bit I might need to grind 2 or 3 levels. Which meant, I would go explore and clear out a zone or do a bit of WvW for an hour or two and then I could go back and do a bit of story. On the other hand, I could ask a friend of mine, who has a higher level character, to lend me a hand with the story mission.
Lots of different choices on how I decide to continue.

With the new system, I can’t even see on the map where my next story mission is and instead of doing a level or two of other content, I have to grind out 9 levels (which will take me several hours and might not be what I want to do right now) before I can even see where it is and read what the next mission is.
Lack of choices.

I understand how this system might “simplify” things for new players but it’s annoying for people who actually know what they’re doing in the game.

Now, one character, I’ve been playing through the story with 3 friends. We just finished chapter 2 a few days ago and we’re all around level 18 or 19 and I know that the next mission (the beginning of chapter 3) was a level 22 mission. But now, because chapter 3 is locked until level 30, we’re going to have to grind out 11 or 12 levels of other content before we can proceed with what we want to be doing. And I’m sure we would do other things in between the personal story chapters but it is the lack of choice and the sever structure of the story chapters that annoys me.

Maybe there is a middle ground to how the story is delivered but I don’t like the way it has been changed. I get that we’ll now be able to do an entire chapter without waiting and that the rewards will be better but I don’t think that that makes up for being effectively forced into (approximately) 5-7 hours of grinding without any story.

I’d really like feedback from the guys at ANet (I love your game but this change….. ) and from other players, to get your opinions.
Thanks guys.

Problem with changes to Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ganjar.9265


It occurs to me that, because these changes have only just been made, I haven’t made a brand new character since they were made and maybe, starting a new character, it may be better, at the beginning.

But for all my characters that are in the middle of their stories, it sucks.