Problems with the newly-added faces
I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. I was super excited to see new faces, but disappointed that most were so similar as to be brother & sister. However, the new female Sylvari faces are awesome, and I really like the Asura face tattoos. The Norn females are too pouty.
There are so many unique faces in the world, yet GW2 seems to only have perfectly symmetrical models. I’d like to see more crooked noses, thin lips, and make-up free faces.
The Wrong Crowd [bAd] Yak’s Bend
I agree, Spiral. It seems like GW2 is so obsessed with creating the “ideal”—flawless faces, supermodel bodies, and so on—that they would break the lore (because a norn in tons of makeup? Really??) and sacrifice true variety, for the sake of that"ideal". Truly ugly characters, or characters with physical imperfections would be wonderful. Not everyone would like them, but then, that’s what variety is about. Catering to many tastes.
I’m starting to go off-subject though. Point being that yes, the norn and human faces were more of the same old stuff. The asura faces were lazy, the charr glitchy, and the sylvari lazy (to a lesser degree).
That’s not to say I don’t like the new faces—I do like them. I created a new character so I could use one of them. But arenanet needs to pay more attention to quality.
I think that the words, “lazy,” and, “laziness,” are overused or all too often misused.
I think that the words, “lazy,” and, “laziness,” are overused or all too often misused.
I agree, but I don’t know what else to call this. Cutting corners? Used it.
What would you call it?
Uninspired? Drab? Repetitive? Limp? Bland?
I don’t know. I haven’t looked at them yet. Try me again in about an hour. I’m hoping I don’t have to actually pick one of those words for my reaction.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
The sylvari are a bit too similar this time around, but still good, as are most of the charr faces (aside from the ridiculously wide-eyed housecat). However, it looks like the more “monstrous” female charr #3, which is great otherwise, lacks teeth — the slider doesn’t do anything.
The rest is, sadly, more of the same where female character are concerned: underaged, painted, “perfect”, essentially indistinguishable dolls. I swear you could remove three quarters of the female norn and human faces and hardly anyone would notice it because they don’t have any distinctive features. Could we please get some faces that actually look adult, nevermind give an adventurer vibe i.e. lines and scars instead of heavy duty makeup? Also, some faces that are not so lily-white would be really good. The sliders don’t do much if you’re trying for a Cantha or Elona look.
Charr and sylvari have some “cutesy” faces too, but with them it seems the designers are allowed and/or willing to be more creative and actually go for the “plant person” and “monstrous predator” theme of the species instead of making everything female a masturbation fantasy.
My biggest gripe with adding new appearance options is that you can not access them at char. creation. Even if they want to be greedy and charge us for it, they could still include those faces as a preview or make them use transmutation charges.
-Mike O’Brien, President of Arenanet