Professions’ forums shocking stats

Professions’ forums shocking stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carkara.1846


I just went through all professions’ forums to see what is the community support / attention we’ve been getting from ANet.

Basically I accessed the first 5 pages of each forum which means 150 posts per forum and the number of posts with at least one Community Support answer are:

Elementalist: 5 (the winner)
Engineer: 1
Guardian: 0
Necro: 2
Mesmer: 1
Ranger: 3
Thief: 2
Warrior: 1

So for every 1200 post ANet answers 15 of them or 1.25% if we go a little bit deeper, 9 of these answers are locking the post, therefore only 6 constructive answers have been given to the community.

How ANet thinks they can balance the professions if the community is not heard?

How ANet thinks PvPers will stick to the game if game balancing is not taken

How Anet dares to implement big patches without testing it in a public test server?

GW2 is 3-4 months old, at this pace the one year celebration will be a 3 servers party.

Professions’ forums shocking stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


I just went through all professions’ forums to see what is the community support / attention we’ve been getting from ANet.

Basically I accessed the first 5 pages of each forum which means 150 posts per forum and the number of posts with at least one Community Support answer are:

Elementalist: 5 (the winner)
Engineer: 1
Guardian: 0
Necro: 2
Mesmer: 1
Ranger: 3
Thief: 2
Warrior: 1

Hilariously, Guardians in the early October patch (and Mesmers with this current one) were the profession that got the biggest new hole ripped into it via the “retaliation nerf.” I think there was more vocal posting about that than there was about some of the hilariously bad decisions made about Paladins over in WoW relative to game population. This of course means there can never be an admission that a mistake was made about it (for Mesmers as well, I imagine- ANET seems to be a little lacking in the testing of “fixes” before they’re implemented).

(edited by Archmortal.1027)

Professions’ forums shocking stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Honestly, I’d gladly accept them dropping their posts to 1/10 what it is now, if we’d get some bug fixes in return.

It’s a discouraging lack of progress with in-game fixes that troubles more than a lack of telling us that they still haven’t done any fixes.

Professions’ forums shocking stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tahatan.8962


How ANet thinks they can balance the professions if the community is not heard?

Since when does posting or not posting on a forum show whether that forum is being read? This is my first post on these forums, does that imply I have never read them? (I’ve been here since launch, I read the forums every day.)

Please engage brain before posting.

Professions’ forums shocking stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

How odd that rangers have the most, yet we’re the red headed step child of the group. First post was a promise that they didn’t follow through with. Second post was a snarky attitude with excuses that didn’t address anything and no idea what the third one was, probably addressing how they borked traps.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Professions’ forums shocking stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

Even if the developers or other Anet members don’t post in the forums, rest assured that they know what is happening. The moderator team is their eyes and we make sure they get feedback on everything.

Thanks for your understanding. This thread is closed.