The point of this post is simply: “Honest New Content Progression Please”
In 2012 Gw2 launched one of the most successful MMO’s on the planet. Arguably the best one there is. Not only was it fresh and exciting with its groundbreaking innovations like the jumping puzzles, world completion, different ways of exp gain, and crafted legendaries, the most exciting part of it all was consistent NEW content.
I was surprised and even shocked at the honest motivations of the development team when they introduced seasons and living world. It seemed like we finally found a game that is focused on progression at its best and innovative like no other.
UNTIL, ANET decided to lean on the crutch of Regression! Why would you do this? You were doing so well and we had so much hope and anticipation and you let us all down!
So what do I mean by “regression?”: Bringing back old content when you’ve reached a plateau where you don’t have anymore content to give. So I understand that sometimes things slow down a bit, but don’t do this ANET. Many games and companies have used this strategy to mask the fact that we’re not progressing, but it is a big red flag that tells us you have nothing else to give. And that you’ve reached your limit.
Why are you bringing back old item skins to the gem shop? I can’t imagine it would be hard to make 1 more unique dagger skin? And why are you bringing back old Black Lion skins? Just give us new better ones. That is the progress you’ve promised us. If people want the old skins, just make a better version of it. Isn’t that what you’ve been doing all along? It does not have to be the same exact skin! This act of simply bringing back old skins shows us that you’re the same as the other lazy guys and can’t care enough to make decent content. Change the color on it, add a bit of flare, just change it slightly. DONT JUST COPY PASTE IT RIGHT BACK TO US! What’re you thinking ANET!? You’ve made so much groundbreaking progress and made a name for yourself as being one of the most content progressive MMO in history, and you ruin it for just a few skins? Just a few more Gems in your pocket? You would’ve made just as much by introducing something new, even if it wasn’t the best! Why ruin your name like this?
What I am trying to say is this: Let history be history, and make new breakthroughs. You’ve left the historical MMO model and made new history. You have to do the same with your own old content. Let the history become legend and allow us to honor and respect the good work you’ve done in the past and the awesome skins/content (like season 1 items) you’ve given us. Don’t cheapen it by bringing it back just because we’re a bit dry in terms of content. Even if people cry and complain that they want to have the old content, don’t give in. This is the path of regression that will kill the game and kill the good name you’ve built. Instead give them quality content that rivals with what you’ve done in the past. Make breakthroughs and surpass even your old selves. If you don’t do this, you have plateaued and you will lose your reputation. Please be the game that makes history. This is the guild wars franchise we know. Please, please don’t be the one that leans on your past achievements because we are sick of that already.
-Your Average Gamer