Progression not Regression for once, please?

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soleil.1304


The point of this post is simply: “Honest New Content Progression Please”

In 2012 Gw2 launched one of the most successful MMO’s on the planet. Arguably the best one there is. Not only was it fresh and exciting with its groundbreaking innovations like the jumping puzzles, world completion, different ways of exp gain, and crafted legendaries, the most exciting part of it all was consistent NEW content.

I was surprised and even shocked at the honest motivations of the development team when they introduced seasons and living world. It seemed like we finally found a game that is focused on progression at its best and innovative like no other.

UNTIL, ANET decided to lean on the crutch of Regression! Why would you do this? You were doing so well and we had so much hope and anticipation and you let us all down!

So what do I mean by “regression?”: Bringing back old content when you’ve reached a plateau where you don’t have anymore content to give. So I understand that sometimes things slow down a bit, but don’t do this ANET. Many games and companies have used this strategy to mask the fact that we’re not progressing, but it is a big red flag that tells us you have nothing else to give. And that you’ve reached your limit.

Why are you bringing back old item skins to the gem shop? I can’t imagine it would be hard to make 1 more unique dagger skin? And why are you bringing back old Black Lion skins? Just give us new better ones. That is the progress you’ve promised us. If people want the old skins, just make a better version of it. Isn’t that what you’ve been doing all along? It does not have to be the same exact skin! This act of simply bringing back old skins shows us that you’re the same as the other lazy guys and can’t care enough to make decent content. Change the color on it, add a bit of flare, just change it slightly. DONT JUST COPY PASTE IT RIGHT BACK TO US! What’re you thinking ANET!? You’ve made so much groundbreaking progress and made a name for yourself as being one of the most content progressive MMO in history, and you ruin it for just a few skins? Just a few more Gems in your pocket? You would’ve made just as much by introducing something new, even if it wasn’t the best! Why ruin your name like this?

What I am trying to say is this: Let history be history, and make new breakthroughs. You’ve left the historical MMO model and made new history. You have to do the same with your own old content. Let the history become legend and allow us to honor and respect the good work you’ve done in the past and the awesome skins/content (like season 1 items) you’ve given us. Don’t cheapen it by bringing it back just because we’re a bit dry in terms of content. Even if people cry and complain that they want to have the old content, don’t give in. This is the path of regression that will kill the game and kill the good name you’ve built. Instead give them quality content that rivals with what you’ve done in the past. Make breakthroughs and surpass even your old selves. If you don’t do this, you have plateaued and you will lose your reputation. Please be the game that makes history. This is the guild wars franchise we know. Please, please don’t be the one that leans on your past achievements because we are sick of that already.

-Your Average Gamer

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


While I’m not going to argue against new stuff, I would simply point out people like to collect cool things, and newer players who weren’t around when something first came out like chances to buy them.
Those players spending money helps (theoretically) keep the game afloat so they can do things like build expansion packs/living world updates.

Again, not arguing against new stuff, but seeing a few older items for sale isn’t a huge deal.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zoejo.2317


This is the path of regression that will kill the game and kill the good name you’ve built.

Just to clarify, by “this” do you include a whole new expansion and everything in it, a whole new city, a new trait system? Active word being “new”.

Becuase if, in the face of this, you really get so enraged over one skin being up for 24h and decide it’s all copy-pasting, I don’t even know what to tell you. Seriously, I don’t.

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aer.3970


You don’t speak for me, OP.

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenesthesia.1697


I think the op is ticked off because he was hoarding some of those old rare weapons that will stop being rare and go down in price……

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Even tho this game has been referred to as a “dress up Barbie” game from time to time that does NOT mean that the whole game revolves around skins….

Bringing back old skins now and then is not regression, if anything it’s a bit of nostalgia or a second chance for some of the newer players to enjoy things of the past. Seriously….you say the WHOLE game is regressing over a simple skin being brought back now and then…. I dunno but that’s just, actually I don’t know what that is lol.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Did I miss something? What ‘old skin’ was brought back that has the OP so up-in-arms?

And, did the OP just find out that skins are sometimes re-released (by popular demand, no less)?

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soleil.1304


I just simply want new twists and turns just not the same old thing all the time. I just hate it when developers keep bringing back old stuff. If you like to repeat history and keep doing what you’ve been doing, you should go back to WoW. They’ll give you lots of the “same thing.”

Most of the fans of Guild Wars are people who value innovation. I’m just asking you to get back to your original promise of innovation.

As for the popular demand goes, there are two ways to handle it:

1. Repeat history and bring it back.
2. Find innovative ways to add fresh twists to the old history and bring it back with a bit of flare.

1. Is the lazy developer’s choice, 2. is the innovative developer’s choice.
Same reason why music artists perform the same song in different ways at different venues and changes a little year after year.

All I am saying is: If Anet is going to claim innovation, stop repeating old stuff. Or if you are going to keep bringing back old things, stop claiming innovation so we can stop supporting you. Lets be honest.

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

I think new players should have as much a chance as possible of enjoying previous content. It just makes sense.

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JediYoda.1275


They just gave us full rebuilt L.A along with a huge balance changes patch while still working on first GW2 paid expansion. From a recent reddit post from a dev saying everyone is working on expansion full time andno time to work on other things. Some of these gem store skins are new and have never been released before for gw2 example new Monk outfit and new dyes. So you will have to wait till exp comes for new content!

OP are you expectations set way too high?

“If only ANet had some kind of forum they could use to communicate with us……”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao

(edited by JediYoda.1275)

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soleil.1304


Maybe my expectations are too high. And that ANET is just like any other developers.

I had hoped that Gw2 was different. I guess disappointment is something I need to get used to in MMOs. I’ll just see if ANET keeps bringing old things back or not and use that to determine whether I invest more in this game. With the expansion coming out and all, I do hope they keep their trend of new stuff instead of using the crutch of old success.

One thing is for sure that the younger player base won’t stand for “Old Success.” We need to push forward into the new.

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.3957


I think your looking at “regression” in the wrong light. Selling old skins and tools is just smart, people who didnt play back then will want them. Why shouldnt they have them? Only the people who are elitest and want the prestige of being the only one to have them blah blah blah are the people who wouldnt want anet to sell them again.

Rather, lets look at “Regression” from a view point of the standards that Guildwars 2 created when it came out, the innovation and beautiful design. The mold breaking mmo that showed the world that you didnt have to be a WoW clone to be an awesome game.. Now lets look at where we are now, from where we were at launch. Build diversity being destroyed, traits being removed and streamlined. The game is all about dps, being tanky or heal heavy is utterly pointless when you can kill bosses and players faster then they can hurt you.. Look at the whole entierty of a game that “you can play how you want” while your leveling up and unlocking things as simple as Vistas, or WvW.. You have to wait until lv 10 to start doing your personal story.. Your not playing how you want anymore, your playing the way they want you to. The way they want you to is becoming progressivly more limited with each patch.

There has been regression, they have gone against their own morals and principles. WoW has taken a lot of great ideas Anet has made, to make their game less crap, and Anet (Or maybe NCsoft) has taken a lot of crap ideas from other games to make more money. Gw2 has gotten worse, and other Mmo’s have gotten better.

We have regressed in a way most people might not realize. We have lost the morals that set us so far apart from the other streamlined MMO’s and WoW clones.

Its just a matter of time before there are subscription fees, or p2win crap in the gem store Sighs

(Honestly, I think even anet knows if they ever charged sub fees’ that even the most loyal of their player base will leave them. subscription fees is just an example of them going back on their words and the morals of their original release. I seriously think arenanet needs to take a few steps back and look at where they came from, and get back to their morals and roots.. set out to be better then other mmo’s and let their players return because of THAT, not because of fancy meta-marketing tactics, and empty-promises and lack-luster bells and whistles.)

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

From what I skimmed of the OP, it seems like it’s just a rant over the gemstore and old skins returning. Sorry OP, you probably decided to hang onto skins a week too long and now you’re paying for it in item value. It happens.

Progression not Regression for once, please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I just simply want new twists and turns just not the same old thing all the time. I just hate it when developers keep bringing back old stuff. If you like to repeat history and keep doing what you’ve been doing, you should go back to WoW. They’ll give you lots of the “same thing.”

Most of the fans of Guild Wars are people who value innovation. I’m just asking you to get back to your original promise of innovation.

As for the popular demand goes, there are two ways to handle it:

1. Repeat history and bring it back.
2. Find innovative ways to add fresh twists to the old history and bring it back with a bit of flare.

1. Is the lazy developer’s choice, 2. is the innovative developer’s choice.
Same reason why music artists perform the same song in different ways at different venues and changes a little year after year.

All I am saying is: If Anet is going to claim innovation, stop repeating old stuff. Or if you are going to keep bringing back old things, stop claiming innovation so we can stop supporting you. Lets be honest.

Yes, Anet is lazily working on an expansion. What’s lazy is people’s throught process when using the word lazy to define something they don’t personally like. You don’t like something so it’s lazy. Wrong.

And innovation has NOTHING TO DO with old stuff. All professional writers who innovate still have old stuff in their books. It doesn’t mean they’re not innovative.

Being original doesn’t mean you don’t use anything anyone else has ever used. That’s just ridiculous.