Protect Krewe leader Dobbs event bugged?
I’d like to know that too. Every time I try him, he’s still bugged. I remember I ended up buying whatever it was I needed from him on the TP.
If only Dobbs made some visual noise….
I can’t see the Ancient Stone Summit Shoulder Spike in the TP actually. Not sure of there is any other way.
Yeah, I think I’m stuck on that one too. I think what I got from him before was some kind of beverage for one of the beverage achievements, but it was quite a while ago so…. memory fuzzy.. all those drinks..
I did the event yesterday, in a EU map instance that was preparing to close down. In the end, there were three people helping him when Dobbs was finally happy with the last excavation site, and I bought my Ancient Stone Summit Shoulder Spike from his assistant.
Congratz man. How long did you have to wait for the event to start?
I totally lucked into it. :-) I was almost finished with doing map completion in Timberline Falls on my Rev when I got around to that area and saw that the event was on. I jumped on it, of course, and hoped that Krewe Leader “slow poke” Dobbs would be done with his excavations before the map closed…
So I guess I try running around, chopping some wood and hope for the event to spawn