This will probably be broken into two parts because of length and forums having short attention span probably
I don’t mind people who are new to my fractal runs. We all have to start somewhere, and if I can help showing someone the ropes, I generally don’t mind doing that; I have patience— to an extent.
Today was the day I reached beyond my threshold to try and help a disastrous run in Fractals 10. I was wanting a quick and easy run, but upon finding out that there were some new members to certain fractals like collosus, I was instructing them on methods of completion.
Then, there was this one person. I won’t give out his name, but let’s say his moniker rhymed with the material from bulletproof vests, Kevlar. For the sake of telling the story, I will be naming him “Kevlar” but that is not his actual name. Back to the tale, every step of the way, he would ask “why can’t we do it this way, I did it this way last time.” “why this” “why that” why why why why why why why.
We move unto the Asuran stage, where me and one other person would try and handle the crystals while explaining to them how it needed to be done. All the new members needed to do was listen to how it was done, and then DPS. Previous to us grabbing the crystals we had told everyone to wait outside. As we’re gathering them, in comes good ol’ Kevlar to aggro the boss killing us both in the process before we could get the crystals.
“Why did I have to stay outside? Can’t I come in”
“…Didn’t we tell you we had to gather the crystals before you guys come in because each crystal needs to go into the terminals to turn the fan on or we all die?”
“Why do you need the crystals to turn on the fan?”
We somehow manage to get through after a less-than-clean attempt. Kevlar would forget to turn on the fan repeatedly. I would have to blink my way to the fan while handling crystals and resing in order to get Old Tom done.
We move unto the next fractal, and I hoped somewhere it would be an easy one.
Collosus. My heart sunk a little because teaching relatively new players with no experience this particular fractal is quite difficult, but I took on the task anyways with another experienced player in the party helping me.
“Why do we need the hammer?”
“Because we need to break the seals”
He promptly grabs the hammer and runs off with it not even knowing it’s purpose or how to handle the responsibility, stacks up to 40 and dies as I’m telling him to come back with it so I can explain the responsibility of seal breaking with the hammer. I’m beginning to get annoyed with teaching this person how to do this properly because he is continuously resistant to everything we’ve said, and he’s holding back the other people who need to learn. We get to the head phase of the boss where I explain to him the easy way to do this, where I hear…
“Why do we need to do it this way?” as he’s smacking both of the monsters with a hammer about to kill both on one side.
“Stop attacking for a moment”
“Because if you kill both, it spawns a lot and we’ll wipe. Leave one please.”
“But last time, I—”
“I don’t care what you did last time. This is easier. Please do it this way so that you save yourself trouble in future runs”
We get through colossus somehow, even though he kept taking the hammer and not knowing what to do with it, dragging the run on even longer.
I’m gritting my teeth in aggravation at this point. The pointless questions, the lack of cooperation, the continuous mistakes due to lack of listening, Kevlar has really pushed me and my other experienced teammate to the bounds of patience.
continued below
(edited by Sabelle.2159)