Punished for being in a PUG

Punished for being in a PUG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


PUG – Pickup group
A pickup group, or pug, is a group of random players that are grouped together via the matchmaking system, usually to do an dungeon or quest.

ArenaNet has said that Exploration Dungeons are NOT for PUGS. When you look at the PUG players, they are a good chunk of the player base. Why would you want to restrict them from that? I understand that you need to make things challenging but in the state that some of these dungeons are in, they are almost impossible to get thru using a PUG.

When I play late a night, most of my guild mates are not online and I will join a PUG. I like to meet new people and play with new people. But just because I am in a PUG that means I can’t do the harder exploration dungeons. Or its going to take many hours and a lot of repair bills just to get thru that explorable dungeon. Is that fair to people who play in PUGS?

If there where actual Raids that needed 8-10-16-20-25 people then yes I could understand the NEED for communication. But these are just 5 man dungeons!

I just feel like there is a flaw with that type of system, and I know people are going to disagree but this is how I feel.

Punished for being in a PUG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


So very much agreed. I literally just camped out of a pug because after 1g spent on repairs, in a zone I had never been in, some moron said, “you’re not making suggestions” as if I had any information to work on. Mind you, this is “Kill zhaitan”. The final node in the personal story for which I can’t possibly have any suggestions excep, “Stop. Let’s talk and decide what to do as a group.”

So yeah. The suck of PUGs needs to be taken into account so that all content is accessible to all people.

Or admit that this isn’t a goal.

Punished for being in a PUG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adzy.8370


yeah PUG’s can be annoying sometimes. But i am level 80 and have never been in a group other than a PUG and I’m almost full exotic w.e and haven’t had any other major issues (other than a 3 day ban). System works for me.

Punished for being in a PUG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Johnson.3874


If there where actual Raids that needed 8-10-16-20-25 people then yes I could understand the NEED for communication. But these are just 5 man dungeons!

I just feel like there is a flaw with that type of system, and I know people are going to disagree but this is how I feel.

Two things come to mind :.

1/ You have an entire game, based on the fact that you don’t have to group. The dungeon must represent not even 5% of what is available to you. But still, you’re not happy because those 5% requires communication. Seriously ? I feel that you’re asking for too much.
I mean, this is the way people are nowadays. You offer them a truckload of content they can do solo, without grouping, being alone in their little corner of the world. You put just a tiny portion of the game in a different perspective, to allow players who like coordination and team play to have some challenge. And there you go : people complain because some content is not designed to be rushed and finished in 10 minutes.

2/ Everywhere I see people complaining that the game is too easy. I see people whining that it’s a game for casual, because you don’t even have to group or speak to a NPC to get your quests (whatever the logic behind that is…). This is weird. Content is either too easy, either too hard for people. They want some challenge, but they don’t want difficulty.

No hard feelings, maybe that’s not how OP see things, but I guess your remarks made me think about all those people who complain all the time even when you give them what they want.

Punished for being in a PUG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


1) I LOVE to run dungeons. I also like doing many other things in this game and I know there is a lot of other content for me to do. But I do not have any problems with that content. The only problem I have is trying to run dungeons as a pug, and I think you misunderstood my post completely.
This has NOTHING to do with being bored or having lack of content.

2). I also see many people saying how hard some of the dungeons are. Hell even some of the Story dungeons where you are supposed to be able to clear with a pug should be easy enough, but some are not. Like I said I LOVE a challenge, but some of these dungeons are just ridiculous.

After all shouldn’t this game be for EVERYONE? Not just a small minority (dare I say elitist)? I thought that is what was supposed to make Guild Wars 2 great! You know the “play your way” type of deal? If a group of random players wanted to do a Hard Mode dungeon then let them! But not with such a severe penalty and next to nothing reward!

Punished for being in a PUG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


Yes, we should do everything for the lowest common denominator.

Nevermind the supreme satisfaction of tackling something difficult with a good group of organized friends if it’s too hard for Johnny to do with a group of strangers.

Reminds me of the American education system.