Purple greatswords
The Mist weapons are a sort of purpely pink.
One I can think of off the top of my head is the ascended sentinel greatsword. Etched greatsword is purple-ish. The Chiroptophobia gs skin is purple-ish. Ahh heck, here’s where you can check em all out. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_greatswords
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
The Fellblade… is kind of purple? Other then that, there’s the Peacemaker’s Greatsword (Asuran Tier3 Cultural Weapon), the Nightmare Greatsword (Twilight Arbor Dungeon), Vision of the Mists (Mystic Forge recipe), and then there’s technically the Wupwup’s Greatsword, which is sort of purple.
Nightmare Greatsword-
Peacemaker’s Greatsword-
Tormented Greatsword Skin-
The aforementioned Vision of The Mists-
WupWup Claymore-
Those are currently ALL of the available “purple Greatswords”…
The main one that first comes to my mind is the Tormented Greatsword.
Can also preview all available greatswords and other weapons in the wardrobe tab of your bank.
Here are some pics from Argos-soft of purplish ones:
- Chiroptophobia
- Vision of the Mists
- Nightmare Greatsword
- Peacemaker’s Greatsword
- Tormented Greatsword
- Wupwup Claymore
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I suggest you look through here until you find one you like.