PvE Finishers?

PvE Finishers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Until the Toxic enemies during the Tower of Nightmares events, there were no PvE enemies you could apply finishers too. Even now they are the only types where this is an option. Finishers can be kinda fun to apply though, and I have no interest in the PvP portions of the game. I’d like to see them add more enemies that fall into the downed state and need to be finished off, however I would make it a bit less of a hassle than the Toxic Alliance.

The normal downed state is to give a human player some chance to get up. We don’t really want mobs to have a chance though, the point is just to add a little spice to the battle, so I would recommend making these two changes to the way that mob finishers work.

1. Make them instant cast. If you can reach melee range and hit “f”, the mob dies instantly, animation plays. There’s no reason to stand there channeling for several seconds.

2. Lower their downed state HP a bit. Make it easy enough to DPS them out if that’s how you prefer, but just enough that you don’t always accidentally kill them when you intend to go for the stomp. Vets and boss type enemies with this mechanic could take a little longer to DPS down.

I think that with those two changes, it shouldn’t overly inconvenience anyone if certain classes of enemies went into downed state, while it would add a fun little slice element to the battles, and would give PvE players incentive to show of (and acquire) alternate finishers.

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PvE Finishers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLTCIEAGE.3029


lower mobs hp so after this change we will finish dungs in less then 7 minutes and the only difference would be spaming all skills +spamming f in the corner . Bad idea but I have to agree with finishing it would be fun to use it outside pvp.

PvE Finishers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Yeah, I’m not saying that they should lower the mobs’ overall HP, I was just noting that if they give the mob a downed state then the HP needed to finish them off by just spamming damage at them should be lower than it was on the Toxic Alliance.

So like as an example, with the TA, if you had say four enemies that were relatively close together and you got them all into downs state, you had two options. You could spike each one, which would take like five seconds each, or you could spam AoEs on them and DPS them down, which would take almost as long because they had decent HP in that state.

In the modified system I’m proposing, they would be downed, and if you let them alone they could get back up, but you would have the option of running up to melee range and spike-spike-spike-spike-spike them all out in a couple of seconds, flashy visuals ensue, OR you could just launch a few AoEs at them and DPs them out, which also wouldn’t take much time. DPSing them would likely be more efficient if you weren’t already in melee, but the option to Finish would give you some variety.

I wouldn’t like to see more enemies with full TA-level downed states though, they were a hassle.

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PvE Finishers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


The farmers spat the dummy at having to finish PVE mobs.