PvE does not equal dungeons
per Colin Johanson:
“Open world online games are always strongest when players are encouraged and rewarded to interact as a community, to support other each other, and when the flow of the game ushers players to go places where they run into other players across all levels and have shared experiences.”
that is why
Way to go fail, linking an out of context quote. Tell me, what “Open World” content requires grouping? There are “group” DEs.. but they don’t require grouping, just a mass of people, or not since some can be soloed. He was talking about Dynamic Events, not 5 man instanced dungeons. Huge difference.
Actually you took my post out of content. Huge fail.
Read this to understand where I am coming from
The Full Quote, concerning the DYNAMIC EVENT systems in the OPEN WORLD and the WvW maps. None of which has anything to do with 5 man instances. Where you are coming from is not understanding what you quoted or linked to. Grats.
“Allowing players to share experiences in an open world where other players are seen as helpful, rather than competition, is a huge component of what makes our game what it is. Open world online games are always strongest when players are encouraged and rewarded to interact as a community, to support other each other, and when the flow of the game ushers players to go places where they run into other players across all levels and have shared experiences. Our shared loot system, dynamic level adjustment system, shared resource nodes, multi-player skill combos, and the ability for every player to revive one another are all examples of key game features that help support this concept of a community-driven experience.
Guild Wars 2 is a game that’s about these shared experiences. Through the dynamic event system, every time you log in, you can experience and share something different in the world with other players. Maybe you’re in a map you’ve been to before and see an event for the first time, or you’re in the midst of an event and it dynamically scales with more players arriving, becoming more epic, or you’re fighting for control of Stonemist Castle in WvW, where each fight can play out differently.
Since launch, we’ve shown our capacity to really build and expand on this system of dynamic events with more unique events that are a living story. These special events and living stories like Wintersday, Halloween, and the Lost Shores invasion are all examples of this style of event we’ve run since the launch of GW2.
These key pillars — a sense of community and a dynamic, living world full of different experiences every time you log in — are what makes Guild Wars 2 what it is. But what does that mean looking forward to 2013?
I leveled 2 of my 80’s with zero group participation, apart from bystanders at some events, have no idea what the OP is talking about.
Try this: “looking for fun, friendly people to run ____”
Don’t use mmo acronyms like LF2M. Add “experienced” if you prefer a run where everyone’s done it once
This actively filters out elitist jerks and you always get whispers of friendly hellos and requests to join. It always works for me.
I’ve found just using the word ‘casual’ works as a great filter too. That’s how I’ll commonly word my posts on gw2lfg. “CoE path3 LF2M – Casual run”
OP SAB is 100% soloable.
SAB is actually more efficient and easier solo in every case except for the bosses (which take a little longer, but are no more difficult)
You don’t have to wait for/ be yelled at for everyone standing on the button.
You only need one key to open chests.
You are the sole recipient of every health drop.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
I like grouped content i also like solo content depending on my moods etc, i agree with the OP, open world is dead mostly did we really need another temp Dungeon when so much of the game is still broken and in need of fixes? not really…
I guess dungeons are easier to create than fixing the open world or actually expanding on the world, shame really..
I have to agree with the OP on this one. The reason I came to GW2 was I was told that you can solo and still level up if you choose. The Idea of not having to depend on others is a great idea and will bring in and keep players.
The reason I was going to wipe my hands of playing mmo’s period was do to the experiences I had on DC Universe. You pretty much had to group with people to advance and that community was cut throat and full of players who liked being jerks.
I can’t tell you how many times people would kick one another from certain runs or get into petty arguments over game play which would devastate entire leagues.
Yes this is an mmo and yes people play together which is understood, but forcing people to play with one another to make progress is a big mistake. Sometimes people want to do their own thing and should have that choice.
I’m of two minds on the grouping debate.
In theory, I like the idea that people can progress solo. I think it’s not a bad thing for a game to strive for.
But then there’s the business end of things, and I’ve found many people who solo and run out of things to do end up leaving for other games, where people in good guilds tend to stay in the game longer.
I’m almost out of “things to do”, but I still have things I want to do. The thing is, this game without my guild would be much harder to stay with, as many hours as I play a week.
The guild makes me stay in the game. Forcing people to play together means it encourages people to join a guild of like minded players, which can increase the games stickiness, for lack of a better word.
If you play with a guild of people you like, you might be more tempted to stay and do more than if you just do solo content.
So yeah, there’s definitely positive points in both points of view.
I’m of two minds on the grouping debate.
In theory, I like the idea that people can progress solo. I think it’s not a bad thing for a game to strive for.
But then there’s the business end of things, and I’ve found many people who solo and run out of things to do end up leaving for other games, where people in good guilds tend to stay in the game longer.
I’m almost out of “things to do”, but I still have things I want to do. The thing is, this game without my guild would be much harder to stay with, as many hours as I play a week.
The guild makes me stay in the game. Forcing people to play together means it encourages people to join a guild of like minded players, which can increase the games stickiness, for lack of a better word.
If you play with a guild of people you like, you might be more tempted to stay and do more than if you just do solo content.
So yeah, there’s definitely positive points in both points of view.
I think the idea of being forced to group with people is what turns people away from certain games.
When you run out of things to do then if you decide to join a guild you have that option.
If you’re forced to join a guild in order to progress and that’s not your thing and you then decide to move on, I feel that’s bad business.
I’m of two minds on the grouping debate.
In theory, I like the idea that people can progress solo. I think it’s not a bad thing for a game to strive for.
But then there’s the business end of things, and I’ve found many people who solo and run out of things to do end up leaving for other games, where people in good guilds tend to stay in the game longer.
I’m almost out of “things to do”, but I still have things I want to do. The thing is, this game without my guild would be much harder to stay with, as many hours as I play a week.
The guild makes me stay in the game. Forcing people to play together means it encourages people to join a guild of like minded players, which can increase the games stickiness, for lack of a better word.
If you play with a guild of people you like, you might be more tempted to stay and do more than if you just do solo content.
So yeah, there’s definitely positive points in both points of view.
I think the idea of being forced to group with people is what turns people away from certain games.
When you run out of things to do then if you decide to join a guild you have that option.
If you’re forced to join a guild in order to progress and that’s not your thing and you then decide to move on, I feel that’s bad business.
I have to agree with Vayne that the game allows solo play but also makes it impossible to do everything without being in a group.
I agree with you GWP that forcing people to group has in the past made many people quit a MMO. Me being one of them.
Anet has said this game is made for a diverse amount of players, but they have made it clear that all their areas within the game you will need to group, In fact it is encouraged by how they wish all to share in everything.
What is worse is that many that wish to group only stick to the non-open areas of the game to make these groups. Thus maintaining the old MMO mindsets. Something this game does not support when getting into all aspects of this game.
Me, due to being burned too many times in guilds and PUGs would rather solo. That though is not possible if I wish to pursue every part of the game I wish to experience. Do I wish to do dungeons? Yes.
Do I wish to go into Orr? Yes
Do I wish to go through all 1500+ DEs? Yes
Can I solo it? Not really and sometime impossible.
Is this Anets fault? I don’t know. As I said above they made it clear they would rather all those within the game work together.
Is the community working together? NO!
Since December I have been pushing for guilds to step up to the plate and be a focal point in making it able for all to enjoy the 26 PvE zones within this game. Do they do so? No. They would rather cater to the few (namely themselves) then the community (namely everyone).
Many people that play this game still treat it like the old MMOs. I have said it time and again this MMOs is NOT like those. Sure there are some elements that are like old MMOs. 5-mans for example. It is this one quarter of the game that these people flock to. They don’t wish to be bothered to either try something new, or may I be even more blunt. They don’t want to share the sparklies with anyone else. Yes they are Skritt. They must horde all the special stuff for themselves. So in reality they are anti-community. If they were pro-community then at the very least one server would be actively and daily going through all aspects of this game three-froths of which is the open world DE.
Has that happened? NO!
Is this the communities fault? YES!
Please read:
for further insight. As well as:
I don’t know ANY MMO that allows people to do ALL content without grouping. There’s usually some content that requires a group.
I do think the presonal story should not require a group, and there should be some way to solo Arah, perhaps with less rewards (not that the rewards for story mode are so great anyway).
But the bottom line is, there’s tons of stuff for solo players to do. More than in many MMOs.
In this instance, I think Anet got the balance mostly okay.
In my opinion and based on experiences, i would state the problem as such:
-Proper Reward based on time investment.
-Depth of the engagement
-Depth of player interaction
World events (taking this as an example because i don’t think people roam the living world to just seek out events or hearts unless they are grinding completion or levels.) are basically the longevity that non- instanced pve content has to offer seeing as karma is near useless and events are a waste of time considering reward.
Now, take into account, most people playing this game are far from imbeciles (most). If you are playing a game for fun, what is more engaging as a player? (One of many examples that could be given to show content disparity)
(Choose an option)
1. Hitting Jormag from a safespot with 1 on auto-attack while you microwave a pizza and balance your checkbook for a free guaranteed rare?
2. Being fully engaged in a fight like Gigantus Lupicus where your team mates rely on you in a very active manner, second to second, to see victory?
The point is, there is more room to design instanced PvE content with depth and group engagement than the world bosses and otherwise shallow PvE content. You’re not going to get the same depth accent to the skill system or combat mechanics in a huge loot pinata zerg that requires no thought or planning as you would in a dungeon that is specifically designed to do the opposite.
[IMO] GW1 was able to pull off a very high level of engagement and challenge by making nearly everything in the game instanced. I for one, while i do like the open world, feel that the depth of that game mode is just peanuts in comparison to group content. I really see dungeons as the endgame content this game has to offer considering people only just stomp around the living world otherwise. I’d welcome more development to the open world, but honestly i just think the player base at large is just more engaged by instanced content considering it actually takes mental exertion.
per Colin Johanson:
“Open world online games are always strongest when players are encouraged and rewarded to interact as a community, to support other each other, and when the flow of the game ushers players to go places where they run into other players across all levels and have shared experiences.”
that is why
Yes well we all know how anet sticks to their original promises………… oh wait
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
per Colin Johanson:
“Open world online games are always strongest when players are encouraged and rewarded to interact as a community, to support other each other, and when the flow of the game ushers players to go places where they run into other players across all levels and have shared experiences.”
that is why
Yes well we all know how anet sticks to their original promises………… oh wait
Except that’s exactly what’s happening now with the world events. See, people look for stuff just to say Anet lied to them.
One of the fastest ways to be rewarded now is to do world events which draws people into the world. Many who wait for world events, while waiting, play around in that zone. There are always plenty of people doing events in low level areas like Wayfarer and Caledon forest.
In addition, the dailies which require events from certain zones also draws people to easier zones to finish them.
So Anet didn’t lie, at least in this case.
In my opinion and based on experiences, i would state the problem as such:
-Proper Reward based on time investment.
-Depth of the engagement
-Depth of player interactionWorld events (taking this as an example because i don’t think people roam the living world to just seek out events or hearts unless they are grinding completion or levels.) are basically the longevity that non- instanced pve content has to offer seeing as karma is near useless and events are a waste of time considering reward.
Now, take into account, most people playing this game are far from imbeciles (most). If you are playing a game for fun, what is more engaging as a player? (One of many examples that could be given to show content disparity)
(Choose an option)
1. Hitting Jormag from a safespot with 1 on auto-attack while you microwave a pizza and balance your checkbook for a free guaranteed rare?
2. Being fully engaged in a fight like Gigantus Lupicus where your team mates rely on you in a very active manner, second to second, to see victory?
The point is, there is more room to design instanced PvE content with depth and group engagement than the world bosses and otherwise shallow PvE content. You’re not going to get the same depth accent to the skill system or combat mechanics in a huge loot pinata zerg that requires no thought or planning as you would in a dungeon that is specifically designed to do the opposite.
[IMO] GW1 was able to pull off a very high level of engagement and challenge by making nearly everything in the game instanced. I for one, while i do like the open world, feel that the depth of that game mode is just peanuts in comparison to group content. I really see dungeons as the endgame content this game has to offer considering people only just stomp around the living world otherwise. I’d welcome more development to the open world, but honestly i just think the player base at large is just more engaged by instanced content considering it actually takes mental exertion.
You forgot an option. Option 3, I could uninstall and return to Everquest2, and duo 5 man content with my SK and my friends Inq. More dungeons, better dungeons, and dedicated healers. IF I wanted to do dungeons, that is exactly what I would do.
I started playing GW1 to escape forced pugs and forced groups. I bought this game with the same expectation. If they feel they need to force 5 man instancing then they have bought back into the the “everymmo” mindset, and frankly, I can go back to one that has done that longer, better, and with a lot more variety and depth to them. And, built in VOIP and a working LFG along with particle spam graphic settings.
Heck, Everquest even has Player designed Dungeons. But, I don’t want to do Dungeons.
The game needs to play to it’s strengths. DE is one of them.
And re Jormag, standing in that safe spot, which BTW, I’ve not seen, is your choice. I run around, clear pillars, pull the champs off the golums, rez people, and when I get time plink at the dragon. If you run it AFK, that was your choice. You cheapened the encounter, not Anet.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
There is precisely one dungeon you’re “forced” to do by the personal story. That’s the only dungeon you’re forced to do. Dungeons in this game are, in my mind, more optional than they are in most MMOs.
I know quite a few people who play this game who never do dungeons, or virtually never do them. I know people that have done just Arah story mode to get through the personal story and never did another dungeon.
You can get cash pretty fast if you farm dynamic events. Maybe not quite as fast as CoF path 1, but then I’m not racing anyone.
The thing I enjoy most about this game is not instances. It’s the open world.
And the biggest part of Frost and Flame has taken place in the open world. Even the instances they added, thus far, are soloable.
SAB was also soloable. So so far, just about all the new PVe stuff in the last four months has been soloable.
Not the OP, but speaking for myself.
It’s not that I don’t like strangers, it’s just that i don’t like doing instanced content with strangers, or people in general for that matter. It’s too bad that i don’t have any rl friends/relatives that play this game, but I have seen all the drama/issues that go in on dungeons through guild chat, and reading these forums, and I don’t want any part in it.
it’s not like MMO’s are all about instances, I group with people, just not in dungeons. :p
There is far more drama in guild chat and in these forums than there is in the game. Practice, read a guide, watch a video, and join some strangers in a dungeon. You might like it. For me, it gives a chance to practice working in a team with people I don’t know…I actually consider this a valuable life skill because it relates to how I have to interact with people at work.
It’s an MMO, you have to expect group content.
There’s a difference between “Our MMO has group content” and “all new content will be grouping-exclusive.”
I don’t think anyone’s shocked that GW2 has group content.
It’s an MMO, you have to expect group content.
There’s a difference between “Our MMO has group content” and “all new content will be grouping-exclusive.”
I don’t think anyone’s shocked that GW2 has group content.
But all new content hasn’t been group exclusive. SAB isn’t. Everything in the three months of Flame and Frost is soloable, including the 2 new instances. Guilds need stuff to do, particularly larger ones, because there was so little large guild stuff in the game. What you basically had was WvW and that’s it. Dungeon parties are limited to 5.
So because there was a serious lack of big group content and Anet threw in some desperately needed guild stuff, the soloers are complaining.
Most of this game, almost the entire game is soloable. The open world is huge and soloable. But every single upgrade isn’t going to be for the soloers. SAB was. Everything in Flame and Frost so far is.
It’s one thing to want solo content. It’s another thing to object when other groups get content for them.
What on earth does grouping for dungoens have to do with being social? Dungeon runners are the most antisocial people i ever met. Faster, skip, skip, faster, drama, drama, whine, whine, skip faster, faster, skip, skip, drama, kick. Yeah social as kitten :P
The whole “you must be part of a group” is basically the pinnacle of propaganda in modern society. It really doesn’t make any sense that limiting the amount of people you have to interact with should be be considered good social behavior. That is, until you realize that creating good social behavior has never been the goal.
Grouping is simply a way of turning people more anti-social, so that they are more easily controlled. If you want to control a population, the last thing you want is for people to actually care about everyone else, because then you won’t be able to play people against each other.
I’ll be brief. I have no problem with the dungeon/grouping concept by choice, but I’ve had it with new dungeons being the only answer to continued PvE development in the game.
Why does every major PvE concept, whether Personal Story, Living Story or special events have to end with forced group instancing? I’d like to complete my personal story, Flame & Frost and experience Super Adventure Box on my time without having to deal with the random and varied expectations of strangers, much less their schedules.
Grouping for anything should be a choice, not a requirement.
Give me slower progression, less reward per run. I don’t care. It gives me something to do when I play. As it stands, you only produce walls which actively discourage me from playing the game.
Hmmmm… MMO – Massively Multiplayer
This would tell me that I should be playing with others. There are games made for crabby people that don’t like to group up and they are called SPRPG’s.
By the way, the super adventure box can be done solo, it scales down lol.
Love the “M in MMO” crowd. Playing with others does not mean grouping. In ten years of supposed “M in MMO” games I’ve spent the bulk of my time ungrouped, crafting, exploring, traveling, leveling, etc, yet still interacting with other players.
Never fails to amuse me when brought up. Funnier still that most of the big MMOs have an “automatically reject group invites” checkbox as well. Now, if MMO means “group” why do they do that?
Please name one big MMO that does not require grouping to get end game gear. Besides GW2.
This is the least social game out there and the OP still has a problem with it. I don’t think MMO’s are for the OP.
So, you define all MMO gameplay down to getting “end game gear” Oki Doki.
You don’t play to progress? Why level/craft/or anything then?
Are you serious? By your definition then, only Raiders matter in games that have Raids. A common raider attitude, but false. I play for fun? And I don’t do “not fun”.
BTW, my crafter WS never grouped in SWG once, and there was no “Endgame” item she couldn’t buy, from Crafting money. Oops.
I hate raiding that is not the point. I quit raiding in SWToR, yes I raided hardcore for a longtime and I hate the raid grind, that is why I play this game more casually.
I think you are getting me wrong here. Pointing out that MMO stands for massively multiplayer was simply pointing out that there is probably going to be some content that you might have to group up with others to play. amiright? I have not played an MMO where I did not have to party. You don’t have to in this game and the OP does not have to do dungeons to get end game gear. Endgame can be whatever you want it to be, you don’t like partying up, don’t do dungeons. Not sure why so mad about that?
I don’t think an MMO would be much of an MMO if you did not have to group with people.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
(edited by Ruprect.7260)
What on earth does grouping for dungoens have to do with being social? Dungeon runners are the most antisocial people i ever met. Faster, skip, skip, faster, drama, drama, whine, whine, skip faster, faster, skip, skip, drama, kick. Yeah social as kitten :P
The whole “you must be part of a group” is basically the pinnacle of propaganda in modern society. It really doesn’t make any sense that limiting the amount of people you have to interact with should be be considered good social behavior. That is, until you realize that creating good social behavior has never been the goal.
Grouping is simply a way of turning people more anti-social, so that they are more easily controlled. If you want to control a population, the last thing you want is for people to actually care about everyone else, because then you won’t be able to play people against each other.
Dear God!!
puts on tinfoil hat
[TC] Tarnished Coast
There is precisely one dungeon you’re “forced” to do by the personal story. That’s the only dungeon you’re forced to do.
That’s one too many.
What on earth does grouping for dungoens have to do with being social? Dungeon runners are the most antisocial people i ever met. Faster, skip, skip, faster, drama, drama, whine, whine, skip faster, faster, skip, skip, drama, kick. Yeah social as kitten :P
I have never had this problem. This sounds like a personal problem not an other people problem. I can honestly say I have never been in a bad group in this game. Every group I have been in even the failed ones have been fun . We chit chat and joke around while playing the game.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
(edited by Ruprect.7260)
It’s an MMO, you have to expect group content.
There’s a difference between “Our MMO has group content” and “all new content will be grouping-exclusive.”
I don’t think anyone’s shocked that GW2 has group content.
But all new content hasn’t been group exclusive. SAB isn’t. Everything in the three months of Flame and Frost is soloable, including the 2 new instances. Guilds need stuff to do, particularly larger ones, because there was so little large guild stuff in the game. What you basically had was WvW and that’s it. Dungeon parties are limited to 5.
So because there was a serious lack of big group content and Anet threw in some desperately needed guild stuff, the soloers are complaining.
Most of this game, almost the entire game is soloable. The open world is huge and soloable. But every single upgrade isn’t going to be for the soloers. SAB was. Everything in Flame and Frost so far is.
It’s one thing to want solo content. It’s another thing to object when other groups get content for them.
How on earth did you pull Guild content into this, and who, in this thread was complaining about guild content? I’m used to you pulling unrelated rabbits out of your Anet Defense Helmet, but sometimes it is just ludicrous.
Secondly, this is about the storyline dungeon. That did not have to be group only. It won’t add that much to group content, and afaik, won’t be permanent.
You keep pointing out Flame and Frost, so far, is soloable. Yes. Way to not get the point.
But Carry on. You will have 5 responses to this, and then derail the thread in some other argument over having to be always right.
I like playing with people but I’ve never really cared for any of the dungeons we have. Didn’t feel like they offered much of a reason to run them.
On the flip side, I liked running fractals. There’s a lot to get from them. I felt like I was being properly rewarded for doing them.
It’s an MMO, you have to expect group content.
There’s a difference between “Our MMO has group content” and “all new content will be grouping-exclusive.”
I don’t think anyone’s shocked that GW2 has group content.
But all new content hasn’t been group exclusive. SAB isn’t. Everything in the three months of Flame and Frost is soloable, including the 2 new instances. Guilds need stuff to do, particularly larger ones, because there was so little large guild stuff in the game. What you basically had was WvW and that’s it. Dungeon parties are limited to 5.
So because there was a serious lack of big group content and Anet threw in some desperately needed guild stuff, the soloers are complaining.
Most of this game, almost the entire game is soloable. The open world is huge and soloable. But every single upgrade isn’t going to be for the soloers. SAB was. Everything in Flame and Frost so far is.
It’s one thing to want solo content. It’s another thing to object when other groups get content for them.
How on earth did you pull Guild content into this, and who, in this thread was complaining about guild content? I’m used to you pulling unrelated rabbits out of your Anet Defense Helmet, but sometimes it is just ludicrous.
Secondly, this is about the storyline dungeon. That did not have to be group only. It won’t add that much to group content, and afaik, won’t be permanent.
You keep pointing out Flame and Frost, so far, is soloable. Yes. Way to not get the point.
But Carry on. You will have 5 responses to this, and then derail the thread in some other argument over having to be always right.
I brought in Guild content, because it’s been a big part of recent updates, and it’s obviously not something you can solo. Therefore it is on topic.
I brought up things because SOMEONE said that every upgrade is for groups, and it’s just not true. I explained why some group things were added and I went on to show what non-group things were added. If you don’t think that’s on topic, there’s not a whole lot I can do about it.
As for the one dungeon you have to, as I’ve said elsewhere, I’ve always felt there should be a solo option for it.
My always having to be right (which isn’t true anyway) is completely off topic, it’s personal and you have no clue about me.
I agree with the OP. There is open world PvE and then there are PvE dungeons. They are two totally different play styles.
Open world PvE still encourages community, but you are not tied to specific player groups and everyone can play their own way for as long as they desire (5 minutes to 5 hours).
Dungeons-require a time commitment (usually at least an hour) of 5 people who coordinate their efforts as a team in order to complete the dungeon.
Nothing is wrong with either game style. Anet has chosen to have both styles in their game.
It’s only an “issue” because Anet chose to merge them at the end of the Personal and Living stories.
(Choose an option)
1. Hitting Jormag from a safespot with 1 on auto-attack while you microwave a pizza and balance your checkbook for a free guaranteed rare?
2. Being fully engaged in a fight like Gigantus Lupicus where your team mates rely on you in a very active manner, second to second, to see victory?
I know i wont be popular but i much prefer option 1.. 99 % of the time and Lupi 1% of the time…
personally comes back to Reward vs Risk, why fight lupi when i can better rewards killing the dragon with casual effort, honestly option 1 wins hands down..
Why play an MMO if you don’t like to play with people?
This is a non-argument.
Because you like to play against other people.
Because you like trading with other people.
Because you like watching other people.In most MMOs, you spend most of the time doing activities and interacting with fewer people than you would on an FPS server. From a gameplay perspective, playing with other people is rarely the point of playing an MMO.
Have you played other MMO’s? You generally team up for most content that is considered endgame.
I think that went over your head. You were asking why you would play an MMO if not to team up. I pointed out that MMOs don’t have a monopoly on team play, and in fact have less team interaction than other kinds of games, so playing on a team isn’t the point of an MMO.