Q: Condition Removal
Only the most recent conditions get cleared first. That’s why it’s strategic to use your most damaging (or disabling) conditions first and cap it with weaker ones so it doesn’t get cleared easily.
For generic condition removal, the most recently applied condition or conditions will be removed first.
I believe that the most recently applied condition(s) are the first to be removed. So, if the 10 bleeds were applied to you first, followed by vuln and then cripple, cripple will be the first one removed.
Thanks guys #15Chars
I can’t remember the update when it happened (I think it was June 2015 when the major changes happened to conditions), but there was something posted about how condition and boon conversion is randomized now. So I think it would be true of boon/condition removal as well. I know at launch it used to be last one first off but I am fairly certain it’s been changed.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
I can’t remember the update when it happened (I think it was June 2015 when the major changes happened to conditions), but there was something posted about how condition and boon conversion is randomized now. So I think it would be true of boon/condition removal as well. I know at launch it used to be last one first off but I am fairly certain it’s been changed.
Everyone keeps misinterpreting this. That note specifically was only referring to boon and condition conversion. So, skills like Well of Power and Corrupt Boon. It does not apply to boon or condition removal.
I wish I had your trouble, I am usually not so concerned with conditions, except the annoying ones like chill and cripple which are often the last ones to be removed on me. I’m not in mortal danger, please remove the limited conditions before the damaging conditions.
There should be a rule for condi-cleanse:
health above 50% > remove restricting conditions
health below 50% > remove damaging conditions
I can’t remember the update when it happened (I think it was June 2015 when the major changes happened to conditions), but there was something posted about how condition and boon conversion is randomized now. So I think it would be true of boon/condition removal as well. I know at launch it used to be last one first off but I am fairly certain it’s been changed.
Everyone keeps misinterpreting this. That note specifically was only referring to boon and condition conversion. So, skills like Well of Power and Corrupt Boon. It does not apply to boon or condition removal.
Still. I’m not convinced there’s any order. I’ll post findings to an ongoing data crunch about this in a few days.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
Condition removal is on a Last in First out basis. Its why cover conditions work so well, you apply the highly damaging conditions, then apply 1 stack of vuln or 1 sec blind, and suddenly vuln/blind is the first one stripped when they cleanse their conditions, leaving all the damaging ones in place. Its why we need a cleansing hierarchy for conditions