Q: How does dual Main-Hand Weapons work?
When you set up for this build, do you need to use ANOTHER scepter for your Set #2 main-hand?
do you just leave it empty and it will carry over when you weapon swap?
IF you leave it empty, does it give you any disadvantages?
thanks! appreciate your fast response
IF you leave it empty, does it give you any disadvantages?
This is actually incorrect. Here’s a reddit post that does a good job of explaining.
tldr – if you want full stats when you go into shroud, you need scepters in both slots.
IF you leave it empty, does it give you any disadvantages?
This is actually incorrect. Here’s a reddit post that does a good job of explaining.
tldr – if you want full stats when you go into shroud, you need scepters in both slots.
interesting… how big is the difference?
IF you leave it empty, does it give you any disadvantages?
This is actually incorrect. Here’s a reddit post that does a good job of explaining.
tldr – if you want full stats when you go into shroud, you need scepters in both slots.
interesting… how big is the difference?
Depends when you go into shroud. If you go into shroud with the set without the scepter, you’ll lose all stats and the sigil that come from the scepter.
IF you leave it empty, does it give you any disadvantages?
This is actually incorrect. Here’s a reddit post that does a good job of explaining.
tldr – if you want full stats when you go into shroud, you need scepters in both slots.
For those who don’t want to reddit, the short version is that there’s a bug when you enter Shroud (or Celestial avatar for that matter) — the game ignores your alt weapons when determining your stats.
- No problem: pairs of 2-handed weapons, any combo of 2-h & main/off-hand, or Any combo of main/off-hand & main/off-hand
- Problem: any combination of main/off & [empty]/off-hand
In regards to the Shroud/weapon thing: You also lose any AR from that weapon when you go into shroud. That makes for a fun surprise in the middle of scale 100 if you’re not prepared.
Oh…. yeah, that is true. My bad, sorry. Necromancer is a special snowflake there. ^^