Q: Is multi-boxing allowed?

Q: Is multi-boxing allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoM.8396



Recently I’ve been noticing people multi-boxing 5+ chars. Its quite obvious when you see 5 warriors run by wearing the same gear, same run path and same skills at the same time. I know that some MMO’s allow this while others strictly do not. What is Anet’s views on this?

If no, its time to start reporting :O

Q: Is multi-boxing allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temper.7265


There are different kinds of multi boxing.

There is the type that a has a hands on approach to all characters,personally using all skills and actions,except for following the lead character in party,which is in most games is easily achieved by in game features such as always/auto follow cmmands and assist character x commands.Mostly this type of multi boxer has them partied up and pretty much does the work of 4 to 6 players himself.It is pretty demanding

This kind of multi boxing however resides mainly in the old school type MMOs and ARPGs.

Then there is what we are seeing currently,which is blatant multi box botting or botting multi accounts on one machine.

The majority of current crop of games aren’t designed for manual multi boxing,hence the lack of built-in automated commands for frequently used actions (auto follow the most obvious).

I would suggest that the players you’ve seen running around with 5 plus warriors or similar are in fact botters,not multi boxers.

I too am interested what Anets stance is on multi boxing (I already know there stance on botting) as there is a distinct dfference between the two.One is automated and one is manual.

Q: Is multi-boxing allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fende.1950


I support multi-boxing, as described by Temper. if you have the ability to alt-tab between 2+ characters and maintain their effectiveness, more power to you. It’s another story when hardware or software aided multi-boxing enters the picture though.

Q: Is multi-boxing allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temper.7265


I support multi-boxing, as described by Temper. if you have the ability to alt-tab between 2+ characters and maintain their effectiveness, more power to you. It’s another story when hardware or software aided multi-boxing enters the picture though.

In the truest sense of multi boxing,when I multi box,I use up to but not limited to,five networked PCs,completely independant of each other and all working from their own monitors,keyboards and mouse. =)

It can actually become a drain on the brain after a few hours lol.the more tired you get,the less boxes are in use for obvious reasons haha.II have typo problems with just one account running. =P

Q: Is multi-boxing allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxe.6142


Considering that multiboxing requires the use of third party programs, the answer would be no.

Q: Is multi-boxing allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temper.7265


Nope it dosnt require the use at of third party progs at all.

I’ll go buy two more accounts and prove it.you can watch me manually play 3 accounts at once on three different machines.You’ll get bored pretty quick tho. =P

Multi boxing of the truest sense is multi rigs with single accounts,all played by one person manually,without the use of macros or third party progs. =)

Q: Is multi-boxing allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UKNightWatch.5742


Hi all,

As Temper writes, multiboxing does not need third party software and can be one gamer playing multi accounts on multi machines (usually sharing the same internet connection in online games).

In another game, I had two accounts running – each on a separate PC but with shared monitor(s), keyboard and mouse. I had no third party software running and had to keep switching to each seperate game using my KVM switch. It got vey tedious very fast so I switched to using separate K/V/M on each machine. Again, it got very tedious very fast.

I know or know of some people that used the ‘follow main’ method – some with two instances of a game on the same machine and manual switching! There is the other method of controlling multi accounts with the aid of third party software too. Though I suspect this happens a lot, I never knew anyone that linked games via third party software.

The issue of multiboxing, no matter how ‘correctly done’ without any ‘botting’, is usually hotly debated in gaming forums as some see multiboxers as cheating and / or having an unfair advantage. The perceived cheating usually comes around in games where resources are quickly and arguably unfairly ‘farmed’ by the multiboxer. These resources could be mobs, bosses or crafting resources for example.

To cut this short, I will say that in GW2 I have no idea if multiboxing is legit or not. I was happy to see the answers in this thread as my own thread on the issue had none – probably due to the time of day I posted that thread. I would be happier still If a mod or a dev could give an official answer to the questions raised about the legitimacy of multiboxing.

I will not be multiboxing GW2 but I know someone (IRL) that may want to and would not do so if there was a firm rule that multiboxing was not allowed.

No rig in my sig? Only posted if needed!

Q: Is multi-boxing allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.1462



Multiboxing is very simmilar to botting and 3rd party programming so according to Anet’s policy it is strictly forbidden. Please, refrain from making use of this and report any player you see making use of this.

Since the question has been answered , this thread is closed.


EDIT: This post has been quoted in other forum posts, but it is inaccurate. ArenaNet does not prohibit Multi- or Dual-Boxing as along as the player is active on each account and is not botting or using other third-party programs to “play” the account.

(edited by Moderator)