221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
QoL Suggestions Thread
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Reduce the range at which /say and emotes can be “heard”. Especially emotes.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Reduce the range at which /say and emotes can be “heard”. Especially emotes.
good idea!
also, extend the indicator range for active events.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
- loot goes directly to bag so we can focus on combat better without having to worry about missing rewards.
I think the AoE auto-loot option solves this.
Mine would be:
-A sidebar notifier (right up there with the LS stuff) for world bosses and active temple events would be pretty useful.
-Leave CoE and CoF uncontested like regular dungeons.
First Person Mode for nothing else than allow me to look at another player’s character up close without needing me to stand behind them. It’s a pretty game so why make it so difficult to see a waist or chest up view of another player?
A ton of QoL changes on the TP UI ranging from getting the UI scale to look good to a filter option for profession to letting a player to tunnel into their items for sale/items with bids without 4 clicks between each item.
RIP City of Heroes
- loot goes directly to bag so we can focus on combat better without having to worry about missing rewards.
I think the AoE auto-loot option solves this.
Mine would be:
-A sidebar notifier (right up there with the LS stuff) for world bosses and active temple events would be pretty useful.
-Leave CoE and CoF uncontested like regular dungeons.
aoe loot still requires pressing a button when you’re running around killing stuff. i say no to F to loot all together!
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
- loot goes directly to bag so we can focus on combat better without having to worry about missing rewards.
I think the AoE auto-loot option solves this.
Mine would be:
-A sidebar notifier (right up there with the LS stuff) for world bosses and active temple events would be pretty useful.
-Leave CoE and CoF uncontested like regular dungeons.
aoe loot still requires pressing a button when you’re running around killing stuff. i say no to F to loot all together!
Lol! I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve become so used to spamming the F key that I just about entirely forgot it was still manual looting.
- loot goes directly to bag so we can focus on combat better without having to worry about missing rewards.
I think the AoE auto-loot option solves this.
Mine would be:
-A sidebar notifier (right up there with the LS stuff) for world bosses and active temple events would be pretty useful.
-Leave CoE and CoF uncontested like regular dungeons.
aoe loot still requires pressing a button when you’re running around killing stuff. i say no to F to loot all together!
Lol! I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve become so used to spamming the F key that I just about entirely forgot it was still manual looting.
then come join me on my quest for great no F to loot justice!
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
This is probably going to spiral far out of QoL territory and into another wishlist thread, so I’ma just throw this one out there: wardrobe!
We really, really need some approximation of the wardrobe feature other MMOs have.
Without better loot options, at least let me bind my F key to all of my attack keys so that every time I use a skill it also loots…
slot on h tab for mini
slot on ui for consumables
wardrobe and build template
I’d just like to be able to turn particle effects off.
I don’t get why this is still a thing.
slot on h tab for mini
slot on ui for consumables
wardrobe and build template
These please!
Even if we still have to pay gold to respec, I’d live to be able to save my builds in-game and not on some third party website…
I would love for them to completely overhaul the mail system.
I want to see the conversations I have had with other people. Like on Skype where you can track an entire conversation over 2 years.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
implement classic servers where all vertical progression added post october 2012 is excluded
failing that remove it from all servers and compensate players accordingly
Excerpts from a thread I started in the now defunct “Suggestions” forum:
Big list of Quality of Life improvements
Gem Store:
- For the style tab – have 5 options for filtering: Light armor, Medium armor, Heavy armor, Town Clothes, All.
Auction House:
- please add filters for light/medium/heavy armor
- please add a check-box for “usable only”
- how come there is no dye category? How come some categories have nothing in them?
- When I change tabs and come back to the search pane all my search settings are gone! Please fix.
- please add in an ability to hide the character’s inventory slots in the bank UI (I personally use my Inventory UI and drag across. I know how my normal inventory is sorted, and it appears on 1 screen without scroll bars. The Bank inventory of my personal inventory has scroll bars, and takes up too much space, esp if I’m using my normal inventory screen too.)
- Split Collectibles into two tabs – Collectibles=Pets,etc, Materials=things you craft with
- Add another TAB: PvP skins
- Add another TAB: Other skins (such as those usable for PvE content – such as the achievement items)
- I can right click an item in my inventory and replace my equipped offhand weapon. But why not my offhand Ring or Accessory or 2nd Aquatic Weapon?
- Aquatic weapons – when showing the tooltip-comparisons show the offhand aquatic weapon too.
- Add option to right click “use stack”. I dare a developer to purchase 500 orrian boxes and click through that mess. (also for the ascalonian alcohol – see Thirst Quencher Achievement).
- let me type /wiki then link the item in chat to fill out the rest of the line. I hate typing the item when I can click it perfectly in!
- Dyes – Right click and consume for another character (display only characters eligible to use the dye)
Money Bags and Karma Jugs:
- What is the point? Just put these items in my wallet please! I beg you!
Dungeons and Personal Story:
- No one cares about NPCs that have nothing to say. Remove the ability to “interact” with NPCs. I want to collect my loot, not have Trahearne blather on.
- In dungeons when presented with a path choice, make it clear which paths have been taken prior.
- In dungeons add a quest tracker for incomplete dungeon paths, so you know which you need to do before given a choice.
- Add an indication if the dungeon is Night Time or Day time (for those that run certain Sigils)
- Can we get rid of the Contested dungeons? Here is how it goes:
orplayer 1: Is CoF open for anyone? player 2: Not for me. player 3: open on mag, fa, and ioj. player 4: cool, I'll guest.
player 1: Is CoF open for anyone? player 2: It is contested every where. player 1: oh
- party disbands -
Transmutation Stones:
- Can we get a use for these at level 80? (I’m stockpiling these and I don’t know why. And I’m afraid to delete them in-case they become useful.)
- Change “purely Salvageable items” so they are “brown” for item quality (instead of white)
- Add more buttons for the vendor’s mass-sell: Sell White, Sell Browns (Or at least change “Sell Junk” to include “White quality” items which are not “purely salvageable”.)
- Allow us to buy multiple items at once (orrian boxes, alcohol)
Commander Tag:
- Why not account bound? (My guild has several great commanders. I don’t see why they need punished for being a commander for every toon.)
- Allow commanders to set their tag’s visibility {mini-map + map + character’s view}: Viewable by All, Viewable by Represented Guild, Viewable my all member Guilds, Viewable by Friends, Off.
- Add an approximate queue timer for joining a borderland.
- WvW Portals – Can you set this as a grief free zone? No mesmer portals, no player placed merchants or toys (anything which interferes with “Interact”)
- Unbuilt Seige – Different colours on the base so players know what is placed. Red=Trebuchet, Green=Catapult, Grey=Flame Ram, Black=Golem, Blue=Catapult.
Graphic Options:
- Reduced Particle Effects : Yes/No
- Highly visible mouse pointer: Yes/No
- New Graphic Option: Ambient Lighting (Nighttime becomes gasp darker!, Sun rays in the day, Moonlight)
- New Graphic Option: Ambient Weather (rain, snow, thunder and lightning)
I know you are capable of doing this – I’ve seen your fractals!
Right Click Menu:
- Why can I do guild management from my party? Guild management should be performed from the Guild UI not party UI.
- Why can we not kick offline players from our party? What a hassle to disband parties because 1 guy went offline.
- Why can I not right click a person’s name in “chat” and invite/join them?
- If I’m a party of two people, why can I not right click and join/merge a party of 3 people?
- Combine this Right click menu option to 1 option.
- Clicking this opens a dialog presenting you with choices – select all that apply: block, scamming, spamming, selling gold, harassment, etc.
- Give a msg box for people to explain why
- when “blocking” also squelch that person’s messages: I don’t want to see further messages. I don’t want to see the old messages (delete from my chat history)
- right click items to open wiki page
- right click chat code links of items to open wiki page
- right click quest, personal story, etc to open wiki page
Guild Management:
- Add a check-box – Show online members only. (it sucks to sort by people’s name, etc but all the offline guildies show up intermixed)
- Last Online (enough said)
In Game Item Preview:
- Add Day/Night check-box.
- Allow me to preview any item easily on my toon
- Allow me to preview any DYE in any SLOT on my toon.
- Allow clicking on the item in the preview screen to open the wiki page for that item.
- Move the banner buffs out of the buff bar – display them somewhere else. Also for other similar buffs. (such as guild claim buffs, boosters, etc)
- ALWAYS display boons and conditions in the SAME order (possibly in the same exact spot. I hate looking to see if I have stability but it keeps shifting.)
- ALWAYS display conditions below boons; in a spot that corresponds to its natural boon counterpart (in the best possible spot)
- ALWAYS display FOOD and WRENCHES together (don’t split; this can be kept on the buff bar)
- ALWAYS display class boons together (like if I’m on my guardian I don’t like to see my virtues all over the place)
- Increase the visibility of the duration. Sometimes the countdown is starting from 40 seconds, sometimes the countdown is from 5 seconds.
- Giant Killer (add risen giants, world bosses : way too few “actual” giants – I’ve seen this suggested before)
- When killing a mob give the offhand weapon credit too; and credit for kills from condition damage (for weapon master)
- Hide Completed Achievements Check-box
Vigil / Priory / Whispers:
- Once unlocked allow any character to purchase items directly. (Or the very least make the items Account Bound on purchase instead of Soul Bound)
- Could it be possible to get a quartermaster for these armors in LA
Map Secrets:
- Diving Goggles – Once found, could we get a personal map indicator?
- Jumping Puzzles – Add icons for discovered JPs. (and please put the JP name on the Map icon)
- Add a map toggle for “Map Secrets”
Game Camera:
- Add first person view
- Allow to change camera height (or at least while not moving – just a couple of feet up and down)
- Allow players to change their FoV
Friends List:
- Show Last on-line (just like what we want on the Guild UI)
New Craft-able Bag:
- Account Bag – If you give character A and character B (and C and D and E…) an “Account Bag” the items inside are shared between the characters without needing to go to the bank. If character A has a 20 slot, and character B has an 8 slot then B can only see the first 8 slot’s of A’s bag.
(reasoning for ANET to implement – gives a crafting craze to gold sink the economy; new item for characters to profit from each other on; may inspire people to purchase more gems for more bag slots; and of course players would love this item)
Lost and Found Vendor:
- Has items that “were” available to characters upon creation (allow us to purchase any item)
Weapon Skills:
- Skill Usable while no enemy targeted (or within range): Yes/No
- Skill always to use max distance (where camera pointed): Yes/No (It is so easy to lose your mouse cursor; and some skills have such a short range anyways why wouldn’t I want to use the skill at max range)
-or- - Skill uses max possible range when selected target area or target area exceeds Skill range: Yes/No (I’d personally like this more)
- Allow us to turn own our own nameplate
- Slider for particle effect density
- Increased drop rates for all items across the board for people who can’t play 24/7
- Accrual of dailies if we miss a daily, we can accrue say up to 7 days worth of dailies to complete
- Repeatable hearts each day or month (Only have to complete once for map completion)
Most of the other issues I have are touched on by other posters. Good thread
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Chat Box QoL: Custom color palettes for each channel so we can choose what color should pop out at us. Or at least for the love of all Tyria brighten up the emote text from that dull grey that requires concentrated squinting to read. RPers everywhere will rejoice.
That being said, please keep the good features of chat: customizable tabs, and the toggles only making the text invisible. It’s still there if you want to turn it on and scroll up for missed comments.
Please revert the say and emote range to what it was before whatever patch expanded it to half a city. There’s no reason for people in the LA Bank to overhear conversations in the Crow’s Nest. It was a good range for group events before, about the distance of a large room such as the sword room in the Flame Temple in NE Diessa.
I want my character screen to tell me what my crafting abilities and their ranks are. Trying to remember which one of my characters has which crafting ability is kind of annoying.
>Save specified chat tab
It’s weird how a game that does encourage roleplay does not allow us to document our conversations.
Remove Diminishing Returns.
-A sidebar notifier (right up there with the LS stuff) for world bosses and active temple events would be pretty useful.
You can use the GW2Stuff Overlay. You just have to run GW2 in windowed mode.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
Remove Diminishing Returns.
If you find a way to reliable spot bots.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
Remove Diminishing Returns.
If you find a way to reliable spot bots.
Farming will happen with or without bots. However having an artificial limitation system that only actively encourages people to bot is not the way to go about being a productive and fun game.
(edited by TexZero.7910)
-Account bound dyes (yeah, it’s a stupid dream)
-Make the Veteran Largos Assassin relevant to open world PvE and make him worth actually fighting.
-Allow the info for the currently targeted object to be a movable UI piece.
-Perma-stow ranger pets
-Remove Diminishing Returns
-Filter trading post results by class
-Better loot tables for vets
I’m sure there’s more, but those were what came to mind currently.
Oooh, I’m with the perma-stow ranger pets thing. Gods, I wish I could just delete it and play. I hate pet AI. Seems no game ever gets it right, much less halfway decent.
I’d also like to see blacklisting someone block ALL their chat. As it stands, there are several channels they can still get to you at, and even just emote at you and you can read their text. Blacklisting/blocking someone should block them ENTIRELY. You see nothing they type out. At all. Ever.
Another QoL: Fix ranger pet names so they are remembered when you pull out a pet.
I’d personally love it if they added all the skins/minis from the meta awards to the AP panel (zenith/hellfire/radiant skin panel thing), so that us with alts aren’t forced to choose only one character to use those rewards on (or those without alts can reskin newer equipment without t-stones/crystals). I’d love it if they added pre meta achievement rewards (ie. Mad King Memories skins) to the section as well. Currently that panel/system/mechanic is underutilized. It doesn’t seem like it’d be that much work to make it so unlocked (or previously rewarded/completed meta rewards) were added to that section.
Please give us a keyring…
I skimmed, didn’t really read. My QoL thoughts….
Skin locker so we can unlock and reuse ‘limited time’ and gemstore skins.
Armor wardrobe – for people that carry around, and use, more than on set of armor
‘Costume’ slots, so we can wear our town clothes over our armor and still play (like how costumes worked in GW1)
Mini slot, with auto deploy option. So we can carry around a mini without it taking bag space, and have the option to automatically turn on after we load into a new area.
First person camera mode, for jump puzzles and screen shot purposes
-locked pet stowing for rangers.
-pvp UI displaying number of players on each team.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Esreyr you are my hero!
Well, we got a queue indicator for WvW.
Can a Dev let us know they’ve seen this thread and pretty please let us know that they have at least read this thread.