QoL re: the tooltips of items in collections
I thought this was already the case. I definitely remember hovering over a stack to find the amount in it.
Thanks to the help of your incredible graphical skills, I went ahead and made this improvement for a future release, so keep an eye out for it.
Enjoy your improved quality of life!
Does this work for stacks over 250 if you have collection expanders?
Thanks to the help of your incredible graphical skills, I went ahead and made this improvement for a future release, so keep an eye out for it.
Enjoy your improved quality of life!
Yay! Thank you Zach!
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
I have this problem with Mesmer Mantras, mainly with Mantra of Resolve (Power Cleanse). I never know how much uses I have left because I can’t see the number well.
Does this work for stacks over 250 if you have collection expanders?
This. This would be nice to know.
This is it: http://i.imgur.com/IlOwhGn.jpg
To explain: I’d really like it if the tooltip would show not just the name/usage of the item, but the amount of the item in the bank (like it does when in the inventory). Some items’ icons, like the Watchwork Sprockets or Wool Thread, are light enough that the number is difficult to read, and I have to remove the item to my inventory to see the actual amount.
Now, I am using SweetFX in these screenshots, but I have the problem even without SweetFX. And I know I could adjust my monitor’s gamma, but it’s perfect in every other way, so I don’t really see that as an option.
It’s not a big thing, but they can’t all be big things. Thanks for listening! <3
Thanks for making a helpful post about this! Your ability to notice something like this totally reminded me of this awesome TED talk you may be interested to see:
@ the Dev: Thank you for taking notice of this suggestion and implementing it!
Thanks to the help of your incredible graphical skills, I went ahead and made this improvement for a future release, so keep an eye out for it.
Enjoy your improved quality of life!
Holy crap, you’re amazing! Thanks so much, I definitely will enjoy it! <3
@Dahkeus: Thank you very much! Checking out the video right now.
Very nice. Thank you, Zach. I will appreciate this QoL improvement once live. =)
I see what you did here!
Just the WvW
Did he… did he just accept this idea and implement it? :O
Wow… is he really an ANet dev? xD
Thanks to the help of your incredible graphical skills, I went ahead and made this improvement for a future release, so keep an eye out for it.
Enjoy your improved quality of life!
Great news ! Thank you Zach ! Telling 1s from 4s has always given me headaches on some items (resorting on stack splitting to tell !)
Thanks! This had been bothering me too. I just (finally) finished crafting my legendary and it was a little difficult reading the numbers on some of the lighter icons.
Does this work for stacks over 250 if you have collection expanders?
Yes, it handles that just fine.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Thanks @katubug.6378 for the post and @Zach for making the changes
And yeah .. i have exactly the same problem also with the watchwork sprockets
in my 500 expansion collection.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Does this work for stacks over 250 if you have collection expanders?
Yes, it handles that just fine.
THANK YOU so much Zach! No more alt-dragging stacks to see what the 1/2 split is, just to get a clue about the total in the stack.
Woah, cool something like this from a player was randomly implemented. OP can now run around saying “See those numbers? I did that.”
Thanks to the help of your incredible graphical skills, I went ahead and made this improvement for a future release, so keep an eye out for it.
Enjoy your improved quality of life!
I have been wishing this was the case for close to 3 years now. Thank you, Zach! And thank you OP for voicing your request. Anet can’t respond to something they don’t know is a concern.
Thanks to the help of your incredible graphical skills, I went ahead and made this improvement for a future release, so keep an eye out for it.
Enjoy your improved quality of life!
I just noticed last night that this is in game, and I really can’t tell you how grateful I am for this QoL change. I was checking some quantity in material storage, and I actually did a double take when I noticed it had been implemented. Thank you so much once again!!!