Quaggan should become more important
Guess it really comes down to personal taste, but I think if this comic relief fest of a world is missing anything, it is certainly not even more cuteness.
I agree, quaggans should have more importance.
Therefore, ascended cooking should include quaggan recipes.
Omnomberry-filled roasted quaggan. Yum.
You already have Quaggan backpacks, Quaggan minis and Quaggan potions. I think they’re getting more attention than they deserve, to be honest.
I dislike Quaggans, so I really don’t want to see any more of them anywhere.
I agree, quaggans should have more importance.
Therefore, ascended cooking should include quaggan recipes.Omnomberry-filled roasted quaggan. Yum.
It’s not true, but I like to believe that the quaggan backpack skins are actual quaggan skins. Not a fan of quaggans.
Quaggans are annoying, I cringe everytime I’m turning in heirlooms etc having to hear that awful convo the two Quaggans have.. tho it would have made the LS much more epic if she was locking lips with a Quaggan.
I can’t wait for Quaggan to become a playable race, then we can have human backpacks too.
I like the “evil” form of them and I would like to see them taking more use of it. If anything related to quaggan it’s time for liberating those poor beeings from their cultural restrictions.^^ Free the quaggan: It’s good to be bad.
There’s a NPC in DR which says quuen jennah is building a elite army of quaggans. (i know it sounds weird but there is actually a NPC that says it :P)
I love Quaggans and all but I wish Skritt didn’t become so neglected.
There is a reason why Quaggans were called poobags when they got created.
I mean, they’re the “other” mascots of the game right? I find it weird that they aren’t given much spotlight other than the usual quest NPCs on certain areas.
I chuckled though when Trahearne got shocked to see undead quaggans.
I agree! More quaggans means more laughs, more fun, more mini-games (like the Quaggan guild rush in Frostgorge Sound)…
…and more burgers for the Quaggan King fans. :P
Death to quaggans, power to the Skritt!!
Why? There’s more than enough room in Tyria for both. I love Quaggans and Skritt equally. They’re the game’s comic relief.
The Quaggan are GW2’s answer to Ewoks. If you could build a faster-than-light drive powered by “cute,” both races might be worth keeping around.
Quaggan should become more important in cooking recipes
Fixed the titel for you.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Quaggan should be a more prominent trophy on my wall
Fixed the title again.
They should definitely remove that dragon and replace it with a Quaggan saying “Coooo Quaggan likes poo”
How about a big NO.
I think they were the worst idea Anet ever had. And that means they have to compete with some other really dumb ideas for the number one spot. I don’t need to see them anymore. I would like to have the whole race tossed in to the fiery pit of no return. But since that isn’t likely to happen we can at least limit the damage and for get these useless carebears.
Edit: The best part of my ESO experience was when I realized there were no Quaggans in that game.
(edited by Talyn.3295)
Quaggans are very important, they’re the leading source of my character’s nutrition.
You guys forgot about that batman quaggan in the order sympathy storyline. I wish more quaggans are like that.
I’m more interested in why a seemingly huge body of people would obsess over Quaggans in the first place; there is little interesting about them.
Quaggans could be removed and I wouldn’t even notice.
Kitten no, gw2 is allready way to much sugary, pink with rainbows and unicorns on top. Last thing it needs is even more cuteness, we would have to rename it to hello kitty online then.
I agree, ANET should add a story/quest line where players can help someone enslave Quaggans (and remove them from a zone).
Quaggan should become more important by revamping underwater sections of the game to feel less like an unwanted mini-game.
That only barely has anything to do with Quaggan you say? Who are you?
I’m more interested in why a seemingly huge body of people would obsess over Quaggans in the first place; there is little interesting about them.
Quaggans could be removed and I wouldn’t even notice.
Play an Order of Whispers Sylvari to find out why. When the Order asks the PC which minor race they want to help, make sure to pick Quaggan.
Saving Quaggans with Tybalt’s help = GIANT WIN!
I agree, ANET should add a story/quest line where players can help someone enslave Quaggans (and remove them from a zone).
If we ever get a chance to play a Nightmare Court character, I want this to be the first quest on the list.
And when the Quaggans are removed, our Nightmare PC could terrorize a whole group of them by making one of the quaggans into a Quaggan Burger.
So I believe we can conclude that some people hate quaggans and some love them and that the two populations are ready to start arguing about it. /endthread
ps: might as well start a “how to cook a quaggan” thread as it is.