Quality of life changes - Suggestions

Quality of life changes - Suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Todd.6573


While i enjoy this game alot, it does have a few issues that needs resolving.
This thread is dedicated to the small annoyances that i come across on a daily basis and that will annoy me to no end when they are the cause of my death…

  • Smartcast/Quickcast - Holding the mouse over any UI element will make any ground targeted spell center on your character, this includes daily quests, event notifications and the current target display. It would make sense if ground targeted abilities ignored these notifications and instead hit the terrain hidden behind it, maybe even create options for being able to click through in general while in combat?
  • Ability queue - A common occurance with thieves, double clicking a spell when under stress for example (Heartseeker, Infiltrators Arrow) will cause it to cast twice in succession because the game will queue the ability. This applies to most weapon skills of the thief and could be made an optional feature.
  • Weapon equip - Double clicking to equip a weapon will currently automatically equip as a mainhand when possible. Maybe a key modifier similar to Diablo 3, where holding ALT will cause it to prioritize the offhand slot?
  • Bars - While this isnt likely to get you killed, the absence of customizable bars (even if just one with a few slots) bothers me somewhat. I dislike having to bring up the inventory to use certain things (potions, vanity items, weapons etc). Why not add an optional, adjustable, bar with 6 slots (example) to be used for whatever you as a player wants.

Above are just a few that i could think of at the moment, i might add to it should i come up with something else, or you could add to them in the comments below.
Enjoy the anxiety…

Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind.
- Theodore Roosevelt

(edited by Todd.6573)

Quality of life changes - Suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Turbotef.9203


All of the waypoints opened up account-wide so I don’t have to go running off finding them all again for the 3rd and 4th time. So kitten tedious. :/ Would still have to explore the areas mind you just with a wee boost.

No gonna lie, I would pay $50 to unlock that on alts. Yeah yeah, giving the devs bad ideas I know.

Quality of life changes - Suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Todd.6573


All of the waypoints opened up account-wide so I don’t have to go running off finding them all again for the 3rd and 4th time. So kitten tedious. :/ Would still have to explore the areas mind you just with a wee boost.

No gonna lie, I would pay $50 to unlock that on alts. Yeah yeah, giving the devs bad ideas I know.

I wouldnt mind permanently unlocking like one WP in every city / key locations, but honestly, it would kind of kill the need to play alts at all if you unlock WPs from the start.. Seeing as how the leveling can be done with tomes and stuff…

Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind.
- Theodore Roosevelt