Queensdale/Kessex Hills is a pain in the ears
Oh, so THAT’s why my characters keep saying it at random!
…right. I need about 30 players, all on human characters. We’ll hide somewhere on the map, and set that to autoattack with about a 1 second step between when one character activates it and when the next one does it.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
it doesn’t matter where you are, my human ranger says it all the time. Ive been wondering why. It’s annoying to hear “lyssa confound you” every 5 minutes. I like to hear the story dialogues, and the ambient world voice overs, but this constant player character voice makes me turn off voices all together just to shut it up.
This sounds like a bug (it shouldn’t be EVERY human on the map saying it if someone else uses it). Have you put in a ticket about it? I haven’t experienced it myself, since I haven’t been in Queensdale or Kessex lately.
Gendarran Fields as well. I often do logging runs through there, Lornar’s, Timberline, and Sparkfly. Gendarran is the only one(I think…) of those where I get the “May Lyssa confound you!” seemingly at random.
Are you sure it’s the Prayer that’s causing it? Should do some testing.
So what triggers the random greetings?
Yeah I had my rev say it in Orr the other day, not heard him say it in ages, ah well lol. Now I know why.
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haha my char always says that. I never thought too much of it.
I’ve had this happen a couple times, no human around me. I don’t have it slotted. It was pretty confusing! Thanks for the head’s-up that it makes all humans spit it out map-wide.
prayer to lyssa? I had never heard about it, how do you do it? I’ve never heard my character say it :S