Question about runes...

Question about runes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meretryx.1480


Hey everyone! Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I’m hoping someone can give me some insight about runes.
Lately I have been having issues replacing runes on a piece of gear. For example, I had the 4-piece Krait runes, but recently upgraded my chest piece. It came with a different rune. I tried applying a Krait rune to it, but it would not allow me to. Normally when I’ve done this in the past it warns me it will overwrite the previous rune. Now when I hover the rune over the item, it’s red. It will not let me.
I’ve had this problem with a couple more items as well. I am upgrading my set piece by piece but am losing my 4-piece Krait bonus because it won’t let me switch from the rune it comes with.
Am I missing something?
EDIT: I realize I can transmute the rune onto a new piece with my old gear, but stupid me salvaged the pieces to get the rune back.