Question about the armor sets from the 3 orders

Question about the armor sets from the 3 orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araushnee.1852



I read that once you picked an order in the game, you can’t undo it. I’m OK with that, but I’m worried that I won’t be able to get the armor sets from the other orders. I finally figured out what I wanted for my ranger, which was the Order of Whisper’s top and the Vigil pants. I’m going to be mega bummed if I can’t get both. But I would like to know before I join any group.

Also I think I made the decision on my elementalist, without knowing it may affect what armor I could get. So will I be able to get multiple sets if I want too?


Gamer Gal

Question about the armor sets from the 3 orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Light.8253


As far as I understand, you can only get the armor on the character that is in that order. So if your ele is in Priory, that is the only set that he can get.

Question about the armor sets from the 3 orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WasAGuest.4973


That’s what I’ve been told as well. Once you pick, you are stuck. I was hoping that after I finished the story line the others would open up to me; no such luck though.

It was actually kinda funny for me. Went with Order of Whispers thinking “ah, sneaky, assassins.” Good fit for my thief. Saw the armor and went “eesh! Who designed this crud? Where’s my un-do?”
Then got to the choice with my mesmer. Went with Vigil. Had same reaction. Had I reversed these two I would have been happier. Oh well. Seems all of my characters are doomed to look like either beggars or idiots… or a combination of both.

No offense meant to any of the artists. Taste is subjective and while I don’t like some of it, others do.

Question about the armor sets from the 3 orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


To be fair they said very clearly that you’d be joining them permanently.

You can preview all the armors in the sPvP lockers in the mists too, so plan ahead.

Question about the armor sets from the 3 orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WasAGuest.4973


Zzulu is right; I just hadn’t known before hand. So no blame on anyone but myself (as I had said, I wish I had reversed the choices I made).