Question and Concerns

Question and Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarleVVLL.8561


I pre-ordered GW2. I loved GW1, and was hoping for a similar experience, simply more refined in a persistent setting. My questions are also concerns, so I hope to be educated since I stopped playing GW2 a while ago.

1) One of the biggest complaints I had (among all of my friends who played, too) was that there was no clearly defined roles between players; everyone, really, was DPS. This meant that PvE (even PvP) encounters were mainly damage dealing sessions with very little nuance. If you played one ‘dynamic’ event, you played them all. Have there been changes here?

2) Player builds were predictable and uninteresting (GW1, I thought, had a great multi-classing system). Has there been any improvement in this arena?

3) The Auction House, imho, killed the progression experience (similar to D3). In GW1, you had to manually trade and incrementally become stronger through clever deals. In GW2, you could simply buy the best item for your level. There was no real sense of accomplishment to be had. Thoughts?

4) The game was very, very easy. I understand soloable content, but my friends and I recalled GW1’s difficulty and were quite shocked at how easy (mindless?) GW2 was. Have there been any changes?

I want to play GW2 again, but with only damage player roles, uninteresting character builds, broken item progression system and easy difficulty, I am playing (and paying for) other options.


Thank you.

Question and Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It doesn’t sound like returning to GW2 will be very fulfilling for you then. Everything you’ve mentioned is true and generally speaking you have to go pretty far out of your way to make the content challenging after you’ve done it at least once.

Question and Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

It’s free to come back and see for yourself. New content coming next month, so that might be different. There has been a move away from zerg-like content, as well.

It’s free to come back…for now.

Question and Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


GW1 wasn’t that hard either, once you had a solid grasp of the game’s mechanics and had access to Heroes. Even endgame content like the dungeons and RoT could be done quickly and safely using meta-builds.

It’s also worth pointing out this is the exact same situation we find ourselves in regarding GW2 dungeons/fractals and meta/speedclear builds.

Question and Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarleVVLL.8561


I must disagree regarding the difficulty. Any game becomes easier when you’re familiar with the challengers and if you use the best builds, but neither of those points apply here. I can be ANY build in GW2 and breeze through content. This makes “best builds” almost arbitrary, as content can be completed without them. In GW1, this didn’t seem like the case.

Question and Concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


I agree with one point : clever deals.
I made fortunes ( plural) off clever deals.
It’s very sad that this part of the game was taken away. Now I have to grind for my gold.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”