Question for long term vets (1 year+)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


Excluding community (guild/friends/etc) what keeps you playing GW2?

I’ve been playing a few months now, and I think I’m burning out a bit. Without anything to work towards (Ascended gear is just too much of a long term grind and expense for no significant advantage) things are just getting repetitive. every day I do exactly the same things, and it seems like there’s hardly any variety on things to do at 80 unless you’re a hardcore pvp/wvw’er.

I’ve got 12 characters to 80 now (keep deleting and remaking) and once my characters hit 80, I just feel a bit lost. I don’t want to spend all day doing the same dungeons and world bosses and content, but it seems like that’s all I end up doing when not just chilling out in DR and socialising with my guild

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Have you done world map completion? Have you done all the jumping puzzles and diving spots? Do you ever take part in the activity mini games? Have you done all the dungeons (including all paths) or are you just grinding the same few that are popular? Have you completed your personal story? One thing I like to do when bored is go to newbie zones and help people out, show them around, take them to jump puzzles and help them with skill points.

12 level 80s in 4 months (going off your post history when you introduced yourself) of playing time indicates you must play a lot unless you craft leveled them. Maybe you just need to take a break for a bit. There isn’t anything wrong with that.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I mostly bounce back and forth between WvW and Living Story with occasional forays into dungeons, fractals or PvP. I am never bored

I find WvW endlessly fascinating. It’s different every time I go in. It’s more drama than Game of Thrones, more strategy than chess. Now I played WoW back when Tarren Mill/Southshore was a thing, back during the Wintergrasp days and let me tell you, all that was merely a tinkertoy compared to WvW. It’s the only game to play as far as I’m concerned if you like large scale RvR.

And I love the lore and world of Tyria. Dragons larger than whole zones, how everything is tied together in the Eternal Alchemy, a gorgeous infinitely detailed world with so much character customization. Always pumping out new content, trying new things, this game always surprises me. And the way they’ve changed up the MMO scene, with how practically everything you do benefits those around you, how you are happy to see other players rather than leery that they will steal your node, your kill, your loot, etc. So done with all that other nonsense, this is my game

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I make goals for myself. Right now I’m working on crafting a legendary, arachnophobia and mad moon. A got other things on my list when I finish those three.

I’m mostly working on getting the skins I like the most, both weapon and armor skins.

Also working on the PvP armor.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


I honestly don’t know. I guess I do have some goals I haven’t yet completed, like getting all ascended weapons for my guardian. But there’s no real reason why I want to do that. I know two other people who play regularly, and I have only actually played with one of them. But still I log in for Teq, and dailies, and crafting, and slowly progressing toward goals, goals that don’t really mean much, all things considered. It gives me some ritual activity, I suppose.

I’m not particularly tied to it, though. It’s entertainment to me, and if I get bored of it, I do something else.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


All any MMO really is is just a list of things to do. If you like doing the things then that MMO will resonate with you. If you don’t like doing them, the MMO will not resonate with you.

I don’t enjoy raiding so in a game that game out with six raids a year wouldn’t do anything for me.

I do enjoy WvW and some PvP, which helps keep things fresh. And I do enjoy mini games as well. South Sun survival is fun as hell sometimes.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pockets.3201


Not much.

I just level characters here and there. Pop in to do my dailies and maybe some of whatever new content there is, though new content tends to get old fast with the grind they build into it. Sometimes I’ll hit a worldboss, but now its usually the Anet mandated worldboss of the day instead of whichever is convenient or desired.

Maybe hit the Grindwastes, though I’m finally up to date on my luminescent collection.

I don’t like PVP in any form so that stuff is out, and I’m quite aware that I will never get a legendary between the poor RNG system and the stupid costs to buy/make them.

I don’t do dungeons and fractals because most of my guild is gone and I have yet to find another that doesn’t expect me to completely abandon it to join them.

I’d like to RP but…I’ve never really manged to get myself into the community.

Its mostly people that keep me going here, the few that I have left.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blakdoxa.7520


What keeps me playing GW2? WvW and maybe a little PvP.

Honestly, don’t wait for the game to give you reasons to play. That’s the reason why a majority of people quit mmos. You have to make up your own reasons to stay whether it’s friends, WvW, fractals or whatever.

Devona’s Rest

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dlonie.6547


For me, I’ve started duoing dungeons regularly with a regular partner. It’s fun as hell to coordinate some of the fights and honestly, the challenge level for a two-man team feels more appropriate for as familiar with the combat systems as most vets are. It’s completely doable, but presents a challenge and some new ways of thinking to get past certain content.

Recently we’ve started duoing CoE. Let me tell you — that dungeon is very different when you lack a full party’s DPS. Even the trash is more interesting — having to strategize to get past the golems instead of just “stack here and kill”, etc has revitalized that fight. All of the mechanics that get shut down by a good (or bad, even) party become much more important to learn.

But I’ve been dying for new dungeons for over a year now, so this is sort of like new, interesting content for me. If dungeons aren’t your thing you may not find it as much fun.

I’ve also had a blast playing DA:I lately.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


Absolutely nothing makes me playing this game anymore.
I tried talking in forums i tired talking to A-Net communications….
but it only made it worse.

I am one of these hard core 10 years GW1 vets.
When i figured out how they pulled us over the table i got really disappointed.
it’s like they took everything out what made GW1 so great.
Basically they made a new game and put a GW label on to trick us in.

I also am one of the persons who is attached to GW and i don’t wanna play something else.
So in the end i made a happy cut and focused more on real live hobbys.

If someone asks me the A-Net head should be ashamed for everything they have done to us.
I hope you are happy with your by magic appearing “New Players”

(edited by Kurrilino.2706)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Castrin.8972


If you exclude community you really are limiting the reasons to stay. It’s like saying “excluding raids, what makes people play WoW?” Kind of cutting out one core purpose to the game.

Well if I had to follow such narrow guidelines I’d have to say that of all the MMOs I’ve played this one feels the most alive that any others. I’ve not been one to rush into content but have taken my time playing. With LS (1 and now 2) I have a continuing story to keep things interesting. I’ve just recently started doing dungeons and will eventually go back and explore fractals with friends.

But then there is that point again: with friends. I can’t just cut that out as unimportant to this game. I’ve had more fun with friends here or just helping people in game. If someone asks for help in chat I’m usually willing to throw in. That’s a hallmark of a good game, one where you feel no pressure to compete and can be willing to help people you have never met.

This game would be worthless with out the community it has created. I wish more games were like it.


Order of the Empyrean Shield [OES]
Avatar of the Silent Majority

(edited by Castrin.8972)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blakdoxa.7520


Absolutely nothing makes me playing this game anymore.
I tried talking in forums i tired talking to A-Net communications….
but it only made it worse.

I am one of these hard core 10 years GW1 vets.
When i figured out how they pulled us over the table i got really disappointed.
it’s like they took everything out what made GW1 so great.
Basically they made a new game and put a GW label on to trick us in.

I also am one of the persons who is attached to GW and i don’t wanna play something else.
So in the end i made a happy cut and focused more on real live hobbys.

If someone asks me the A-Net head should be ashamed for everything they have done to us.
I hope you are happy with your by magic appearing “New Players”

I understand where you’re coming from… But it was already written that GW2 would be completely different from GW1. It’s a completely different game that’s loosely based on GW1. Emphasis on “loosely.” The best thing you can do is forget about GW2 and it’s relation to GW1.

Devona’s Rest

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elothar.4382


I have been at this since the first beta weekend. What keeps me engaged is never letting myself get locked into doing only one thing. I work temple events in Orr, I clear maps, I bring up alts, I run dungeons, I do boss trains, I gather, I craft, etc. Slowing making ascended weapons and armor as I get the mats. Just finishing my first legendary (1 more TA run). So, for me, it is the variety and the knowledge that I can log in and do the things I want to do without fear of “falling behind.”

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Targren.6073


I recently came back to try after a long hiatus and reconnect with some old friends who were still playing, but I found myself with not much worth doing/goals worth pursuing. The only actual accomplishment-based achievement I’m missing is the Dungeon achievement for Orr (still need p1 and p4), and after four weeks, it became pretty clear that it wasn’t going to happen. Legendary-hunting isn’t a goal, it’s a slot machine, and doing my daily cycle of worldbosses just to sell the crap drops on the TP got old when I hit the ~1200G mark. So I figured, what the hell. When I’m bored, I can always indulge my altaholism, right? NPE and the trait “revamp” cured me of that condition in one dose.

So basically, now I’m logging in at 00:01 UTC every night, getting my login chests, then logging out, save for the days when a new LS chapter comes out. I’ll do those once, then resume the cycle. I’m just too tired of PvRNG

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceta.6057


I play for a few minutes most days, but GW2 is too limited to hold my interest.

It’s a simple grind to reach 80 ( x12 ), more so after recent changes. I then obtain some adequate gear and the game is essentially finished, but for a little exploring.

Every so often I can waste a few hours poking a stick at that drivel called a living story. But without tangeable character progress, whether level, in skill or in visible status ( i.e. Obsidian armor ) There is simply little point in playing.

Fortunately there are there games ( with lots more content ).

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I dabble in just about everything in GW2, so I’m still working towards my own personal goals:

1. Finish Personal Story on my 5 mains (halted until I get more info on how ANet is planning to adjust the PS in the future)

2. Complete all the dungeons (all paths) on my 5 mains (currently up to CoF)

3. Acquire a full set of Ascended gear on my 5 mains, including armor/weapons/trinkets (80% complete)

4. Reach rank 80 in sPvP (currently 53)

5. Complete several of the expensive collections (such as Exotic Hunter, Treasure Hunter and Dungeoneer)

6. Acquire a full Radiant armor set (Very long term goal. Requires completion of lots of AP)

7. Do the Living Story, including acquiring all achievements

8. Fill out my home instance as much as possible. (This includes some new, very expensive long-term goals thanks to the new gathering nodes dropped from Black Lion chests.)

9. Collect some weapon sets that I find aesthetically pleasing (but excludes all Black Lion Weapon sets). Currently working on the Guild Weapon set.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I still have to get every achievement, get a better computer to really experience and enjoy WVW. I have to have ascended equipment on every character so I can enjoy fractals on them all, got to have 8 characters at lv 80 in every profession (need 2 new slots for that). Also get every legendary weapon one day and every skin I can still get.

I RP on three characters and plan to have a custom story for all 8 and RP on each and every one.

I’m 2 years playing now and still not ever done.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


I’m a strategist and tweaker by nature. The variety of builds, ways to play as well as dressing up my characters (strong aesthetic sense here) keep me in. I also often see many great and usual looks on other people’s characters.

That and i’ve yet to make full ascended set;)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i play structured player versus player very casually nowadays.

it is always fun to party up with some friends and then hit the ranked arena.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


doing dungeons and pvp with various class and builds.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naiasonod.9265


Honestly? Roleplay. My fellow players tend to be better storytellers and entertainers than game devs in the mmo scene are allowed to even try to be.

My advice? Don’t rely in the devs to entertain you. That might seem weird to consider since these things are supposed to be games made to entertain us, but don’t expect much from them.

They’re out to make money. Nothing wrong with that, but they’re invariably going to do the minimum they have to in order to get the maximum return.

Their priorities are those of business. Sine if then might wish it were otherwise, but wishes aren’t fishes and you can’t eat them.

Most of the better rp’ers, by contrast? They’ll bend over backwards to make fun happen for themselves and others they’re involved with. It’s not their job – it’s their unpaid passion.

And in my opinion, the roleplay communities that these games sometimes wind up with are often better and more loyal people than these games deserve.

The loyalty doesn’t go both ways. Never will. Business is a cold, uncaring engine. If it isn’t, it loses to the sleek machines that are.

One is only the smartest person in the room if they are alone.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Streaming, going for records, and friends mostly.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

You have to PvP or wvw. Pve will never have enough content for you.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

honestly now a days I just cant keep up. (playing since the start)

- Leveling new alts (got 3 more to work on)
- trying to experience every single dynamic event chain (might not be possible especially with new ones being added and occasional changes to zones)
- tying to find every hidden event (hard to do as there is no way of knowing whether you found them all or missed some)
- working to get a good distinctive look for each of my characters
- investigate the world for changes after every living story event
- play the living story release first on my main then on a couple of alts
- try to unlock all the achievements of the new living story which am happy to say can be pretty hard
- guild missions
- level up all crafting professions, still not done especially with some being level 500 now (I gather my stuff never buy the mats to speed things up)
- related to the above occasionally go out roam the world and strip mine the planet
- play personal story on different characters of different races to try to experiance all the different branches of the story
- unlock traits for the new alts by actually playing the events rather then buying them
- occasionally engage in some pvp/wvw/dungeons/fractals/mini games
- occasionally working on increasing my APs to unlock more radiant / hellfire armor

have yet to start but really want to one of these days:
- Work on Collections
- Craft a legendary or two

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Played since start with just over 4k hours and I still log in most days. I do different things, have made one legendary to see what it was like and because I liked the skin, was and still am not anxious to repeat it, but will if I get the precursor for the legendary skin I want.
Mostly wander here and there, find out if I am willing to get an item for collections (ridiculous prices on many so not something I will chase).
Have made 2 ascended weapons and will make one more soon. Have made six of the ascended back pieces.
Mostly I know enough to log out when I am feeling meh about the game rather than force myself and feel even more meh.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


My methods of avoiding burnout are basically:

1) Don’t push yourself too hard. Unless I’m running with a group, I generally set myself a set of objectives (often guided by the dailies) that I estimate to be completable in about 0.5-2 hours, do them, and then log out. The more you push the one thing, the more likely you are to get bored of it.

2) Try new things. Some things may be enough out there that you know without trying that you won’t enjoy them, but there are a lot of things that you may be writing off when you shouldn’t. Try a new build – even if it’s not optimal, in most zones you can get away with it. Try a new mode. Maybe you’ll find you enjoy one of the activities, even if only as an actual thing. Dip your toes into WvW or sPvP – for most professions, they aren’t so much different from PvE except that your opponents are smarter and need to be stomped (or just DPSed the rest of the way, which can be more efficient). I’m not saying that you won’t go into some of these and go “as expected, hated this”, but you might find some things are more fun than you expected.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


Guild and friends are a non issue for me. The guild I’m in even though big, I don’t really have any contact with. I joined them after my old gold collapsed and all of the friends I made in that guild stopped playing. So I’ve been slowly getting the bits together to made The Flame Seeker Prophercies, been doing that for nearly a year. About half way done. But I’m not rushing to get it finished, it’s a done she it’s done goal. I just generally play content level alts map complet, play a little WvW or PvP. But then I don’t get to play as much as I would like, I have full ascended gear on my main. As they are a cheaper alternative to legendary’s, not to mention I don’t like the skins for them really, (only TFP that’s why I’m crafting it)

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


I have been playng since release day but the 9 months are so not very much, just nothing that I personally want to do in game anymore. I am not in the least burned out, just no way to really advance in the game anymore. No character development and I don’t like living story which is Anets main focus, so nothing to do really.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


If you feel that you are being burnt out… Why do you even force yourself to play?
I love this game but I don’t play it more than a few hours a week now as I don’t wanna be tired of the game. But mostly what I do now is doing Living Story, PvP and I am trying out to level a character in the new NPE wich I realy like actually.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Admiral Ursa.8391

Admiral Ursa.8391

I have been playing for almost over a year and just recently I started playing PvP (5v5 unranked), which I found it very interesting, despite the fact I frowned upon it all this time and i was doing only PvE.
I think that PvP, leveling up new toons, customizing existent characters to your match your tastes, some daily bosses (Tequatl), daily achievements and slowly building up for a future legendary can keep you pretty busy!

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


It’s free and it’s loads better than other free MMOs.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


I play since headstart every day 10+ hours and still love it because there so much stuff to do everytime.
I think key is loving mmos. Some ppl come here are guided to lvl 80 and then they are lost because they dont know what to do and are bored by stuff what mmos usualy provide. If you dont like stuff like dungs, pvp and farming in general you should rather go play some single player games. Its like complaining about lack of swordfights in Need for Speed series its simply something what isnt there.

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xander.9024


/age is 855 days so a bit over two years. I end up taking a few breaks here and there. I’ll try to do the collections, but then I’ll ask myself..“why am I doing this?” It doesn’t really serve a purpose for me. Then it usually spirals out to other areas of the game. I’m like that with every game I play though. After a while, I’ll just get bored. That’s pretty much “a me thing”. So, I take breaks. I log in to get the stories, then do them later.

When I come back, I can usually find something to do. When I came back from my last break, I wanted to get the non-merit upgrades for my one man guild. Now that it’s finished..I dunno.

I don’t like a lot of the other MMOs out their. Never really fond of the whole treadmill idea. So, a game that I can pick up and put down, when I get bored, then pick it back up again is pretty ideal for me.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Excluding community (guild/friends/etc) what keeps you playing GW2?

I’ve been playing a few months now, and I think I’m burning out a bit. Without anything to work towards (Ascended gear is just too much of a long term grind and expense for no significant advantage) things are just getting repetitive. every day I do exactly the same things, and it seems like there’s hardly any variety on things to do at 80 unless you’re a hardcore pvp/wvw’er.

I’ve got 12 characters to 80 now (keep deleting and remaking) and once my characters hit 80, I just feel a bit lost. I don’t want to spend all day doing the same dungeons and world bosses and content, but it seems like that’s all I end up doing when not just chilling out in DR and socialising with my guild

For me I play this game at a snail pace lol. Still no full Ascended Gear or Legendary weapon I haven’t felt like going on those side quests yet. So I still have lots to do but now I mostly PvP because for me the combat in this game feel smooth and engaging. Personally feels like I’m playing a console fighting game. WvW/PvP keep me here for the day to day and the Story/PvE is when I want to feel like I’m playing an MMORPG and with the combat its always nice to OWN hostile NPCs. But yeah it seems like you might be feeling a bit burned out.

Maybe you should just take a break from the game a little bit. Log in to hang out with budz and then just log I mean this game is perfect for that lol its extremely casual friendly. No sub or armor treadmills really don’t make you feel like your missing out on too much. Unless you are an achievement hunter but thats another story. Only thing would be log in to get the new chapters for free so you don’t have to pay for them later and your set.

Necromancer Main

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


Excluding community (guild/friends/etc) what keeps you playing GW2?

Lots and lots of different stuff. I’ve been playing for over two years, with twelve characters at level 80 and (currently) 10 more on the way up. What I really love about this game is that there’s always something fun to do and I’m not forced to play specific content on a specific character or else I’ll get left behind and won’t be able to pull my weight in group content.

Some days I just like to roam around, do a bit of map completion here (6 at 100% so far), some personal story there, or some living story at another time. There’s enough variety of maps (both in appearance and level range), event types, and other stuff (gathering crafting materials, collecting skins and collection stuff, jumping puzzles and mini dungeons, …) to always find something that suits my mood.

Having a wide variety of characters available (all classes except necromancer at 80) allows me to just pick whatever class mechanic I enjoy that day, without restriction. No more taking only the healer into a dungeon day in and day out because she needs the gear that may or may not drop at the boss to get her raid equipment up to date. I can just take whatever class/race I feel like into AC to gather tokens for the soldier’s set one of my characters wants for WvW (or even get the remaining pieces through crafting/karma/badges/tp/whatever if I get tired of AC).

I love how accessible everything in this game is. If I feel like running a couple of dungeons I just fire up the lfg tool and have a good chance of finding a decent party quickly to go into that dungeon and have a good time. If I stumble upon a group event there’s usually somebody around to help out and get the event done. Sometimes there’s just two or three people, making the event a fight worth remembering, other times there’s lots and the event is just a fun breeze. Other days, I hop into my server’s TS to find the public WvW zerg (mostly not more than a good-sized roaming group outside of prime time really ) and spend a couple of hours defending the borderlands.

I enjoy crafting, and how you get useful crafting materials at all levels and pretty much everywhere you play. No need to farm for a certain kind of material above all others, just play whatever part of the game you enjoy, mix it up a bit, and eventually you’ll find your material storage filled with enough stuff to craft something useful out of it. I’ve already crafted two complete sets of ascended armor (light & heavy) as well as a good variety of ascended weapons, and should have enough materials stored by now to craft a medium set of armor, too. Looking through my materials storage the other day, it even looked like I might have enough stuff collected to seriously consider crafting a legendary … although I may just spend the gold on gems for a bobblehead laboratory table and a water balloon tub instead .

With this game, I just log in and find something fun to do. Unlike other MMOs I have played, there is a lot more short-term enjoyable activities here and not nearly as much need to “work” for your character progression in a specific way before you can actually enjoy playing them. You have a good variety of things to do to progress your characters, be it aquiring different kinds of equipment (stat sets & quality), unlocking traits (my three post-April 80s are still fine-tuning their builds by unlocking new traits here and there), or going after specific skins and rare stat combinations (personally, I am still working on completing some of the dungeon collections to replace ascended berserker trinkets with their assassin counterparts), but the characters are just as playable without the perfect trait and equipment set-ups, so it’s up to me to choose how much of my playtime to devote to the fine-tuning.

Bottom line: What keeps me playing is the variety of enjoyable activities in this game and the freedom to play whatever I enjoy at that moment rather have the need for shinies (that in turn gate access to the activities I enjoy) dictate how I spend my time in game.

(edited by Rasimir.6239)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lynne.8416


Excluding community (guild/friends/etc) what keeps you playing GW2?

I’m not sure how you can exclude community since this is an MMO. But, IF this was a solo game, I wouldn’t even consider playing it.
I enjoy cooperative play over competitive so the PvP areas of this game do not interest me. Although I do WvW a bit, I prefer playing the open world PvE portion of this game with small groups of people.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ins.7139


WvW, WvW and more WvW.

I have racked up 4,000 hours playtime, i have only ever run one dungeon and i’m still on the 1st mission living story. I live and breathe WvW and love it, aslong as there are people to play with and to kill, or waypoints to farm i will keep playing and loving the game!

I have nearly full ascended armor and weapons on my WvW main (Warrior) just need 2 more berserker armor bits. All got through drops in WvW, i don’t have any crafting above 400 hehe

Until camelot Unchained anyway

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


1) I have a WvW guild that does raid 3-5 times a week. Some night are slow, but other are just Epic

2) I ran dungeon a lot, but I spend time a bit everywhere in the game and most of my friend were never super into optimizing our runs. But after 2 years some are changing their tone and we are trying more and more new tricks. We have a blast even if some of those try end up badly some time. We still have a ton of fun and that give a breath of fresh air into dungeon for me. I also have the goal of soloing all path that I can, just don’t have the time much, so it go slowly.

3) Most of my friend were not in pvp either, but the slowly changing their mind. Now we can also have a team of 5 and I spent a lot more time in pvp trying to get all those champion title.

4) I always have a legendary or costly skin in process. Now i’m gearing up some obscur weapons for my main that I play rarely or adding some weapons to my 3rd-4th alt.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MFoy.3284


To kill the Evil Red Lettered Ones of course.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I just love the combat mechanics, I could do anything on my engi and ele and enjoy it.

Playing since launch and only 1900 hours though, So I probably enjoy GW2 because I’m a casual player.

Welcome to my world –

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Community is the main reason I play MMOs. Otherwise I’d play a single player RPG instead.

Right now I’m working on getting to level 50 Fractals and rank 80 in PVP. Once I’m done with those, I don’t know what else to work on since almost all my other goals have been achieved. I’d still log on to do guild stuff.

Edit: I just realized the tc is in my guild, lol!

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

(edited by Arcadio.6875)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Lupi and I have some things to work out still, that’s about the only thing I do in game now.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immensus.9732


I only pvp and very rarely wvw, theres nothing else to do honestly, map completion, done, legendary done, all dungeons, done, fractals, done, most of the world bosses, done, LS has barely added any of these so i dont even bother with it.

Mesmers Shall Rule Tyria!

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I get a perverse satisfaction out of logging in each day, opening the gem store, saying “no more gem purchases for you ANet” and then opening my free log-in chest. I then go and get 3 PvP dailies in a private arena with the rest of my guildies and/or family and use the “you never need to leave PvP” reward tracks provided for that minimal effort. I’m truly now “playing the way I want”

Recently returned to…
Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Halvorn.9831


As long as there are non-black-lion-ticket-bound skins left to acquire I have a goal in this game

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


And a shimmer of hope they will come to their senses and release an expansion.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knives.6132


I’m just bored of my previous game/movie or a sudden impulse to run Teq and 3h Wurm.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


Difficult question.
I would say pushing to keep up with my friends skill and gear levels. Its one thing to log in to play with them, its another thing entirely to be able to play with them.

Another thing I’m just now getting into is upping my AP level. Looking at it compared to those on my friend’s list — its kinda sad. They have triple the amount I do. xD

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loki.8793


The combat system. That’s pretty much the only thing that has kept me invested in this game for so long. I’ve been playing this game sense the betas, and it’s depressing to see how little this game has changed over its lifespan. We got some UI improvements, some nice and snazzy quality-of-life mechanics, and a whole lot of living story content that was added and immediately removed. For any other game, people would have packed up and left a long time ago in much larger numbers.

But after 2 years, I’m still here. And so are many others. The core mechanics of this game are just that good. But it isn’t enough. ANET is swindling the golden opportunity they made.

After about a year, the only way I could manage to play this game was to take long breaks periodically. When I come back, I mostly dabble in the living story episodes that come out and spend the rest of my time in PvP, which is feel is the only form of content in this game that actually makes use of the core mechanics that define this game to their fullest. But seeing nearly no growth at all in PvP over 2 years, only adding bullkitten things it doesn’t need and apparently having an autistic balancing team (seriously, what the hell do they do all day? ANET must have a balancing team, right? They couldn’t have disbanded that team too.), I find myself taking my breaks sooner and sooner every time I come back.

Sigh. I want to love this game. I really, really do. I remember spending all day on the GW2guru forums talking about this game and speculating when the game was still in alpha. I remember how excited everyone was to see the horribly shaky cell-phone videos of the game at game conventions, and hearing about the game from the developers, especially from Johanson.

I really want to love this game. But ANET keeps on making it harder and harder. They better have something big after season 2, or a lot of people are just going to give up and leave for good.

(edited by Loki.8793)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


The combat system. That’s pretty much the only thing that has kept me invested in this game for so long. I’ve been playing this game sense the betas, and it’s depressing to see how little this game has changed over its lifespan. We got some UI improvements, some nice and snazzy quality-of-life mechanics, and a whole lot of living story content that was added and immediately removed. For any other game, people would have packed up and left a long time ago in much larger numbers.

But after 2 years, I’m still here. And so are many others. The core mechanics of this game are just that good. But it isn’t enough. ANET is swindling the golden opportunity they made.

After about a year, the only way I could manage to play this game was to take long breaks periodically. When I come back, I mostly dabble in the living story episodes that come out and spend the rest of my time in PvP, which is feel is the only form of content in this game that actually makes use of the core mechanics that define this game to their fullest. But seeing nearly no growth at all in PvP over 2 years, only adding bullkitten things it doesn’t need and apparently having an autistic balancing team (seriously, what the hell do they do all day? ANET must have a balancing team, right? They couldn’t have disbanded that team too.), I find myself taking my breaks sooner and sooner every time I come back.

Sigh. I want to love this game. I really, really do. I remember spending all day on the GW2guru forums talking about this game and speculating when the game was still in alpha. I remember how excited everyone was to see the horribly shaky cell-phone videos of the game at game conventions, and hearing about the game from the developers, especially from Johanson.

I really want to love this game. But ANET keeps on making it harder and harder. They better have something big after season 2, or a lot of people are just going to give up and leave for good.

It’s hard as a white knight but… This I acually agree with it’s almost the same for me. I though I would spend whole days in this wintersday event but no, I almost havent played it, I didn’t even finnish the wintersday meta… The Mail we got from the orphan, I find it being booring and so horrid, I don’t like that we have to look for the same guy once a day for three days and well it is not much too it… And the latest LS chapters has been to short and not much action, I hope this will be better now.

I still find GW2 the best MMO there is but if I don’t have my breaks now … I can’t play it, I dunno what to do. I played Champions Online 4 years ago, I started playing it again one month ago and I like it again. The same will work with GW2.

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