Question for long term vets (1 year+)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spoj.9672


Hope for something new. Otherwise community and friends is the only thing keeping me here. So currently i only really log on for daily or crafting some damask. If a friend invites me to a fractal or dungeon will im on i might tag along for a bit.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Megastorm.6219


PvP mainly. Also the occasional skin/item grind-to-get that looks like an item I would like for my account. I have left the main guild I was in about half a year ago, and have been happy to solo guild rep on my own since then. I chill out in LA on occasion and mingle with the local yokels from time to time, which gives me a feel of the community. PvP lobby is a bit..out of control until you start blocking some of the repeat offenders, then it’s a lot nicer in the lobby.

That type of stuff keeps me logging in for about an hour or a few each day. Pretty stale as of late..I must agree there, and I’m waiting on Rytlock to come back as a Ritualist from the UW lol…oh sky, you have such sweet sweet pie.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cormac.3871


I like to have 3 or 4 goals at any one time.

For the last year 2 of these have been a legendary and a piece of Ascended armour (I managed to complete 3 legendary weapons, about six pieces of ascended armour and a couple of ascended weapons).

I am currently working towards my ambrite weapons and carapace armour. I am also doing the Wintersday pvp path, but PvP isn’t my thing so I will probably only complete it with a couple of days to spare.

Previously I have worked on backpacks (including Mawdrey), jumping puzzle completion, dungeon weapon and armour sets, explorer achievements, levelling all crafting professions, soloing dungeons (never managed it but got got close with TA ff) and various collection achievements.

My daily routine can consist of dungeon runs, Silver Wastes events, Dry Top events, world bosses, PvP, WvW, world bosses, map exploration on alt’s and living story achievements. Because I am not playing five or six hours a day that means I will be able to choose whichever of these I feel like at the time. At the moment I am rarely doing dungeons, WvW or world bosses, whereas a year ago these were what I was doing most of the time.

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kreejaffa.3682


What keeps me playing? I love the game concept. The lore. The combat is just about the best compared to every MMO I have ever played. I keep doing my dailies for AP. I run WB events for money.

Though, I can honestly say I play a lot less than I used to, because a lot of it is becoming stale. I have leveled 10 characters, and have 100% map completion on 8 of them. I have built several legendaries. I have crafted a lot of ascended armors. Run dungeons. Done the personal story. It was all awesome, and I loved it, but I need something new. I need a new class. A new race. I need more than an hour or two or new story every few weeks.

Mostly, right now, I play the minimal amount of game time I can every night, just to get the three dailies, five of the six Wintersday dailies, and ascended mat crafting done, and then I log off. Sure, when there is a new episode of the Living Story, I am on it like a pack of dogs on a three legged cat, but otherwise, things are a little stagnant for me.

I love this game. I have devoted over 4900 hours to it over the past 864 days. I want to devote more to it. It just needs more story for me. I love story. It’s what keeps me focused on a game.

So, I guess what is really keeping me going is hope that my story needs will be filled. I want more lore on the Elder Dragons. I want to learn more about the races of Tyria. I want to see more areas from the original game. To learn what has happened to Elona and Cantha in the last 250 years! And for the love of Pete, I want to see what will happen to Lion’s Arch! Will it ever be rebuilt, or will it remain in ruins until Guild Wars 3?

Kreejaffa [Ferguson’s Crossing]
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cormac.3871


Oh, and OP, this page might be very useful if you are looking for a medium term goal:

Question for long term vets (1 year+)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Excluding community (guild/friends/etc) what keeps you playing GW2?

excluding those points, imo theres nothing my IRL friends went back to gw1 or other esport games, and i myself been playing other games.

I guess i still have “hope” on the WvW enhancements and skill bug fixes for 2015 if not well theres other game to have fun to, or even make a new character on gw1 seem a better option.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)