Question for players from Australia
The lag on your end is probably related to routing or line problems rather than your Isp itself. Try a tracert to the game server to see if there are any excessive hops. If not you can call your isp and have a chat with their tech support to see if they can diagnose any issues. Changing Isps 99% of the time won’t make any difference to the problem you are having as they don’t make any physical changes to the line.
I’m with Telstra. I occassionally get lag, but not a huge amount. Then again I’m on the fastest plan.
A lot has to do with how far you are from your DSLAM servers, which is where your exchange routes into your area. The further you are from the DSLAM servers the slower your internet speed is going to be.
Routing is also a problem. Sometimes we get routed through West Australia for some reason and our speed drops significantly.
TPG is one of the worst ADSL2 providers, and is consistently slower that IINET in my findings.
However, your lag is more likely a result of the routing through overseas servers.
Try a service like Battleping before you switch ISPs.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
I’m with TPG on a 20 MBps connection and I don’t see much lag in general although I do get the odd occasion where my PC would lose its connection without anything obvious happening. A reboot sorts that out.
Just for reference, I live just outside Canberra and the only problems I get are the occasional rubber band, which is very rare, and the odd slow down.
At my other house in Sydney, where we’ve got TPG as well, the connection is very slow in comparison. Possibly due in part to the plan we’re on and the age of the lines in our area, but doesn’t really matter as I don’t play up there anyway. I’ll probably have a look at getting on the NBN when my contract is due.
I’d like to hear more from any other players who have tried Battleping particularly from Oz. I’ll try a tracert tonight and see if there’s a lot of hopping
Telstra cable here. Don’t seem to have any lag problems even when my kids are playing with me on their PC at the same time.
Do get the occasional DC though. Funny thing is, when we have both PCs running, one might DC but not the other so I don’t know what that’s about.
As long as you have at least 5mb/s download about (500kb/s) you won’t notice any lag from your end. There are no aussie servers ao the usual ping should be around 250 which is fine for mmorpgs
I’m also on Telstra Cable. ADSL2 etc. is out for me because the copper phone lines in my area are absolutely godawful. Even my landline is prone to static and drop-outs. Lag is present, but no more unusual than connecting to a US server from halfway across the world.
If you’re serious about gaming.
They’ve even got themselves a mirror site dedicated to gaming.
Internode is good, but they got progressively more expensive when I was on them. I left a bit over a year ago after a price hike, but wouldn’t recommend my current service provider as they seem to be pretty sketchy around peak hour.
Hey im using tpg as well, im in sydney. No lag at all unless my wife watch a movie or its raining.