Question to Guild Wars 1 players

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

Hello there old vets!

I have a little question for you: how do you like your new game? Do you think it’s better or worse than it’s predecessor?

Personally I had high hopes for GW2 but now I feel quite disappointed. I don;t say the game is bad, but the thing is it’s Guild Wars (which was one of the big advertising points of the game) yet core mechanics (variety of skills) from GW1 are pretty much gone, and most of the decisions A-Net make seem to take this game even further away (ascended stuff).

What are your opinions? Please share them below (I can offer cookies).

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ath.2531


There is only one thing that i am disappointed with. The business direction of the game.

Even though i know that the developers work really hard (and it shows) end game (getting rare skins, legendaries, etc) points straight to the gem store.

The massive grind required for all things end game and the lack of real story/achievement driven objectives further point to that direction. I don’t like to consipracycraft but there’s hardly any evidence or statements to disprove mine and other people’s concerns.

Oh, and the sheer support of the wall street mentality, which practically doubles the price for very rare items (lodestones, precursors, exotic skins)each month is truly disheartening.

TLDR: The economic model is my issue, nothing more or less, driving me farther away from spending $ simply because it looks overly greedy.

Takes one cookie and runs of hastily…Gotta grind some more!

Commander Athrael ThunderBorn
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU

(edited by Ath.2531)

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


GW1 took an expansion or 2 before it really became great for me. Atm I rate GW2 for launch, but GW1 overall (since it had the years to become awesome). GW1 also became too elitist for my personal tastes and hard mode kinda dulled my enthusiasm for it. That’s a personal thing mind, I appreciate probably the majority of the community enjoyed it.

It’s impossible to really compare as this is so new and they are totally different games which I am happy about. I didn’t want to see GW1 become obsolete, which it hasn’t.

Most of my gripes with GW2 are lore/atmosphere. Zones don’t feel unique enough for each race as they did and races’ characteristics in the original. The 3 Orders here just don’t work for me – having Norn/Asura/Charr/Humans out of their racial character working together the way they do is just odd. I understand why it’s like it though.

Overall, I’m not disappointed by GW2 – I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the experience to date and excited to see them add more over the future years.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mavet.3047


The first game of any franchise is ALWAYS great, the others, like this one, are usually crap. This game has deviated from the original in so many ways it’s sad. Kind of reminds me of where wow is today from what it originally was...

Mors janua vitæ

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meret.5943


Hey Smelly Bookah

I liked GW2 at first, but personally I got bored a couple months in. (No, I did not rush through to 80, I took my time and did each zone I entered to completion.)

By contrast, I played GW more or less from launch for 4 years straight and never got bored until I burned out. So, I’m back playing GW again and having a fine time. It’s too bad the population has been decimated because I miss the pvp.

That said, the spell animations, character creation, vistas, graphics in GW2 are all gorgeous. Exploration and hearts were very good the first time around.

So anyway I’m taking a break from GW2 until I feel like I can approach it as its own game rather than the successor to GW. They have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Maybe it’s just me but when I play this game it still kind of feels like GW1 to me. Don’t get me wrong the game is totally different than GW1 but it feels the same to me somehow.

I do agree with Ath though, I don’t like the overwhelming feeling that all roads to success pass through the gem store but I don’t think Anet is that type of business and this is just growing pains for the game.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

I liked it more than gw1 for the first month. Now i have no reason to even log in… Nothing to do isn’t something that happened to me in gw1 ever. I prefer graphics and fast combat of gw2 and everything else is better in gw1.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheUndefined.1720


I agree with Randulf. I didn’t start to fall in love with GW1 until the game had Nightfall / Factions under its belt.

I actually really disliked GW1 Proph. I thought the game was incredibly boring. I disliked the majority of classes, and felt they were really ineffective.

The problem with GW2 (imo) is there needs to be more variety within the classes. More weapons, skills, more everything. Right now there just aren’t a lot of effective weapon combos. There are maybe 1 or 2 weapons that work very well in this game per class. Sure we can get into an argument with playstyle, and all that; however I still feel the more options to make the character you want the better!

After their second expansion I think this game will be smooth like butter. Until then I’m just in, and out without any sense of loyalty to the game.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

Maybe it’s just me but when I play this game it still kind of feels like GW1 to me. Don’t get me wrong the game is totally different than GW1 but it feels the same to me somehow.

I do agree with Ath though, I don’t like the overwhelming feeling that all roads to success pass through the gem store but I don’t think Anet is that type of business and this is just growing pains for the game.

But what about skill system? About combat? Cooperation?

i feel like all thsoe thigns are dumbed down to the limit. Now combat might be active, but its not reactive. You just rush in for most of the time and deal as much damage as possible, with 9 skills you have (auto attack doesn’t count).
Can you even say there are 9 skills? Some of the have ridicoulusly long cooldowns, you only use them when it’s necessary. Other ones might be considered as passives. oftentimes you end up using like 4 skills only.
And what about builds?
I just feel like not much tactics or cooperation is required. And I personally think thats what made Guild Wars so great and fresh for so many years (even though it technically wasn’t even an mmo).

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


I like GW2, but it’s just SO far away from the original. And not just a technical stand point, even lore stand point, it is a little too far. (I miss my mesmer hexes!)

I love Guild Wars (original) and will always be my favorite game.

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkmoon.5849


GW2 is a far cry from GW1. Comparing the two is not unlike comparing an apple and a pomegranate: they look slightly similar on the outside, and they’re both fruits…. and that’s about where the likeness ends.

GW2 focuses on the cash shop. This is clear in every content update: new chests with new shinies for you to blow real-world cash on, with about the same odds as winning the Powerball lotto. This is by far one of the biggest disappointments of the game.

The trek to actually acquire money in this game is astronomically frustrating. If you’re not a trading guru, or a massive dungeon grinder, you’re pretty much screwed because of DR and the accompanying horrible drop rates. This issue was compounded by some type of change (that ANet refuses to acknowledge even exists) after the Lost Shores update. This was never the case in GW1; for example, PvP in my opinion was easily one of the best ways to make money (Zaishen keys and HoH chest rewards). In the case of GW2, PvP feels like a massive cash sink. While I don’t believe there should be a “100% surefire” method to gaining cash, certainly going out and spending several hours farming mobs should net you a decent reward for your time? Not the case here.

Combat feels stale after about 20 levels. This is due in part to the lack of trinity. While dumping the trinity was a good idea on paper, what this has boiled down to is every class DPS’ing their faces off, because things like support skills are wasted. At least with a tank/heal/dps setup, you have a good idea about your role in combat; there is no such distinction between Guardian, Mesmer, and Thief (or any other combination of classes): they all simply push out damage. Combat mechanics come down to attack everything + dodge red circles= win.

The announcement of Ascended gear treadmill, er, excuse me- vertical progression… and the “brilliant idea” of Fractals; the LS event debacle… How this game has been voted “Game of the Year” by multiple sources is truly beyond my grasp.

Do I still play? Sure. But not nearly as much as I thought I was going to when GW2 was first announced. I put 6+ years into GW1, and I still want to go back and look for groups for Alliance Battles and HA… I don’t feel any of that sense of longing in GW2, and that, perhaps, is the biggest letdown of all.

Hope is the carrot dangled before the draft horse that plods along in the vain attempt to reach it

(edited by Hawkmoon.5849)

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I like GW2, but it’s just SO far away from the original. And not just a technical stand point, even lore stand point, it is a little too far. (I miss my mesmer hexes!)

I love Guild Wars (original) and will always be my favorite game.

I agree the game is WAY different but like I said it feels the same to me. I know it sounds weird and I can’t explain why but it does (underscore to me).

I like GW1 but can honestly say I won’t play it again because I feel despite it’s problems GW2 is far superior.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


I Have played a lot , but its not a patch on gw1 atm , i have to say its lacking in many ways , mainly end game , crafting , loot drops , dungeons , pvp . all those arent as good as gw1 imo

[WM]give us in game ladder

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I Have played a lot , but its not a patch on gw1 atm , i have to say its lacking in many ways , mainly end game , crafting , loot drops , dungeons , pvp . all those arent as good as gw1 imo

Yes but did you feel that way from launch or after 2 campaigns and an expansion? The game has been out for 4 months…. let’s ask this question after the first year or at least after the Jan and Feb updates. They are supposed to add content equivalent to an expansion!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amra.6028


They improved the controls and the world feel, but it lacks the extensive PVP modes GW1 had after all those expansions. GW2 is sure gonna take time, unless they take the grind train and make it World of Guildcraft.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meret.5943


Yes but did you feel that way from launch or after 2 campaigns and an expansion? The game has been out for 4 months…. let’s ask this question after the first year or at least after the Jan and Feb updates. They are supposed to add content equivalent to an expansion!

I know you weren’t asking me, but I played GW starting from a month after launch. I was not bored in Proph by the time Factions came out.

I recognize that things change as the game goes on—and obviously I still care, because I’m still visiting the forum—but for real, it isn’t like GW2 is reinventing the wheel here. There are obvious things, 100% no-brainer things, from GW that people expected. Guild halls, gvg, guesting to name a few.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vkamicht.5204


First I’ll echo those that didn’t like GW1 until the later expansions. I had the game since near launch, but didn’t actually start liking it until I had Nightfall.

That being said, while I love most of the changes to GW2, my biggest problem is I find myself constantly changing to alts and trying other professions, remaking characters, etc. because I get so bored after playing the same character too long. I don’t like that by equipping a certain weapon type, I’m locked into 5 skills that I can not change. I know I have 5 more to swap out on the other side, but I find almost all of them so boring that I fall prey to the signet appeal and just throw those on usually.

I just miss being able to have a certain weapon type (because it fits that character, or whatever reason) yet swap out so many different skills and try so many new things. Within the first 5 minutes of playing I thought “how cool, by equipping new weapons you get new skills” and expected different swords or axes or anything to give me a new set of weapon skills. That excitement was quickly shut down…

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heinel.6548


I actually think the premise of GW2 is good. I like the way combat is handled compare to GW1. In GW1 we had to handle a lot of abstractions, like take shield of absorption of gw1 and compare it to gw2. the new SoA makes much more intuitive sense than the old one. I also like projectile reflection fields more than hexes like backfire and such, because again it’s more concrete and you can visually see what’s happening, unlike in GW1 where no one knew what mesmers did at all.

My biggest disappointment though has to be that GW2 is released incomplete. The WvW system is not very well thought out and shallow. sPvP was supposed to be what I bought the game for, it was what GW1 meant for me, but just one game mode (and it has to be the one mode I hate the most) really makes me feel sad.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


Hello there old vets!

I have a little question for you: how do you like your new game? Do you think it’s better or worse than it’s predecessor?

Guild Wars is the far better game, in my opinion.

GW2 started off well enough, and because of my love for Guild Wars I was willing to forgive them for not keeping their promise of “when it’s ready”. I know they needed to get it released. What I expected after that, however, is not what happened.

I expected them to work harder on smoothing out the bugs and problems. I did not expect a complete about-face on the GW2 Design Manifesto.

I did not expect a completely buggy, crashing Karka event that was even less ready for release than the game itself. I would have thought that ArenaNet would have had a little bit more pride in themselves, and held themselves to higher standards.

The Ascended Gear debacle is the first thing that has ruined this game for me.

The fact that I have to either buy gold from ArenaNet or grind my kitten off to get said gear makes it even worse.

The sPvP is a crushing disappointment. No GvG, no ladders, nothing really to work towards.

The storyline is horribly written and voice-acted. It’s cheesy and annoying. The voice actors (with one or two exceptions) sound like they’re sitting in a room, reading a script, and have no concept of the context.

The audio (small thing for some, but this drives me insane) “one-liners” that my characters say have become so annoying I just want to log off. It’d be such a simple thing to give us a way to turn that off.

Finally, I can’t rearrange my skills on the UI. This is a terrible design. I’m forced to use my pinky and ring fingers FAR more than I ever would otherwise (in every single other game, I can put my skills where I want them, and the ones I use least go there).

Consequently, I started developing a repetitive motion injury in my elbow, from the tendon that connects those two fingers. Don’t tell me to rebind them either: it’s unintuitive and ridiculous to have to rebind keys in a different order than they’re presented on the screen. I should be able to move the skills. Every other game on the planet lets you move skills. This one should, too.

So those are a few of the reasons I like Guild Wars better than GW2. There are many more, but I’ll keep this short.

TL:DR – Guild Wars 2, after all the hype, the exiting Manifesto, and the long wait, is the biggest disappointment in gaming.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanguinius.1427


Loved GW1. Aside from UO that is the game I’ve logged the most hours in. I was disappointed when they chose to discontinue developing the game, but grew more excited as GW2 came closer to launch. A month after GW2 launched I wished that they’d stuck with GW1.

Doesn’t have the excitement, complexity or sense of exploration that the first game had. Despite the changes in scenery between most of the zones, they still feel very similar, and those “wow” moments when I came across a beautiful scene in GW1 are lacking in GW2.

I might be able to overlook GW2’s shortcomings and hope for improvements in the future, but I don’t trust Anet anymore. Their terrible communication and the disastrous way they’ve handled ascended items, combined with their not so subtle emphasis on the gem store, has pushed this Anet fanboi away.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FLFW.3105


Nothing to compare actually. GW1 was a atomic bomb and this is just meh.. firecracker at best.

GuildWars 2 is good game with bad management.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirinter.8091


Gw2 is a great game, but I feel like the classes really need ‘more’, or maybe I just preferred some of the old stuff, necros for instance, were quite more fun to play in Gw1 then they are in gw2.

I also expected more out of the gem store, they don’t add things as fast as I thought they would, I would also prefer if they added NON CONSUMABLE items in the gem store that would add to the quality of life in the game, thus making them some money, and getting us some things we would like.

but despite the criticisms, I absolutely love this game, it has so far kept my attention and playing multiple classes helps that. but I still hate Traehearne I must say.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bigtime.7410


skill system superior in GW1 than GW2 (game breaker for me )
world system superior in GW1 than GW2 ( in gw1 it took some effort to get to the next outpost, respawning mobs and world event zergs ruined any sort of accoplishment felt by killing a tough enemy)

Whats the point of levels if everything is downscaled? If the challenge is going to be equalized no matter what level im at, then whats it matter about levels?

In short, all the things that made me play GW1 are absent in GW2. I really have to stop people from buying this game, it feels like the right thing to do.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Genevra.6318


My husband and I played GW1 fairly regularly for the past ~3.5 years until GW2 came out. Since the GW2 pre-launch, I have not gone back to GW1 (though I may at some point just to get a few more HoM points); my husband occasionally goes back for holiday events or to get GoT. We’ve both been really happy with GW2 so far—amazing graphics, cooperative atmosphere, lots of gameplay options, etc. Either I haven’t run into the things people keep complaining about or I don’t have the same level of (somewhat unreasonable sometimes) expectations they have. It’s still a new game, and the devs are still working to improve the game all the time—look at what’s been released since the launch! I expect that in time, ANet will release many of the things folks have been looking for, such as guild halls, guesting, etc., and continue to work on the issues that are really bugging people.

As for the complaints about the cash store, I think people need to remember that there’s NOTHING in the gem store that’s necessary for game-play. It’s all either purely cosmetic (minis, dyes, costumes, etc.) or can also be found in-game (boosters, keys, etc.). If you don’t like something, think it’s too expensive, whatever, then you don’t have to buy it. I personally don’t like the RNG issue with the “mystery boxes,” so I don’t buy them—simple enough, no QQing necessary.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Yes but did you feel that way from launch or after 2 campaigns and an expansion? The game has been out for 4 months…. let’s ask this question after the first year or at least after the Jan and Feb updates. They are supposed to add content equivalent to an expansion!

I know you weren’t asking me, but I played GW starting from a month after launch. I was not bored in Proph by the time Factions came out.

I recognize that things change as the game goes on—and obviously I still care, because I’m still visiting the forum—but for real, it isn’t like GW2 is reinventing the wheel here. There are obvious things, 100% no-brainer things, from GW that people expected. Guild halls, gvg, guesting to name a few.

I wasn’t bored either…. this is a night and day comparison between GW1 and 2. They are completely different. From what I heard (not confirmed) guild halls and guesting are coming in an upcoming patch. GvG on the other hand was never planned to come to GW2 and I believe that the devs were clear about that too.

Don’t get me wrong there are obvious flaws in GW2 right now… but think of where it COULD be in 5 more years!

I don’t think anyone is wrong here just answering the OP with my opinion. Thanks for sharing yours!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JSmooth.7654


GW2 is a visual and technical step forward from its predecessor. I much prefer the open world feeling as opposed to having everything instanced outside the towns. I also enjoy the free content every month.

That being said, I miss the skill selection, aquisition, and experimentation from GW1. I don’t like the gambling boxes in GW2. I miss the hard mode and high-end dungeons. I know someone will troll me for this; but I miss the loot drops from special npcs in GW1. If i defeat a boss in GW2, I don’t have any reason to get excited. I know that the bosses really don’t offer any better loot tables than regular mobs. I get a little extra coin, karma, and tokens… but there is little to zero chance for an OMG EPIC LOOTS!! to drop.

Also… to everyone who hates the grinding in GW2… did you ever play GW1?

I am a tank at heart.
Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here…

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Yep…GW1 had some enormous grinds by the end…but like GW2 only if you wanted it to be. Getting titles and mats there was quite horrendous.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


Also… to everyone who hates the grinding in GW2… did you ever play GW1?

Yes. This difference is: In GW1, anything you grinded for was a skin. You didn’t need to grind for better gear. You didn’t require titles to play.

In GW2, you’re offered a choice: grind your kitten off, buy from the cash shop, or go do something else.

GW2 is grindy beyond all belief. It’s worse than Aion.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

GW1 player for 8 years here, I’m quite happy with GW2.

Things I would like to see:

1) Increased skill pool (including elites), weapon variety for all classes, a lot more traits.
This would give the game some solid build depth and variety, which GW2 lacks a lot compared to GW1.

2) More rare skin that need to be obtained by killing specific bosses a la GW1.
Honestly most skins are easy to obtain, the hard ones are legendaries which need gold farming to be obtained.
I hope Ascended weapons will be introduced in loot tables of bosses from dungeons, and their skins be actually good looking.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Hello there old vets!

I have a little question for you: how do you like your new game? Do you think it’s better or worse than it’s predecessor?

Personally I had high hopes for GW2 but now I feel quite disappointed. I don;t say the game is bad, but the thing is it’s Guild Wars (which was one of the big advertising points of the game) yet core mechanics (variety of skills) from GW1 are pretty much gone, and most of the decisions A-Net make seem to take this game even further away (ascended stuff).

What are your opinions? Please share them below (I can offer cookies).

Well, I played GW1 for a long time and overall, I do think that GW2 is better (I mean, hell, if nothing else, my character can jump now). Combat is a lot more diverse and the world feels a LOT more alive.

However, there have been some steps backwards. I am disappointed to see how much grind is required for gear and to see the reappearance of the gear treadmill, even if it is better than a lot of other games.

Also, I miss guilds. I mean, sure, this game has guilds, but they don’t really matter. There’s no feeling of guild allegiance or guild pride since you can join as many guilds as you like and there’s no competition between them. I really hope that this changes because the spirit of competition really feels dead for this game right now.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FourTwenty.4268


GW1 is still around lol. play it instead of playing the role of the victim that had their favorite game stolen from them

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JSmooth.7654


Also… to everyone who hates the grinding in GW2… did you ever play GW1?

Yes. This difference is: In GW1, anything you grinded for was a skin. You didn’t need to grind for better gear. You didn’t require titles to play.

In GW2, you’re offered a choice: grind your kitten off, buy from the cash shop, or go do something else.

GW2 is grindy beyond all belief. It’s worse than Aion.

This has already been debated over and over in other threads. I still believe my point is vaild. The ascended gear available right this second only gives a slight upgrade from full exotics. The biggest grind at the moment is the legendary weapons… which are equal in stats to exotics.

I am a tank at heart.
Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here…

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


I am still playing GW1, 2 is boring as hell and ANet is a different company these days.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Would still play GW1 if it had the population of GW2.

People say things will change for the better like most MMO’s, but my problem is the core of the combat system. It’s just not as fun as it was in GW1. There is no way they can add any interesting content because the puniness of conditions / boons / skills in general results in the only hard encounters coming from being forced to dodge at specific times. Fun while doing Kholer, Lupicus and Subject Alpha? Yep. Fun in 2 years? Nope.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Whats the point of levels if everything is downscaled?

I think they’d agree with you, but they know people love them their levels. So walla… Levels!

Both games are good, both games are much different from one another. I could see someone who loved GW1 being upset. To me this should have been another game from Anet with a different name. To me it is different enough to warrant that.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Motoko.2875


When is GW 1.5 coming out?

We missed the whole story line where an awesome game and world was demolished by dragons and turned to junk.

IGN: Motoko, Motoko Kai, Gladiator Motoko – Zero Quality [zQ], [LaG], [USA]

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


In GW1 you would do the main quest (which is fun) with other people while in GW2 you do it by yourself (which is kinda boring and weird for a mmo) and meet people farming along the way.

I like the addition of events however because often people will come to help you out, however how can you have people help you on the main quest if everyone has different missions. in short, they tried to do too much (multi-branch stories) without consideration for the community:
If it was possible to enter a queue and join others when they wish to do the quest it would be nice.

The lack of Guild halls is a huge step back. They could have used the assets from GW1 for the moment and update them later.

Also I find it harder in GW2 as a Ele to do combos than in was in GW1. In GW1 pvp as a air Ele I could chain all my spells and they seemed to make a bigger impact on the battle. Now it’s more complex – I get the benefit, but maybe the tutorials are lacking in that department.

(edited by Xillllix.3485)

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


I’ve played GW1 from launch, although I stopped after Nightfall.

GW1 has a far smaller scope than GW2, so it was possible to polish it much more.

GW2 is a much more ambitious game than GW1, with more PvE assets to create/maintain, more technical challenges in its Action-MMO engine.
I think ANet bit off a little more than it could chew, so I forgive the game for being a little rough around the edges. I think what we have is still a great achievement though – all the complaints are just gameplay details.

Moving forwards, we’ll have to see if ANet makes the right decisions in improving and polishing the game. Personally, after Xmas/Jan I want to see less new PvE content (except for rolling out proper ascended content everywhere), and more effort in adding engine features, improving balance and combat fun, PvP/WvW features, etc.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Singh.8206


Hello there old vets!

I have a little question for you: how do you like your new game? Do you think it’s better or worse than it’s predecessor?

Personally I had high hopes for GW2 but now I feel quite disappointed. I don;t say the game is bad, but the thing is it’s Guild Wars (which was one of the big advertising points of the game) yet core mechanics (variety of skills) from GW1 are pretty much gone, and most of the decisions A-Net make seem to take this game even further away (ascended stuff).

What are your opinions? Please share them below (I can offer cookies).

Guild Wars 1, great game.
I still like it a lot more than WOW.
This game is starting to go down the road to suckville!
Instead of charging you $15 a month, their going to gem you to death.

I don’t want it to turn into another AION, or WOW, but looks like they’re speeding down that road.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


4 years+ GW1 vet here, was a big fan.

Many of the things I agree with have already been said,
but what bothered me the most in GW2 was that while by simply playing GW1, I was able to afford everything I needed to get 50/50 achievements. (Hardly bothered with farming, only in very few occasions)
While in GW2, to reach any goal I set up for myself, I have to turn myself into a bot who does the same repetitive task until it’s done.

Example: In GW1 I could simply run dungeons that I liked (no speed runs) and based on the loot I get from chests, I could pretty much make decent money. Some of them even guaranteed unique worthwhile loot like in Slaver’s Exile that net you 10 platinum minimum from chest.

In GW2 I farm nodes (best way to make money).
My other alternative without relying on a group, would be the TP which I’m already highly against for various reasons.

There is a strong emphasis to push players to purchase gems in this game resulting in large scale nerfs, and many feel this way. Which made me lose a lot of faith in the company I used to love so much.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

Thanks for all your feedback guys! Keep it coming!

Let ArenaNet know that we are playing GW2 as well.

(edited by Smelly Bookah.6957)

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

4 years vet here. I’m absolutely loving GW2. I haven’t had any real gripe with the game yet and I’ve had it since headstart. Sure GW1 was great in its own right but this has a “2” in it for a reason. It’s a new game with the same lore.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I like them both for different reasons. IMO they’re very different games in a lot of ways, although there are some similarities too (when compared to other games).

My playstyle is definately very different. I find myself spending more time exploring in this game and doing whatever I come across, whereas GW1 was much more goal focused – I’d do a quest or a mission and if something else came up I’d make a note of it for later.

Over time I see myself spending time on GW2 in much the same way – I’ll go through phases where I’ll play it a lot, either the game in general or working on specific goals. Then I’ll lose interest and stop for a while, playing something else instead. Then I’ll come back to it.

And because neither of them has a subscription I won’t have to plan it in advance or worry about if I’m playing enough to justify it.

The first game of any franchise is ALWAYS great, the others, like this one, are usually crap. This game has deviated from the original in so many ways it’s sad. Kind of reminds me of where wow is today from what it originally was…

Not true. Warcraft 2 was a vast improvement over Warcraft 1. Some people (myself included) even say it holds it’s own over more modern games. (I was dissapointed with WC3, but it’s still better than 1 and some people prefer it to 2.)

There are many other examples, but that’s the one that came to mind.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wheels.8451


GW2, as others have said, is in its infancy… but it’s a greedy infant.
GW2 so-far is a shinier, shallow, kiddie version of GW1.
The gem store (in its current state) plagues and strangles creative development.
Other than that I think the game is pretty OK.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Motoko.2875


Thanks for all your feedback guys! Keep it coming!

Let ArenaNet know that we are playing GW2 as well.

How about we let them know we stopped playing GW2 because we can’t stand the extreme deviation from its predecesor.

4 years vet here. I’m absolutely loving GW2. I haven’t had any real gripe with the game yet and I’ve had it since headstart. Sure GW1 was great in its own right but this has a “2” in it for a reason. It’s a new game with the same lore.

Diablo had 3 in it for a reason. To bank off of what was once a great franchise and to scam consumers and fans. GW2 has taken a similar path (while offering much more than D3 ever did) – It doesn’t deserve to be called GW2. Any GW1 player knows that. A 4 year vet missed TONS of things that a 7-8 year vet experienced.

World Of Charrcraft.

IGN: Motoko, Motoko Kai, Gladiator Motoko – Zero Quality [zQ], [LaG], [USA]

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snipey.6937


GW2 is missing a lot for me. I like exploring/tinkering with games and as Wheels said it’s much shallower than GW1.

We don’t have many skills to use in the first place and it becomes very clear which ones are simply better than the rest. Major traits are tiered, limited and at every 10 points, so there is no concept of fine tuning a build.

It never feels like exploring anything when a breadcrumb trail of POIs and Waypoints holds my hand through a zone. DEs mostly have no meaningful impact on a zone besides the major chains in Orr. Personal stories take a nosedive starting around levels 30-40.

Still enjoy GW2 nonetheless.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khristophoros.7194


I was really into GvG in GW1. SPvP in GW2 was a massive disappointment.

I miss the huge number of options for building a character. It did become over the top after two expansions but GW2 trimmed it down way too much.

As far as PvE and WvW go, I’m really happy. I love how the game plays. I love how we don’t require healers and tanks in PvE.

Overall I love the game but it’s nothing like GW1 and doesn’t fill the void in my heart that GW1 has left behind. It’s just a different game that is good in its own way.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I miss my speed clears.

A group of assassin’s ninjaing around a dungeon or a mixed team in FoWSC or UWSC.

Comparatively speaking a GW2 dungeon walk feels so slow…. I literally find myself nodding off as I can do a lot with my guardian with little concentration.

In GW1 u had to Ebon jump up the line or you would get left behind and possibly taken down by mobs in dungeons.

As a terra in FoWSC or UWSC you had a singular job that if you failed, broke down the entire run. If you wanted to be a more team player that was filled as well where you could play support/utility roles.

There’s just not that level of intensity or concentration required when I walk around GW2.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amra.6028


Diablo had 3 in it for a reason. To bank off of what was once a great franchise and to scam consumers and fans. GW2 has taken a similar path (while offering much more than D3 ever did) – It doesn’t deserve to be called GW2. Any GW1 player knows that. A 4 year vet missed TONS of things that a 7-8 year vet experienced.

World Of Charrcraft.

Not quite good examples.
I’d go for Max Payne 3 at that point. That’s a good example of using a name to market a game that does not at all resemble the predecessor. GW2 features the same world, the same races and history. It’s just different controls and different content design.

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Hello there old vets!

I have a little question for you: how do you like your new game? Do you think it’s better or worse than it’s predecessor?

Personally I had high hopes for GW2 but now I feel quite disappointed. I don;t say the game is bad, but the thing is it’s Guild Wars (which was one of the big advertising points of the game) yet core mechanics (variety of skills) from GW1 are pretty much gone, and most of the decisions A-Net make seem to take this game even further away (ascended stuff).

What are your opinions? Please share them below (I can offer cookies).

Yes i pretty much share your views, Guildwars 2 isn’t bad (core), its just not a Guildwars game to me.