Quick trait setup switching feature?
I started a similar thread just after the patch came live, but it did not get enough attention…
I really do support this idea. I main a thief and its a pain to switch around gear and traits between fights. For single target melee: D/D, for melee cleave: S/P, for ranged P/P or SB. These all require different traits to reach their maximum potetntial. Then you can go full dps (6/6/0/0/2 for thief) or go for a little more survivability (5/6/0/3/0 or something like this). Then there are the WvW traits… It would be awesome to be able to switch traits and gear with one click, so you can quickly adopt to the situation (switching from roaming traits to zerg traits and vica versa). And I also prefer to use a different build for open world bosses and temples.
So this is way more than what can be easily managed by changing stuff one by one. I really do hope this feature comes live asap. +1 from me!
I was actually surprised anet did not implemented this together with the update. (I honestly assumed it would be in). Anyway, it would oh-so convenient to have the trait profiles implemented. This would be especially helpful for PvP when you play, say necro and skyhammer loads up. “Oh, better change to fear-omancer than”.
Yes please!!
Also, saved custom graphics settings!