Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JakeLaw.6815


I don’t see the point of playing it, you can PVP from level 1 and get max level 80 gear. When reaching max level you don’t get any rewards or any extra content you may do.

Graphics is good, semi grind and generally boring to play. I’ve played many other games like WoW and LoL and guild wars 2 doesn’t seem to get my attention and i don’t get the point in playing it and getting max level.

Waste of money.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You admit you quit after barely even playing an MMO? That is completely nonsensical.

Play for AT LEAST two weeks, then decide if you want to quit. I played Rift for a month before I decided that it wasn’t for me.

MMOs cannot be summed up in two days of play time. This is why all the big game review sites waited a week, or even several weeks, before reviewing the game.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JakeLaw.6815


Got to level 40 and just didn’t see the point :L

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonpuncher.7250


This is the only MMO i’ve liked after playing 2 days. Also, the main games I played before this are WoW and LoL. This has better questing/pve than WoW (more to come with expansions) and all the fun of instant-queue LoL matches in sPVP.

So I’m not saying you’re wrong, but your opinion certainly isnt going to be common. I’ve laid out some options for you:

1. Play more than 2 days. If only to get your money’s worth.
2. Never play again. thanks for donating $60 to my future expansion.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Untouch.2541


Sorry, but if you need a “point”, you don’t enjoy the genre, you only enjoy the end.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


Sad to hear you don’t like it. Rift has a very grindy PVP gear system, maybe you’ll like that one more?

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marianitten.1247


He likes wow. I don’t know what he was looking for. Another WoW? Why? You already have wow…

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ituhata.6830


You probably didn’t do too well in most other genres where the fun is the reward, not the other way around. Anyway, your fault for not researching before you buy.

Caelthras – Fort Aspenwood
3rd Flora Artillery Unit

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JazzyJay.1367


You admit you quit after barely even playing an MMO? That is completely nonsensical.

Play for AT LEAST two weeks, then decide if you want to quit. I played Rift for a month before I decided that it wasn’t for me.

MMOs cannot be summed up in two days of play time. This is why all the big game review sites waited a week, or even several weeks, before reviewing the game.

Generally I don’t like the arguement that someone needs to commit two weeks to decide on a game. If I don’t like eating squid, why would I eat it for two weeks to make sure?

If you don’t like it, that is ok. Some people don’t get into certain things. Who can blame you. We only have so many hours of life. Spend them as you please.

It it too bad that you spent your money on something you don’t care for. Maybe come back in the future and check it out again. You never know what changes will happen.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


You probably didn’t realize because you haven’t really played the game, that the PvP gear you get when you are auto leveled to 80 to do PvP doesn’t stay with you when you leave the Mists. So if you want to PvE you actually have to level your character and get gear.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


In LoL u cant pvp from 1 lvl ? :P

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


It it too bad that you spent your money on something you don’t care for. Maybe come back in the future and check it out again. You never know what changes will happen.

Coming back isn’t going to change anything for him. He didn’t even reach 80 and was already bored. That means he doesn’t dig the core mechanics and that’s something that isn’t ever going to change.

He was likely looking for more of a WoW-like experience and GW2 is never going to provide that. It’s also the reason many of us are here in the first place.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You admit you quit after barely even playing an MMO? That is completely nonsensical.

Play for AT LEAST two weeks, then decide if you want to quit. I played Rift for a month before I decided that it wasn’t for me.

MMOs cannot be summed up in two days of play time. This is why all the big game review sites waited a week, or even several weeks, before reviewing the game.

Generally I don’t like the arguement that someone needs to commit two weeks to decide on a game. If I don’t like eating squid, why would I eat it for two weeks to make sure?

If you don’t like it, that is ok. Some people don’t get into certain things. Who can blame you. We only have so many hours of life. Spend them as you please.

It it too bad that you spent your money on something you don’t care for. Maybe come back in the future and check it out again. You never know what changes will happen.

I’m not talking about a “generic game.” Most games I’d agree with you. But if you give up on an MMO in two days, you were never really interested in it in the first place.

MMOs automatically require a MUCH larger time investment than general start-to-finish games. You cannot get a picture of how much you’re going to enjoy an MMO by only playing for two days.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pict.5472


The game was was over hyped.

Im not surprised the game dosent have a monthly fee as the content is very light.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Freakiie.8940


Sorry, but the whole point to Guild Wars is being balanced and fair. The balance is still a bit awkward atm (imo) but the fair part is there. The whole skip PvE go straight to PvP with maxed gear is a big selling point of Guild Wars. It’s the same reason why a lot of people play on private servers of other games, they don’t like the gear grind, they just want to jump in and PvP.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KJBRAY.5671


Stopped reading when you said “Graphics is good”.


Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


The game was was over hyped.

Im not surprised the game dosent have a monthly fee as the content is very light.

So if they implant 2 raids
One at 02/09 and one 2 weeks later , will the content get more rich ? :P

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JazzyJay.1367


I’m not talking about a “generic game.” Most games I’d agree with you. But if you give up on an MMO in two days, you were never really interested in it in the first place.

Maybe he isn’t interested. It is ok, but unfortunate for him that he bought it.

MMOs automatically require a MUCH larger time investment than general start-to-finish games. You cannot get a picture of how much you’re going to enjoy an MMO by only playing for two days.

I agree they tend to take more time. I just think if you don’t get it early on, you won’t get it later. Not much changes. In most MMORPGs rewards come fast and furious at the start and slow down over time. In GW2 the leveling curve has been flattened out. Not much changes other than a few new perks here and there.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loxias.2375


I’m starting to tell the difference between WoW fans who don’t like GW2, WoW fans who are already banned in GW2, and Blizzard interns trying to seem like WoW fans. That makes me sad. I don’t even play that game.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JazzyJay.1367


The game was was over hyped.

Im not surprised the game dosent have a monthly fee as the content is very light.

Light compared to what? Unless you are comparing it to an ancient beast of an MMORPG, I am not convinced it is “light”.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cancer.9065


If the OP doesn’t like the game then, he/she doesn’t. I don’t like soccer games even teh “best” ones … its just not my cup of tea.

I would suggest the OP to ask any of his/her friends/relatives/random passerby it they would like to have his account so at least someone can benefit from his purchase and be done with it.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead.7385


I don’t get what the OP wants? Us to clap for him? This isn’t a disscussion other than “I dun like the game kthxbye.”

You could of done that way easier. Just leave the game. I didn’t make a big post when I left WoW/EQ over and over. To put it short I nor very many people care that you are leaving the game. I don’t know you and so it doesn’t effect me in the least. Your lack of precise critiques are even worse and do nothing to help the game.

Maybe it is a cry for attention /shrug.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archer.6485


“I don’t see the point” is a horrible argument because you can use it for literally anything.

Playing games? I don’t see the point, you just push buttons.
Playing sports? I don’t see the point you just constantly move your body and get tired.
Making money? I don’t see the point, they’re just papers that you trade for other stuff you don’t need.
Making out with a beautiful girl? I don’t see the point you just rub your tongue with hers.
Breathing? I don’t see the point, you’re only causing chemical reactions in your body that cause other chemical reactions that’s causing electrical impulses which form our thoughts.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eivene.9127


To the OP, you know ArenaNet are generally accomodating with refunds, right?

Sorry the game wasn’t to your tastes.

Perfectionists’ Cult [NICE] - Family Friendly PvE/WvW community
Sanctum of Rall

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gao Gao.4973

Gao Gao.4973

your post essentially translates to “where is my gear grind?”

good grief.

Baiyun – Necromancer
Member of Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

I guess the op hates fps games too……

And why is that pict uy trying to start a flame war in every post he made?

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Alright, nothing to see here….lets have everyone head out now. Lets get this place locked up ASAP mods

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PhoenixFire.2790


If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. I’m not sure what exactly you wanted out of making this thread. Unless you’re just looking to stir trouble. So… your opinion is valid, have a nice day? I can’t really tell you what to like so this conversation ends here.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. I’m not sure what exactly you wanted out of making this thread. Unless you’re just looking to stir trouble. So… your opinion is valid, have a nice day? I can’t really tell you what to like so this conversation ends here.


Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


Obvious troll is obvious.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deadly Toy.2630

Deadly Toy.2630

If you are looking for some virtual rewards to validate your worth in real life, no, this game isn’t for you. Just FYI, there is no point in playing a video game. It’s just for fun.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Jaguar.9504

Lord Jaguar.9504

Got to level 40 and just didn’t see the point :L


So what you are saying is every other game out there is pointless with the exception that they allow you to grind for gear and phat lewtz.

Because sPvP is roughly equivalent to Arathi Basin or Huttball / TOR..

And WvW is immensely superior to Alterac Valley / the open world PvP joke on TOR.

The only thing I can grant you, which is irrelevant to gear, is that the raiding content does not yet appear present in GW 2.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JakeLaw.6815


This is just how i feel about the game, certain features i liked and other i didn’t. Given gaming a break for a while i guess i just compare games to other games and pick out the bad things :L

I just think that Guild Wars 2 was over hyped and things need to be added in the future patch’s.

Thanks for everyone posting you thought’s.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lollie.5816


Jeez OP – you should’ve researched the game first before buying. Took you two days of playing and $60 to realise what you could’ve learned after a free 5 minute search on google.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cik.6479


I don’t see the point of playing it, you can PVP from level 1 and get max level 80 gear. When reaching max level you don’t get any rewards or any extra content you may do.

You’re not alone. Many think that it is One step forward, yet two steps back for the genre


Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JakeLaw.6815


Was kinda on the spot, many of my friends where buying it with me :L They’ve all quit as well.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Untouch.2541


I don’t see the point of playing it, you can PVP from level 1 and get max level 80 gear. When reaching max level you don’t get any rewards or any extra content you may do.

You’re not alone. Many think that it is One step forward, yet two steps back for the genre


are you genuinely serious

not having to grind PvE to play PvP is a step backwards?

is this what the MMO genre has become?

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


It’s all good. I’m sorry you feel that you wasted your money. Not every game is for everybody. I’m having issues with GW2 right now but I’m just waiting for a lot of fixes. I tried playing rift again (played it a lot some time ago) but I hated going back to a button rotation heavy game. I also felt bad when I accidentally stole a kill….

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


Seems like a personal issue.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


What an obvious troll.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tremayne.6734


Cik, quoting Syncaine as not liking a theme park MMO doesn’t prove anything except that, well, Syncaine doesn’t like theme park MMOs. The man is infamous for having a very specific personal taste for free-for-all, sandbox MMOs and being very negative about any MMO that isn’t either EVE or Darkfall – in his view, if a game doesn’t pander to his personal taste in games then it’s a bad game.

Given that Syncaine’s preferred style of game has actually been tried a number of times, and all of the attempts have either closed down (Shadowbane) or taken years to claw their way up to the status niche game (EVE, Darkfall) I would have to class the man as the standard bearer of the “forward to the glorious past” brigade.

Oh, and tip for the OP – the “many of my friends are quitting too” line is tired and over-used. Nobody believes that the kind of attention seeker who posts “the game sucks lol” threads actually HAS many friends.

Bashing on keep doors since 2001.
Rambling insanely at tremayneslaw.wordpress.com since 2010.
Proud member of The Farstar Alliance (http://farstarguild.co.uk) on Gandara (EU) since 2012.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


Cik, quoting Syncaine as not liking a theme park MMO doesn’t prove anything except that, well, Syncaine doesn’t like theme park MMOs. The man is infamous for having a very specific personal taste for free-for-all, sandbox MMOs and being very negative about any MMO that isn’t either EVE or Darkfall – in his view, if a game doesn’t pander to his personal taste in games then it’s a bad game.

Given that Syncaine’s preferred style of game has actually been tried a number of times, and all of the attempts have either closed down (Shadowbane) or taken years to claw their way up to the status niche game (EVE, Darkfall) I would have to class the man as the standard bearer of the “forward to the glorious past” brigade.

Oh, and tip for the OP – the “many of my friends are quitting too” line is tired and over-used. Nobody believes that the kind of attention seeker who posts “the game sucks lol” threads actually HAS many friends.

I have a hard time understanding how anyone can like Darkfall. Sure, the general idea is terrific, but then, the grind is most ridiculous from what I remember, making the game simply unplayable.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


Cik, quoting Syncaine as not liking a theme park MMO doesn’t prove anything except that, well, Syncaine doesn’t like theme park MMOs. The man is infamous for having a very specific personal taste for free-for-all, sandbox MMOs and being very negative about any MMO that isn’t either EVE or Darkfall – in his view, if a game doesn’t pander to his personal taste in games then it’s a bad game.

Given that Syncaine’s preferred style of game has actually been tried a number of times, and all of the attempts have either closed down (Shadowbane) or taken years to claw their way up to the status niche game (EVE, Darkfall) I would have to class the man as the standard bearer of the “forward to the glorious past” brigade.

Oh, and tip for the OP – the “many of my friends are quitting too” line is tired and over-used. Nobody believes that the kind of attention seeker who posts “the game sucks lol” threads actually HAS many friends.

I have a hard time understanding how anyone can like Darkfall. Sure, the general idea is terrific, but then, the grind is most ridiculous from what I remember, making the game simply unplayable.

Darkfall IS unplayable. I haven’t taken Syncaine seriously since I tried that game.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tallenn.9218



What? Why should I waste my time explaining things to some skinner box addict that’s not interested in learning about a whole other way of doing things?

Some people just aren’t going to get it.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Why is this thread not locked yet? It has gone way beyond its course.

Quit this game within 2 days of buying it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.7542


As this discussion has run its course, this thread is closed.
Thank you for your understanding.