R.I.P Grubbing

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


So can someone please explain to me what in this game is NOT considered an exploit according to you?

I’m serious, I want to know what activities you consider to be “normal” gameplay and how you KNOW they are normal and not an exploit?

I never glitched this giant, I didn’t use any bugs to my advantage, the grubs weren’t disproportionatly weaker then other mobs, they didn’t drop more loot then other mobs, I wasn’t using any pathing glitches. Those are things that are traditionally considered exploits in other MMO’s.

As far as I am aware I have not done any of those things. Obviously Anet is rebalancing the loot so they wanted to it changed, but what is the magic code that tells you this was an exploit? They also changed how heartseeker worked for thieves, does that mean every time I used heartseeker before they changed it I was exploiting?

Can someone please post a concise and helpful definition of what they think exploiting is? Because i’m pretty sure people are just using that word to mean “you found a way to make more money then us and we don’t like it so you are cheating”

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Maybe nobody cares what you were doing? If you weren’t someone who was farming grubs for tier 6 crafting mats, good for you then this shouldn’t actually matter for you. Unfortunately there was enough people out there doing it, that it has been changed.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CoffeeElemental.4698


Thing is there is no point to kill the giant itself now, too much HP too little reward.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlexanderFaust.4518



Geez, and here I thought I was accidentially rummaging around a “secret location” or mob quest or something..

Shame people did this and/or that ANet removed the “content”.

But then again, I does it really matter?
#there are TONS of undead grubs in orr :P

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Oh they understand what they were doing is an exploit, but like any wrong doer, they will deny it to the end and spin it anyway they can to try and justify it.

You are meant to kill the giant, not just the grubs…ignoring the giant so you can farm the grub drop is abuse of the encounter. And that is what the problem was, but of course you all already know this, but still want to argue that it isn’t.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tassy.5891


it isn’t exploiting at all. Trouble is Anet are trying to stop botting by hammering game content. This wont work as it just bugs the real players. I am all for banning botters an making their life hard. They are contemptible animals to me. But doing this has really spoiled what some of us play MMO’s for. The fun of wandering, killing mobs to see what they drop.

Yes some people do it purely to farm for cash, an some do it to sell gold, but there’s alot more that do it for the fun of it. myself included.

I spent 2 weeks grinding my crafted kit an weapons, only now to find my MF set is useless, so I had to regem it. Not a huge deal but being that I have not played for a week cos I just don’t see the point, its kind of sad.

If your that uptight that you want devs to ban an block actual game content then I feel sorry for you, because you’ll be left with a game that has nothing to do.

Being an oldschool MMO’er as in UO Daoc AC1. I gotta say there isn’t much to do in GW2 really. Farming was what I enjoyed. Now you can grind battlegrounds or grind a dungeon….

No thanks.

At end of day it’s their game to do with as they choose, but it’s really sad that it isnt what it started out as. Hell in beta two the game was so fun an far FAR more difficult. But the forum warriors demanded it be made into “wow levels simplicity”, an they were given their wish.

All in all a great looking fun game is getting spoiled by this system they are using.
I ignore the giants an the boss mobs as a waste of time now. I dont need karma an I dont need exp they drop nothing so why bother.
(an please dont waste my time telling me to go back to wow, i detest that laughing stock of an excuse for an mmo).

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slaskia.8376


I was wondering why I was getting a ‘this contect is disabled’ message on any Risen Grub I killed while working on hearts…

…in Caledon Forest.

Seriously? I get they need to fix a problem like this, but why do a loot lock down on mobs in a completley different zone than where the event this was targeting took place? There’s no need to punish those killing grubs that are not even connected to that event.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amon.5042


Giants spawning unlimited waves of grubs is a pretty lame game mechanic. It should’ve been limited in the first place.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alice.8694


Giants spawning unlimited waves of grubs is a pretty lame game mechanic. It should’ve been limited in the first place.

That fight was awesome… so no.

I love the complaining about this… it’s just so backward.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twaddlefish.6537


kitten hell.

I give up on these forums. I wanted a nice new gaming community but all I seem to find is idiot threads when you KNOW (and don’t for one second cry ignorance) that this isn’t how it’s supposed to work and cry when a mechanic is fixed because you’re taking thekitten

Jesus Christ in a birch bark canoe.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


What I don’t get is why people exploit, complain that it’s shut down hard because people DON’T STOP EXPLOITING IT, and think they’re right and A-net is wrong? :S

If you want to act like a bot, then leave the game! otherwise you could stimulate the market by ya know, making gold and buying the mats off the tp,
I have mental images of this guy kiting around as a ranger for hours spamming the aoe skill grinding away on these adds, grinding and grinding and using 2 buttons.

Then when he’s forced to actually play the game and not shut his brain off and repeat the pattern and grind, he complains because it’s “soooo much worse”

Irony…. xD

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amon.5042


Giants spawning unlimited waves of grubs is a pretty lame game mechanic. It should’ve been limited in the first place.

That fight was awesome… so no.

I love the complaining about this… it’s just so backward.

And wouldn’t it be nice for rangers to have no cooldown for pets, or Mesmers with clones. As soon as they get killed, spawn them again!

Really nice game mechanic…

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


It’s hilarious that people make threads complaining about Arenanet keeping them from abusing the game. And they actually think they have a point.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lokai.7850


here is the issue with the anti-farm code… only people its really hurt are crafters…believe it or not i refuse to pay stupid high prices on the AH for crafting mats otherwise i’d be broke. Since this code was introduced i’ve had little to no desire to actually play because i KNOW for a fact that i cant farm materials i need for my crafted gear…which in and of itself is a problem.

Problem might be less of an issue if you didnt need 3-8 or more of the same material just so you can craft one armor part but you DO need alot of the mats. Would be less of a problem if we could buy them with karma but again we cant… so now our choices are… grind for 30 mins log out for an hour log back in grind for 30 mins…ect or ya know just not play.

Why do devs always do something stupid in there games to ruin it… =\

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holesale.2640


You guys forget they are called “Rare Materials” for a reason.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


The controls in this game are getting Nazi-like. I’m waiting for the day I go to a node and it tells me that I gathered too much for the day. Seriously, just get rid of crafting altogether then. This game should be renamed “Grind Wars 2”. They’ve managed to suck out every ounce of fun out of it.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amon.5042


The controls in this game are getting Nazi-like.

They’re balancing the game. Every MMO goes through this process. I’d recommend creating other characters until the higher level areas are improved. Hopefully it will get as fun as the lower level areas, but I don’t think that the outcome will ever be “nazi” like.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gray.9650


You guys forget they are called “Rare Materials” for a reason.


blue isn’t rare.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamescowhen.1562


they fix this exploit but let bots continue?

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gduber.9756


Let me get this straight…

DE: a repeating event that typically spawns mobs that drop loot.

Grub Slinging Giant: a respawning mob that spawns mobs that drop(ped) loot.

I guess I missed how that was an exploit. So in theory, there will come a day where mobs in DEs won’t drop loot at all in order to curb the acquisition of mats…along with the already-impletmented anti-farming measures? Ouch.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


What people don’t understand is this game is a grind. If you grind gear/tokens/mats the way you want to it’s gonna get nerfed. They want you to grind their way.

Killing 5000 mobs in 1 session is no longer an option you want it you farm for 20-30 mins for the anti farm code to kick in and destroy your magic booster and food investment. now you have to go on a random alt or just flat out go do something else for 30-40 mins to continue.

You found a easy way for phat loots and rewards you for running a dungeon without dying? Nope you need to die and see the content destroying you, You need to rack in a repair bill that’s how the devs know they designed a good dungeon.

You found a way for easy tokens on gear that doesn’t do anything but make you sexy? Nope you must grind a dungeon 60-70 times and spend at least 30 mins to complete it might be longer if you die from the content design of course.

But at the same time ‘’We don’t want this game to be like every other MMO it has to be Different’’

The ’’Other’’ MMo’s at least let us grind brainlessly if we wanted it was an option.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kailthir.6384


WeWell I have a problem with it. I was in a personal story rescuing some asura researchers. The whole cave was swarming with grubs. And 1/4 the way in I got the message to come back at another time.

Seriously, I wasn’t farming anything. I was moving forward to get the the lost research team. So for the rest of the rescue mission I got no loot. Grubbs made up about 50-60% of the evil nasties.

I am not even sure if I got the xp for it. i think they need to rethink this policy. Maybe tweak it, so those of us that are playing legimately are not getting screwed.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sialor.7396


Let me get this straight…

DE: a repeating event that typically spawns mobs that drop loot.

Grub Slinging Giant: a respawning mob that spawns mobs that drop(ped) loot.

I guess I missed how that was an exploit. So in theory, there will come a day where mobs in DEs won’t drop loot at all in order to curb the acquisition of mats…along with the already-impletmented anti-farming measures? Ouch.

It’s an exploit if you’re keeping the Giant alive as long as possible so that you’d get way more grubs than you should if you fighted it “properly”.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuffington.6253


Grind to me means doing the same thing over and over. The grubs were grinding but so are all the orr events and the dungeons and the rest of the end game PVE content if you are required to repeat them a huge number of times to get mats for legendary weapons etc.

The policy of not letting players farm mats would be ok if there was a fun alternative for getting the mats/ badges you need. Look at the legendary’s for example 2000-3000 DE (assuming 350 karma for each) is going to involve one hell of alot of repeating the same DE or WvW. Dungeon sets are the same alot of repeats required for each piece of armour. T3 culteral armour (basically for looks only) 20-25g per peice (lots of farming required)

Too me this looks like a company that has released a game before it was ready (look at all the area’s on the map you cannot access) and instead of including some end game progression or enough content they have just made the end games items hugely expensive and are trying to prolong the life of the game by stomping on farming.

Frankly in the face of this I have no problem with people finding creative ways to minimise the grind provided by anet. Its certainly not the moral issue some people seem to think it is.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Turial.1293


Two suggestions for future explo… i mean legitimate farming -__-

Have materials not drop more than 25 of itself per 24 hours – should stop farming, casual players have a chance as they may not even even have time to play let alone farm 25 of every mat, increases dependency to buy on the tp.

After killing a certain enemy (100/day) or looting each mat 25/day make a soulbound item which cannot be destroyed (farmers lousy tshirt of “i farm all day”) – this would make people stop using that character to farm or their inventory will soon end up with an item they can only ask anet to destroy off their account.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phooka.4295


There seems to be some confusion as to he meaning of exploit. When you are exploiting something, all that is meant is that you are making the best use of what is available to you. Farming Mobs, Dynamic Events, using the Trading Post are all exploits.

I hope this is irony. These days, one can never be sure. Anyway, here goes:


Farming Grubs is not exploiting anything. Having said that and to my defense, let me add that my currently played character is 65, my highest level character is 72, I’ve never seen those grub-spawning giants ever, so I never farmed them either.

I did get that message, though. It was yesterday, while playing in the open world, looking for not-broken events and doing some story quests. I distinctly remember getting it after killing grubs in the story quest at or around 65, when you meet up with Mary Sue – I mean Traherne – and go rescue some archeologists from a cave near that wooden fort where Traherne addressed the three orders after Claw island. I was deeply disturbed. With most events at that level being broken and dysfunctional, I thought that the story quest was broken as well. Too good is was only some loot. Oh, and no, those grubs spawn normally, it’s not farmable.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


I’m honestly thinking there’s a bug with this whole risen grub thing. If the exploit involved the grubs being spawned from the giant, shouldn’t the nerf have just hit those grubs? I was doing a dynamic event in a cave where you had to kill the risen that spawned there. Absolutely no loot dropped off of any of the risen that spawned. All I got was the message that it had been disabled and to try back again later. I completed the event and got the karma/xp/coin reward at the end of it.

To nerf something that’s completely unrelated to the problem at hand is unwarranted and downright annoying. It’s as if ArenaNet has chosen to punish its entire playerbase based on the actions of a few.

R.I.P Grubbing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


The only ones who should be able to get gold in-game are bots and those who play the trading post. The rest have to buy gems and trade them for gold. That’s what you get for not having a subscription fee: stupid mechanics designed to push you into spending real money.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.