RAID proposition please consider

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lykaon.7695


if the only way to get legendary armor is with raids ( that lets a lot of people out of the option)
why the raids dont have a fractal treatment , this is my proposition:
4 tiers

T4 harder than actual for hard core raid players ( more loot, the only way to get more magnetite shards above the cap and maybe another bonus )

T3 the actual raid

T2 litle bit easier more pugable ( half loot, half magnetite and you get 1 coin if you colect3 gives you 1 legendary insight )

T1 easy mode ( no loot just a history mode)

plus we can have sometimes a daily that gives you one extra insight

a friendly idea to get more people in to the raid and you can go up gaining exp actually playing the raid and learning the mechanics

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheShniper.1852


The raids are something you achieve. They arent dungeons where you dont feel like u have accomplished much. All this talk of making lower tier raids is just gonna bring this game down. Raids are something to strive for. Its not like you are goi gto miss story. You can read wikis and watch lore vids. It would also just make more elitism come into play. So ehh on the idea of any tiers besides a harder raid option. This is coming from guy who doesnt raid much so not a ton of bias here.

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lykaon.7695


i left raids because the toxicity
my proposition is just a little way to make all the people can play something and earn by effort
a lot of people don want to raid because dont have the time, needs more people, dont want to fail and make others waste time , dont feel they can do it
the game goes down if they left a lot of people in the side, people that buy gems, expansion and plays the game
do you really think half of the people play raids?
now with the armor more people wants to raid but the answers are more agressive ( join a raid guild or get good ) and actually needs a solution

so if you play since the more low level to get in the higer with a lot of time and effort its not an accomplishment?

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

a lot of people don want to raid because
dont have the time
needs more people
dont want to fail and make others waste time
dont feel they can do it

In order:

  • If you dont have the time to commit to raids, you shouldnt be at raids.
  • use the LFG like everyone else does
  • if you dont want to fail, dont be a stupid player and at least KNOW what your class does at a raid, or do what some people and buy raids
  • guess you arent getting legendary armor unless you buy raids

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lykaon.7695


that are the kind of answers that scare people to play raids and that actitude
the first step to toxicity
you are illustrating my point

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

that are the kind of answers that scare people to play raids and that actitude
the first step to toxicity
you are illustrating my point

No I’m not. I’m illustrating the reason there ARENT “ezmode” raids. Raids were made to BE the hard content for small groups of players. It’s people who whine and cry about raids being too hard, or take too long, that anet themselves INTENDED to exclude from raids. Not going to put any effort at meeting the bar where it was set in the first place? Yea, you should be left out of anything behind raids. Should there be a “difficulty” where you dont get ANY type of reward or drop loot? Maybe.

edit: and only snowflakes think my points are toxic instead of simple truth. God forbid someone says the truth around here.

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rajnesh.4526


To be honest, the skill cap in GW2 has decreased a lot and on most of the Raidbosses it is not even necessary to run perfect dps rotations to get a kill in the end. Raiding is knowing all about team compositions, builds and how to use them in a casual way, mechanics from the Raidbosses (which everyone can learn no matter what you gonna say) and about the time you are willing to invest.
I’m a WvW Roamer from the launch and I’ve been never interested in PvE until Anet launched Raids and T4 fractals. Cause now there is something I have to achieve in PvE, and I don’t only have to spam only autoattacks for it.

I you feel under pressure, cause you don’t feel able to get into raids,…look out for a raidguild that is willing to take new ones in their groups (there are a lot of them out there looking for players) and try out classes like Rev and Guard,..cause everyone is able to learn the dps rotations in this classes,…

just my 2 cents.

Rajnesh | Critical Wave [WaVe] | Seafarer’s Rest

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakz.7051


Only problem I have with raids os that any groups capable of doing the raids only take people who have also finished the raids.

I love doing challenging content, I played Ff 14 and had completed all their raids and their extreme mode trials apart from 1 or 2 of the newer ones. So I am probably the target audience for this content, except I am still excluded even in raid guilds as I asked and offered my character for raids (full asc gear rev but I have every class so I could have rolled as anything) and they just talking about how good they are at raids.

The problem with raids isn’t the raid itself but the community you seem to see doing it. It isn’t the community as a whole but the ones you see the most of.

Anyone on Ring of fire server that does raids ley me know as me and my partner are prepared for them and have been for a while just looking for a group capable of doing them xD

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


that are the kind of answers that scare people to play raids and that actitude
the first step to toxicity
you are illustrating my point

No I’m not. I’m illustrating the reason there ARENT “ezmode” raids. Raids were made to BE the hard content for small groups of players. It’s people who whine and cry about raids being too hard, or take too long, that anet themselves INTENDED to exclude from raids. Not going to put any effort at meeting the bar where it was set in the first place? Yea, you should be left out of anything behind raids. Should there be a “difficulty” where you dont get ANY type of reward or drop loot? Maybe.

edit: and only snowflakes think my points are toxic instead of simple truth. God forbid someone says the truth around here.


You think it’s a choice between toxic and truth? Sorry, but it’s both. When it comes to raids, the truth IS toxic.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andraus.3874


Last night I saw more practice runs than actual runs on the LFG for various bosses. So toxic. Seriously these people don’t know how to play a raid boss well so they create these practice runs to get experience. Then they can get into regular runs and know what they are doing for the most part. Why do people do this. So toxic

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


I’ll just say this…

I’m not into raids. I am also not pro ‘nerfing’ the level of difficulty.

When this game came out we had dungeons.

Dungeons were pretty difficult at start (so about 3,5 years ago), noone knew mechanics, and most people had acces to masterwork or rare gear.
Since we had exotic be common, meta builds and the ways how it should be ran completely figured out… most dungeons are 2 fingers in the nose easy by now and generally people do not fail dungeons.
Prestige items from dungeons : Exotics, dungeon skins, some cash and recipe’s

Then there was fractals

Fractals were easy to get into, but not to hard to understand, they were gated and above a certain level they becazem pretty difficult, you were in need of AR. and so on.
being lvl 50 fractals was a prestige thing and had value. people worked to get ascneded gear and to get gud.
People complained and fractals were nerfed. present lvl 50 is easy mode. present lvl 100 is still easy mde but just takes a bit longer. beiung lvl 50 is no longer prestige, even being lvl 100 isn’t prestige anymore. most somewhat more fanatic casuals are lvl 100, have Ad-infinitum and the value of the content is watered down.
Prestige Items from fractals: Ad-infinitum (lol, I know people who -bought- all paths and the achievs and still are below lvl 50), and other fractal backs, fractal weapon skins, ascneded gear, specialized mini’s.

We got RAIDs… While I’m not into this content, (mostly because being 41 yrs old, habving 2 small children and compromized health I am not fit enough to endure 2-3 hours of practice runs for each raid boss.. I killed VG, pretty easily even, I have the gear, just not the wish.
This is now the new end level content
Prestige Items from RAIDS: special amulet/rings/ trinkets (likely to be available in LS s3, cause their otherwise not available status in other gamemodes), specialized skins and mini’s and a reward track for legendary armor. Still the Eternal title has no value anymore since I saw path being sold, LI’s are no value for me singe GW2Ninja posted ways to fake all codes and tbh I do not find the prestige level to be that high, just the elitism and a good part of the playerbase behaving pretty bad. I see ppl running Eternal in Fractals and dungeons and see ’m wipe again and again. I know they are fakers.

IMHO the only things I still find having value nowadays is WVW ranks as they show you put in your time and the new legendaries as they cannot be bought. I remember a person running around in queendale on his lvl 15 character with 370 AP wielding Eternity… prestige lol…

So in the end. leave it. it is good.

As long as this armor is the same in workings and mechanics kitten other armor NOONE should feel to bad about this. legendary armor is just ascneded armor with a prstige skin. changing stats is only useful if you run the same setup in both wvw and PvE (regarding runes) and the armor willbe practical for classes running 2 main builds which are close in resemblance ( duid DPS/ druid heal, Ele celestial /zerk, commander or Asassin Mesmer) anyways.

The fact people are complaining soo much doens’t mean you are forced to do content. NOONE Forces raids upon you. You force yourself to have legendary everything I guess. And if so you are forcing a problem upon yourself, but this should be something with prestige. not something available to anyone.

I did lvl 35-40+ fractals for quite some while before fractals was changes and earned my fractal skins and I was proud of them. Nowaways I can buy a skin every 2 days. the value is gone. even gold skins are valueless and ugly at that. dungeons have no more prestige, the skill level required is still too much for some, buit in general I can run paths faster then the speedrunnerrs of the days past… mostly due to powercreep and a huge change in builds.

I suggest we keep legendary armro to be prestige for now. And have a feeling of accomplishment when we kill a raid boss.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

RAID proposition please consider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lykaon.7695


Some say are easy others too dificult i give more levels of dificult to maybe fits more people and to have a learning curve with the mechanics
My idea is a harder level for exp people and a way to learn for the new and almost the 90% of the player base not giving a cheap way to get the skins