RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meili Ying.3820

Meili Ying.3820

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I overheard this comment in LA, and the person in question reasoned that the only thing it does is produce crybabies, community division, and elitist attitude.

What do you think? Is there anything wrong with having PvP in an MMO? Or is it good to have something to satiate the competitive urge (would you have it or not)?

IMO as it stands in GW2, having sPvP/tPvP is fine for me since it has its own instance that strict PvE’ers can avoid entirely. WvW seems imposed if you want the Gift of Battle (without AP) and Exploration, but otherwise can be averted. And of course, they are there if you want to PvP, so I honestly don’t see a problem with it.

As for the player attitude that this person mentioned, I suppose that is true for anything competitive, be it sports and life in general…

Fix the Search Function

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luckyguse.2674


IMO all PvP games are MMO’s.

Well, maybe not “massive” but they are multiplayer and they are online. One could hypothetically argue PvE does not belong in a MMO.

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mepheles.2087


PVP vs. PvE has always been a source of debate, or rather, a lot of name calling. To me, a game that only has PvE is missing out on half of a potential playerbase, and the same to an only PvP game. Of course, this is different, depending on the game. But to say PVP doesn’t belong in a game is pure bull. PvP modes have existed in MMOs long before Guild Wars 2. They are as naturally part of a game as the eyeballs in our heads. I think people are just tired of having to play with a class that may get nerfed at anytime for PvP reasons. And the same to PvP Players. Honestly, That’s also been apart of MMOs. No one can get it right

But I like it this way. If someone got it right, there would be nothing new to test, or to debate about. Forums would be way less active. Devs should always be trying to find the ideal balance for classes among the many MMOs. Of course people bring up the “Split PvP and PvE by making X ability do Y amount of damage in PvP/PvE and make such and such work differently.” This would work only in Instanced PVP, and would be a much trickier to work in Open World PvP, which a lot of games have.

That’s my opinion anyway

Gates of Madness

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jgr.8765


I would have quit GW2 long ago if it didn’t have PvP.

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celestial.4381


I personally have never been interested in PvP in any game, but I won’t begrudge the people who do enjoy it, and I’m fine with it as long as it isn’t open-world/is completely optional.

The problems that the complainer ascribed to PvP – “crybabies, community division, and elitism” – could be ascribed to other aspects of the game as well, after all.

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xcom.1926


What nonsense, there are crybabies and elitists in PvE also. Probably even more so in PvE from what I have seen.

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


the issue is in large part with how different the same game mechanics can end up being used in the two “modes”, and how much more difficult this makes the task of balancing it all.

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Uh….if there isn’t open world ganking (PvE) I can hardly see why there would be any complaints. GW2 and it’s predecessor seperated PvP and PvE completely.

If you have an issue with Achievements in WvW for general world completion, that is a seperate issue that should be addressed specifically (and has been brought up many times).

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


It’s just more broken in GW2 than in other MMOs.

It’s all domination maps, you either zerg a base, or skip all the fights and backcap. Since there’s no healer, almost every fight can be won with either burst or outlasting until your teammates come. The cc in the game is evil, you only have stability that can be stripped, and no DR on continuous ccing.

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


I wouldn’t play this game at all if there was no PvP/WvW. PvE gets boring quickly. The foes do the same exact thing every single time. That’s not the case in PvP/WvW. Two different players even with the same build will behave differently. I only do PvE to help me do WvW (ascended gear).

It’s just more broken in GW2 than in other MMOs.

It’s all domination maps, you either zerg a base, or skip all the fights and backcap. Since there’s no healer, almost every fight can be won with either burst or outlasting until your teammates come. The cc in the game is evil, you only have stability that can be stripped, and no DR on continuous ccing.

It’s far better than most other mmos.

You don’t need a healer in your group since you can heal yourself.

Regardless of the build, there is another that can counter it well.

You can avoid large groups if you build for it, pay attention, and play well (even in WvW where the zergs are far larger).

There is more play to cc than in most games since you can dodge them, remove them, break out of them, teleport while immobilized, etc.

I do feel that larger numbers are given too much additional strength with the rally/revive mechanics though. The modes also aren’t based on fighting other players, but holding points or in WvW towers/keeps/camps. I would prefer a XvX deathmatch mode or something else that encourages players to fight.

Tarnished Coast
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(edited by Aberrant.6749)

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dustinharlin.8693


I personally have never been interested in PvP in any game, but I won’t begrudge the people who do enjoy it, and I’m fine with it as long as it isn’t open-world/is completely optional.

I came here to say exactly this. I’m fine with how GW2 does PvP because I’m in no way forced into it. The only thing is the WvW needed for map completion but that’s not too bad if you just do it little by little when your server controls a lot, and its even easier if its done late at night when WvW is somewhat empty.

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Copestetic.5174


PvP shouldn’t be in GW2. Ask ANet. They’re doing everything they can to get rid of it. Doing a great job too! Just go to the Mists!

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Opinions are like kittenholes. Everyone has them, and some of them stink. The opinion expressed by the person the OP quoted is one of those.

MMO’s make their money by appealing to a broad range of demographics. A lot of people like PvP. The best MMO’s, imo, are the ones that offer consensual PvP. They are catering to most of the desires of those who want PvP, while respecting the desires of those who don’t want to engage in it.

Some of the best people I’ve met met in games were hardcore PvPers. Some of the worst people I’ve met in games were dedicated PvEers. And vice versa.

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reikou.7068



Look at: SC2, LoL, DotA2, Gunbound, etc. All technically PvP Massively Multiplayer Online games.

This is because PvP brings ever changing constant user-generated “content” that allows for a player’s online experience to be ever evolving.

IMO the real question should be if PvE belongs in an MMO where content is fixed and rarely, if ever, evolves.

This leads to the population of the game outgrowing content, and thus leaving it.


RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


the only thing it does is produce crybabies, community division, and elitist attitude.

One could as easily apply the same statement to PvE. It would still be wrong.

RE: "PvP does not belong in an MMO"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShinjoNaomi.1896


Opinions are like kittenholes. Everyone has them, and some of them stink.

This sums it up quite nicely.
Some people like PvP. Some people don’t.
Personally, I think it has a place in MMO’s just like PvE does. There really is nothing wrong with healthy competition in an online game…
As for player attitudes… Immature players just tend to be more glaringly obvious there then in PvE. Not saying that there aren’t bad players in PvE. Quite the opposite. But, in PvE, it’s a lot easier to simply ignore them, while in PvP, it’s harder to ignore the person who is not only acting like a total jacktard, but constantly gunning for you and trying to kill you as well…

“If half as many people were half as brave in real life as they were online…
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’