It’s no secret that when it comes to getting items through RNG, most players have varying degrees of negative feelings towards the idea.
I wanted to put out a “small” post detailing what I think is the solution that works for everyone, ANet and the players.
First, we have to recognize what type of players there are. After some thought, I think these are the most likely.
1. Players who want new skins, but can’t / won’t spend real money for Gem Store items.
2. Players who want skins, and will pay varying degrees of real money for thier chances.
3. Players who don’t want new items.
Now, lets look at the Dragon Bash for example.
ANet has allowed players the chance to find items from dropped coffers, or from purchased coffers (supposedly giving a better chance). This seems like a great solution, but as we have seen, after opening thousands of coffers (purchased or dropped), some players have yet to see anything of value.
What this does is create resentment and guilt among players. It makes players angry and they start to distrust ANet for future purchases.
So what can ANet do?
1. Recognize that not everyone will spend money.
It’s a simple fact that not everyone can, or wants to spend money to buy RNG boxes. No matter how badly they want the new stuff. There is no way to force, persuade, or trick them into spending cash. They simply won’t.
Solution: Offer open world drops from various sources. (Holo, SAB, etc)
This allows these players to participate and have some chance of getting an item. Perfect.
2. Recognize that some players want to spend money, but have a budget.
There are players out there that have gaming budgets. They will spend this money on games where they feel they will get the biggest return on investment. This can be in the form of a DLC, new game, RNG items, etc.
Solution: Gem Store RNG boxes
If RNG boxes where in the gem store, but the drop rate was such that spending their say, $10 budget would guarantee them at least one ticket, these players would probably take the chance.
They would likely buy them one at a time, hoping to get a drop by spending as little of their monthy budget as possible, but up to and perhaps slightly over the budget if they knew the drop rate was decent.
3. Recognize that some players have large disposable incomes.
Here is where ANet fails. There are some players out there that just want the items. They don’t want to waste money or time, they just want them. RNG frustrates them because they can spend hundreds of dollars and not get anything.
Solution: Gem Store Items
Putting the items on the gem store, and allowing these people to buy as many versions they want will allow them to avoid the frustration and disappointment from wasting money on RNG.
So, in a nutshell. ANet needs to stop being super greedy. Offer solutions that allow every type of player the opportunity to choose the path that works for them. ANet also needs to start being reasonable with the perceived value of these items and just price them, and set the drop rate accordingly.
In the end they’re just skins. The artificial value ANet puts on them by making them rare only goes so far. Most players will develop negative feelings towards the game if they feel that every month they are spending money and time, and receiving little to nothing in return.
In my opinion, a item skin should be worth about $2-10. The drop rate, and purchase price should reflect this. Any player that spends up to this amount on RNG boxes should receive at least one ticket. Those who outright spend the money to purchase multiple items should just be able to pay the set cost.
Anyway, I hope this changes. I’m so tired of every month being presented with these RNG items and walking away feeling suckered and disappointed. I play games for pleasure, and walking away each month asking myself why I bother, is not a very good for a long term business model.
(edited by Crazylegsmurphy.6430)