RNG gating is a bad mechanic

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadowmoon.7986


To add to the ever growing bad decision making that was the Nov. 17 update, I’ve found myself in a situation I’m sure many other people are currently in. Currently I’m on fractal lvl 21. I’ve never gotten any rings from the daily chests. I’ve never gotten the vial of mist essences so I can make a back piece. At level 20 agony is a 1 shot hit if you have no agony resistance. Vile maul will straight up kill you, not down, kill you during its phase changes and you can’t do anything about it. If your party wipes when you run back in, you’ll be treated with getting straight up killed again when you reenter, and wait for someone with resistance to rez you.
Now what I have an issue is that this gating is 100% depends on your luck. There is no skill involved. It is totally dependent on if you can get that lucky drop from a DAILY chest. Or if you get a rare vial that only drops from fractals 1-9. So what the solution Anet has for me to do. I am required to GRIND lower level fractals for a random drop to make a backpack. Then I’m required to pray to the RNG that I can get ANY ring, may it be useful for my build or not to drop from the daily chest. If I am never lucky, my progress is staled, there is no alternatives. I can’t take my fractal token and trade them in to ascended gear, they back pieces they sell require that RNG vial to upgrade. Character progress now it complete dependent on how lucky your are or how much time you have. RIP the Guild Wars slogan of “Skill>time”. Welcome the Nexon grind machine.

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deborah.2068


Welcome to vertical progression =)

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maz.8604


Welcome to vertical progression =)

The Jigsaw Killer would be proud of what ArenaNet has wrought.

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


Yeah, out of control RNG is salt on an open wound when coupled with a gear grind. RNG itself is not a bad mechanism to employ in a loot system. The key is the loot system needs to be tuned so that the player experiences anticipation around loot. He or she should always feel that that precursor or cosmetic skin or whatever they are after is possible, even if very rare. It’s a delicate balance. On the other hand, you can’t really have truly “rare” items with a gear grind, it’s not the way the grind-mind is wired, and it’s probably just inexperience with grindy games that produces the current problems with RNG.

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuz.5621


I agree with OP.

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minos.5168


Agreed. Getting a “bag of gold” instead of an Ascended ring was completely absurd. How am I supposed to keep up with everyone else if the RNG is against me?

The “bag of gold” had like ~3 silver in it. And those are dropped (randomly) from mobs throughout the dungeon too.

Considering the cost to assemble an Ascended backpiece… They should be giving out bags of like TEN GOLD if you don’t get a ring.

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Welcome to vertical progression =)

No, vertical progression can be done without being made worse by RNG. Two methods come to mind:
1 – Each run you complete you are guaranteed some tokens/gold/etc. Get enough and you can buy the item even if the RNG hates you.
2 – Make the stuff tradeable. That way if the RNG hates you, you still get to buy the items eventually from other players. Instead of the current system which forces the lucky players to trash the RNG drops once they have enough for themselves.

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadowmoon.7986


After giving it a week of trying to get any ascended item doing both lvl 10 and lvl 20 fractals and the pure random nature of who gets the privilege to progress in the game and who is stuck in limbo forever, I’m uninstalling this game. The wow kiddies who demands Anet now listen to can have it. The fact that a daily chest is the only means to progress and the drop is not 100% is horrible design. Can’t wait to start seeing infusion items in the gem store just to keep the casuals happy and complete the transformation of this game to a F2P P2W Asian MMO. Manifesto was a lie! Is it to late to get a refund?

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xtorma.1283


After giving it a week of trying to get any ascended item doing both lvl 10 and lvl 20 fractals and the pure random nature of who gets the privilege to progress in the game and who is stuck in limbo forever, I’m uninstalling this game. The wow kiddies who demands Anet now listen to can have it. The fact that a daily chest is the only means to progress and the drop is not 100% is horrible design. Can’t wait to start seeing infusion items in the gem store just to keep the casuals happy and complete the transformation of this game to a F2P P2W Asian MMO. Manifesto was a lie! Is it to late to get a refund?

It’s just the way it is. Wish I had some kind of wise, mmo guru explaination, but there just isn’t one. Anet does not seem to be pushing back against refunds, unless you preordered and are beyond the 6 month mark, which is to thier credit.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deborah.2068


Welcome to vertical progression =)

No, vertical progression can be done without being made worse by RNG. Two methods come to mind:
1 – Each run you complete you are guaranteed some tokens/gold/etc. Get enough and you can buy the item even if the RNG hates you.
2 – Make the stuff tradeable. That way if the RNG hates you, you still get to buy the items eventually from other players. Instead of the current system which forces the lucky players to trash the RNG drops once they have enough for themselves.

Agreed but you left out another viable solution Make the gear available on many venues i.e. the most viable thats already in game Karma vendors that way people can pick the path they want that most fits their play style

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deborah.2068


P.S. this didnt work in wrath the raiders didnt feel acomplished since everyone had the same gear

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Turkman.1089


Welcome to vertical progression =)

No, vertical progression can be done without being made worse by RNG. Two methods come to mind:
1 – Each run you complete you are guaranteed some tokens/gold/etc. Get enough and you can buy the item even if the RNG hates you.
2 – Make the stuff tradeable. That way if the RNG hates you, you still get to buy the items eventually from other players. Instead of the current system which forces the lucky players to trash the RNG drops once they have enough for themselves.

Agreed but you left out another viable solution Make the gear available on many venues i.e. the most viable thats already in game Karma vendors that way people can pick the path they want that most fits their play style

Thing is: If it were available through karma, (almost) nobody would do the new dungeon. People always choose the “easiest” path to a goal, although easy might sound sarcastic in that context.

That’s also what’s bugging me with the promise of other ways of getting ascended gear sometime in the future: This will either happen when the next tier will be introduced (I don’t think that this is a one time increase) and thus ascended is not the best available gear anymore (that’s a thing WoW frequently did, offering last season’s arena rewards for battleground PVP and with their dungeon tokens). Or it will be at a price that’s even more ridiculous than the ultra grindy prices the ascended gear has now (e.g. 5000 wvw badges for one ascended item or something in that region…)

Abaddon’s Mouth
[DP] Diamond Pirates

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Thing is: If it were available through karma, (almost) nobody would do the new dungeon. People always choose the “easiest” path to a goal, although easy might sound sarcastic in that context.

True. They will take the easy path to max stats. But, once they are at max stats, then things get interesting. Will they start grinding for an nice skin ?
Since appearance is subjective, they will spread out.
Will they play the parts they find fun ?
I know that’s what I did in GW1.
Will they start hoarding gold ?

Will the make an alt ?
Thus helping populate low level zones.

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deborah.2068


After giving it a week of trying to get any ascended item doing both lvl 10 and lvl 20 fractals and the pure random nature of who gets the privilege to progress in the game and who is stuck in limbo forever, I’m uninstalling this game. The wow kiddies who demands Anet now listen to can have it. The fact that a daily chest is the only means to progress and the drop is not 100% is horrible design. Can’t wait to start seeing infusion items in the gem store just to keep the casuals happy and complete the transformation of this game to a F2P P2W Asian MMO. Manifesto was a lie! Is it to late to get a refund?

They wont get that from me I will silently protest level alts delete alts level them again Farm gold Farm crafting mats ect I will continue to play the game I payed 60 dollars for and take up space although probably will try a few other games to see if I m happier playing them if they give me a avenue to acquire the gear that concurs with my playstyle I might farm it Will I be opening my wallet to get the current gear no way cuz just like WOW the gear will always be gaining stats why pay now for something they will sooner or later get around to make obsolete

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raynh.2480



What bothers me most is not that its RNG, though it does bother me to some extent, because well why kitten are we getting tokens?

What bothers me most is that its a DAILY chance. I’ve done 17 runs now on two characters at level 10+, to get the chance for a ring. With absolutely NOTHING to show for it. Meanwhile other folks in my party have done it twice, and got ring every single time. I’ve put in more effort to get it, and have NOTHING to show for it. Zero, ziltch.

Seriously, I can only attempt to do this ONCE a day per a character. Its beyond stupid. I’m at the point now, instead of actually doing other things in the game just running the instance hoping I get a ring, and when I don’t I get disheartened by the path the game is going on, and just logout. I love this game, but not when progression is RNG based and not SKILL based. What happened ANET?

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rednaxela.9476


I think Anet deserves 100% more credit for making a video game with so many tens of thousands of variables and players, and that it works so wonderfully. Not to mention their world-class support.

I did not get my first 10 daily ring until my 8th day, and on the 10th I was able to buy my 2nd ascended ring and move on to fotm 20+. The replay value is great and the loot from fractals is the best in game. I think whiners like all of you will never be satisfied, so why should they bother with your complaints about a system that is FUN and WORKS?

Nietzschens – 80 Warr / Siri Golightly – 80 Ele / Siri Rhaegar – 80 Guardian
[SOL] Sanctum of Legends; ‘The Forgotten’ ~Eredon 4 Life~

RNG gating is a bad mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I think Anet deserves 100% more credit for making a video game with so many tens of thousands of variables and players, and that it works so wonderfully. Not to mention their world-class support.

I did not get my first 10 daily ring until my 8th day, and on the 10th I was able to buy my 2nd ascended ring and move on to fotm 20+. The replay value is great and the loot from fractals is the best in game. I think whiners like all of you will never be satisfied, so why should they bother with your complaints about a system that is FUN and WORKS?

You must play a necromancer. This thread was dead 3 months ago.

The problem was solved (somewhat) when they made it so you could get a ring w/ 10 pristine relics.

RIP in peace Robert