Racism in Tyria??????

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Charr ftw!

Racism, ehh? I remember a NPC conversation in the old Lion’s Arch (GW 2). He or she (it was a Asura, I think) said, the most advanced and intelligent races are:
1.) Asura (top)
2.) Sylvari
3.) Charr
4.) Human
5.) Norn (bottom)

At that time and as mainly human characters player I was really kittened.

Until that particular npc shows some hard evidence it is just her opinion nothing more

Personally I would put it at:

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


We’ll get back at the Charr for what they did.

taking back what was rightfully theirs? all your puny race could do they have already done. if a massive suicide attack is your best than the feline magnificence has nothing to fear.

If you knew your Guild Wars history you’d know that the land was never theirs. The Charr came from the Northern areas and spread south taking over the land that belonged to the Grawl which were the original race that inhabited that region. They enslaved the Grawl and took the land for themselves.

They weren’t there originally.

Later the humans came and took the land from the Charr pushing them back north.

So if the Charr can push, conquer and call it "Charr land " then by the same rules the humans pushing back the Charr and conquering the area makes it “Human land”.

Also you owe a lot to humans. Don’t forget it was humans who were crucial to your race being set free from their “false gods” and the leadership of the Flame Legion shamans.

No, it means by the same logic if the grawl had risen up and attacked the charr with armies (and tactics I.e. searing) we would be defending their right to do so… Just like we defend the charr.

Charr being set free is almost as beneficial to the Humans as it was to the charr. If the charr still accepted false gods it would likely mean zhaitan would still be alive.

Trying to spin this around – but we hardly knew of the elder dragons when the movement started by Pyre Fierceshot took place.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

We’ll get back at the Charr for what they did.

taking back what was rightfully theirs? all your puny race could do they have already done. if a massive suicide attack is your best than the feline magnificence has nothing to fear.

If you knew your Guild Wars history you’d know that the land was never theirs. The Charr came from the Northern areas and spread south taking over the land that belonged to the Grawl which were the original race that inhabited that region. They enslaved the Grawl and took the land for themselves.

They weren’t there originally.

Later the humans came and took the land from the Charr pushing them back north.

So if the Charr can push, conquer and call it "Charr land " then by the same rules the humans pushing back the Charr and conquering the area makes it “Human land”.

Also you owe a lot to humans. Don’t forget it was humans who were crucial to your race being set free from their “false gods” and the leadership of the Flame Legion shamans.

No, it means by the same logic if the grawl had risen up and attacked the charr with armies (and tactics I.e. searing) we would be defending their right to do so… Just like we defend the charr.

Charr being set free is almost as beneficial to the Humans as it was to the charr. If the charr still accepted false gods it would likely mean zhaitan would still be alive.

Trying to spin this around – but we hardly knew of the elder dragons when the movement started by Pyre Fierceshot took place.

Then explain the great destroyer?

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Charr ftw!

Racism, ehh? I remember a NPC conversation in the old Lion’s Arch (GW 2). He or she (it was a Asura, I think) said, the most advanced and intelligent races are:
1.) Asura (top)
2.) Sylvari
3.) Charr
4.) Human
5.) Norn (bottom)

At that time and as mainly human characters player I was really kittened.

Until that particular npc shows some hard evidence it is just her opinion nothing more

Personally I would put it at:

Asura ranks Sylvari 2nd because they’re such fast learners. They can communicate information very quickly through dreams. They don’t need to experience “childhood”, yet can quickly grasp the full capability of a human adult’s knowledge in very short period of time.

Remember, Sylvari is the only race which the PCs start the story as just being born. Other races start by your character being at least 18 or something, and experienced all kind of things already before you become a hero, whereas Sylvari is a newly born baby who quickly grasp all the info and becomes a hero.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fext.3614


The problem of this thread is that people use the word “racism” where they should use “grown-up and complex plot”. I don’t consider myself a racist (well at least I love the skritt) or sexist, but I do dislike the fact that this game is very politically correct and affirmative action heavy.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


We’ll get back at the Charr for what they did.

taking back what was rightfully theirs? all your puny race could do they have already done. if a massive suicide attack is your best than the feline magnificence has nothing to fear.

If you knew your Guild Wars history you’d know that the land was never theirs. The Charr came from the Northern areas and spread south taking over the land that belonged to the Grawl which were the original race that inhabited that region. They enslaved the Grawl and took the land for themselves.

They weren’t there originally.

Later the humans came and took the land from the Charr pushing them back north.

So if the Charr can push, conquer and call it "Charr land " then by the same rules the humans pushing back the Charr and conquering the area makes it “Human land”.

Also you owe a lot to humans. Don’t forget it was humans who were crucial to your race being set free from their “false gods” and the leadership of the Flame Legion shamans.

No, it means by the same logic if the grawl had risen up and attacked the charr with armies (and tactics I.e. searing) we would be defending their right to do so… Just like we defend the charr.

Charr being set free is almost as beneficial to the Humans as it was to the charr. If the charr still accepted false gods it would likely mean zhaitan would still be alive.

Trying to spin this around – but we hardly knew of the elder dragons when the movement started by Pyre Fierceshot took place.

Then explain the great destroyer?

At the time we didnt know the great destroyer was a dragon champion or even elder dragons existed. That knowledge came later. Im sure the lore experts can detail that more

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Charr ftw!

Racism, ehh? I remember a NPC conversation in the old Lion’s Arch (GW 2). He or she (it was a Asura, I think) said, the most advanced and intelligent races are:
1.) Asura (top)
2.) Sylvari
3.) Charr
4.) Human
5.) Norn (bottom)

At that time and as mainly human characters player I was really kittened.

Until that particular npc shows some hard evidence it is just her opinion nothing more

Personally I would put it at:

Asura ranks Sylvari 2nd because they’re such fast learners. They can communicate information very quickly through dreams. They don’t need to experience “childhood”, yet can quickly grasp the full capability of a human adult’s knowledge in very short period of time.

Remember, Sylvari is the only race which the PCs start the story as just being born. Other races start by your character being at least 18 or something, and experienced all kind of things already before you become a hero, whereas Sylvari is a newly born baby who quickly grasp all the info and becomes a hero.

True they gain lots of information on birth yes, but still, that still leaves them inexperienced and sometimes even naïve. Knowledge on it own does not bring wisdom or experience.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Charr ftw!

Racism, ehh? I remember a NPC conversation in the old Lion’s Arch (GW 2). He or she (it was a Asura, I think) said, the most advanced and intelligent races are:
1.) Asura (top)
2.) Sylvari
3.) Charr
4.) Human
5.) Norn (bottom)

At that time and as mainly human characters player I was really kittened.

Until that particular npc shows some hard evidence it is just her opinion nothing more

Personally I would put it at:

Asura ranks Sylvari 2nd because they’re such fast learners. They can communicate information very quickly through dreams. They don’t need to experience “childhood”, yet can quickly grasp the full capability of a human adult’s knowledge in very short period of time.

Remember, Sylvari is the only race which the PCs start the story as just being born. Other races start by your character being at least 18 or something, and experienced all kind of things already before you become a hero, whereas Sylvari is a newly born baby who quickly grasp all the info and becomes a hero.

True they gain lots of information on birth yes, but still, that still leaves them inexperienced and sometimes even naïve. Knowledge on it own does not bring wisdom or experience.

Because the definition of intelligence is different throughout people.

I think to Asura, intelligence means quickly grasp the knowledge and becomes your own, which many asuras do so to expand their creation. This is exactly what Sylvari does best, thus, asura gives them a higher ranking in intelligence among other 4 races.

Charr also shows a similar aspect toward asura’s definition of intelligence because they grasp the false god and use it in combat, grasp the mechanical technology and use it very effectively. In other word, quick to adapt.

I don’t think asura define intelligence as to being wise or being experienced.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: segman.3560


Sylvari aren’t inteligent. Burnt plants can’t think.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Sylvari aren’t inteligent. Burnt plants can’t think.

Now you see why Asura ranks human’s intelligence as only the 4th

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Asura are intelligent but lack common sense (as shown by their multiple failed experiments where something blows up or someone gets killed).

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxidia.8103


Asuras are little sheldon coopers.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Charr ftw!

Racism, ehh? I remember a NPC conversation in the old Lion’s Arch (GW 2). He or she (it was a Asura, I think) said, the most advanced and intelligent races are:
1.) Asura (top)
2.) Sylvari
3.) Charr
4.) Human
5.) Norn (bottom)

At that time and as mainly human characters player I was really kittened.

Until that particular npc shows some hard evidence it is just her opinion nothing more

Personally I would put it at:

Asura ranks Sylvari 2nd because they’re such fast learners. They can communicate information very quickly through dreams. They don’t need to experience “childhood”, yet can quickly grasp the full capability of a human adult’s knowledge in very short period of time.

Remember, Sylvari is the only race which the PCs start the story as just being born. Other races start by your character being at least 18 or something, and experienced all kind of things already before you become a hero, whereas Sylvari is a newly born baby who quickly grasp all the info and becomes a hero.

True they gain lots of information on birth yes, but still, that still leaves them inexperienced and sometimes even naïve. Knowledge on it own does not bring wisdom or experience.

Because the definition of intelligence is different throughout people.

I think to Asura, intelligence means quickly grasp the knowledge and becomes your own, which many asuras do so to expand their creation. This is exactly what Sylvari does best, thus, asura gives them a higher ranking in intelligence among other 4 races.

Hmm interesting, makes sense. I personally rate the intelligence of a race by their technological advancement.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: segman.3560


Sylvari aren’t inteligent. Burnt plants can’t think.

Now you see why Asura ranks human’s intelligence as only the 4th

I am not a human

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandas.9450


We’ll get back at the Charr for what they did.

taking back what was rightfully theirs? all your puny race could do they have already done. if a massive suicide attack is your best than the feline magnificence has nothing to fear.

If you knew your Guild Wars history you’d know that the land was never theirs. The Charr came from the Northern areas and spread south taking over the land that belonged to the Grawl which were the original race that inhabited that region. They enslaved the Grawl and took the land for themselves.

They weren’t there originally.

Later the humans came and took the land from the Charr pushing them back north.

So if the Charr can push, conquer and call it "Charr land " then by the same rules the humans pushing back the Charr and conquering the area makes it “Human land”.

Also you owe a lot to humans. Don’t forget it was humans who were crucial to your race being set free from their “false gods” and the leadership of the Flame Legion shamans.

No, it means by the same logic if the grawl had risen up and attacked the charr with armies (and tactics I.e. searing) we would be defending their right to do so… Just like we defend the charr.

Charr being set free is almost as beneficial to the Humans as it was to the charr. If the charr still accepted false gods it would likely mean zhaitan would still be alive.

Trying to spin this around – but we hardly knew of the elder dragons when the movement started by Pyre Fierceshot took place.

Then explain the great destroyer?

At the time we didnt know the great destroyer was a dragon champion or even elder dragons existed. That knowledge came later. Im sure the lore experts can detail that more

Silly dwarves thought that the great destroyer was the all mighty dragon that their god fought

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wylf.2586


Hmm interesting, makes sense. I personally rate the intelligence of a race by their technological advancement.

That is a bit of a bad indicator though. A race isn’t less intelligent just because it doesn’t have high technology. Real life example. Native americans were at no point less intelligent than europeans, despite being technologically way less advanced. The main reason for the lack of advancement there was that they didn’t need said advancement, therefore they didn’t go in that direction.
Same is true to an even greater extend in Tyria. Sylvari (for example) may seem less technologically advanced than the other races, but that’s mainly due to the fact that they have other means of achieving the same goal. Namely magic, or the fact that they can simply grow what they need.

Experience, knowledge, technological advancement – all that has little to do with ‘Intelligence’. Lack of knowledge does not mean lack of intelligence, same as possession of knowledge doesn’t mean that one is particularly intelligent. I possess knowledge of things Leonardo Da Vinci couldn’t possibly know, but that doesn’t mean that I’m more intelligent than he was, just that I had access to more advanced knowledge than he did ;)

’twas right, said they, such birds to slay, that bring the fog and mist.

Nilfa, Asura Thief, Devona’s Rest

(edited by Wylf.2586)

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raiff.6742


Just stick to hanging out with Norn when not with other kittens. We have more in common with you whisker faces anyway. ;-)

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clostridium.9832


wow…this thread looks way too kittening roleplayish to me

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Well charr armor wouldn’t fit in the first place.

Also it’s normal for two races that have been warring for centuries to be at tense relations with one another. So yes, the “racism” in this case is perfectly understandable and not without real-life precedent.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


We’ll get back at the Charr for what they did.

taking back what was rightfully theirs? all your puny race could do they have already done. if a massive suicide attack is your best than the feline magnificence has nothing to fear.

If you knew your Guild Wars history you’d know that the land was never theirs. The Charr came from the Northern areas and spread south taking over the land that belonged to the Grawl which were the original race that inhabited that region. They enslaved the Grawl and took the land for themselves.

They weren’t there originally.

Later the humans came and took the land from the Charr pushing them back north.

So if the Charr can push, conquer and call it "Charr land " then by the same rules the humans pushing back the Charr and conquering the area makes it “Human land”.

Also you owe a lot to humans. Don’t forget it was humans who were crucial to your race being set free from their “false gods” and the leadership of the Flame Legion shamans.

No, it means by the same logic if the grawl had risen up and attacked the charr with armies (and tactics I.e. searing) we would be defending their right to do so… Just like we defend the charr.

Charr being set free is almost as beneficial to the Humans as it was to the charr. If the charr still accepted false gods it would likely mean zhaitan would still be alive.

Trying to spin this around – but we hardly knew of the elder dragons when the movement started by Pyre Fierceshot took place.

Then explain the great destroyer?

1. Nobody knew it was a dragon minion at that point.
2. It was humans that led the effort against him followed up by the sacrifice of the Dwarves.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Also, the charr gave us Logan.

They invaded Ascalon, who captured Gwen. If that hadnt have happened she wouldnt have met Keiran thackeracy, married him and her lineage wouldnt have gone on to spawn Logan.

Just another wall between our two races!!!

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dietzero.3514


Human and Norn females are equal. The rest are sub-class.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


Telling your cabbage to shut it and just grow roots is not racism. It’s gardening.
As is telling your furball to zip it and lie down infront of fireplace. Well ok, that one is animal care:)

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Charr and humans are not friends, we are allies only because dragon threat forced us into it. But as soon as dragons are gone we will be geting ourselves some charr furrs for cold winter

There’s a calendar photo shoot scheduled of Kasmeer and Marjory on a charr-hide rug in front of a fireplace.

Sometime after the last Dragon is killed.

I don’ need to add what will be used as fuel for the fireplace, right?

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


Peace between the Charr and Humans is very fragile, and many Humans still have not forgotten The Searing, while many Charr have not forgotten than the Humans drove them out of their land in the first place (Charr x Human situation was was similar to the playable races x centaur situation in GW2 now). All around Kryta there are instances of Humans and Charr not getting along, even a few instances in Divinity’s Reach itself.

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fext.3614


Also, the charr gave us Logan.

True. If nothing else, this itself is enough reason why to raze the Black Citadel to the ground and then again.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


The Flame Legion destroyed Ascalon. They were the ruling power of the charr back then.

Not all charr agreed with “well, since we can’t get by the wall, let’s just freaking nuke the place”.

Of course that kind of sentiment back then got you killed as a charr. So. Yeah.

The Searing was also a localized event. It destroyed the Iron Legion territory, what was the human kingdom of Ascalon.

Not Ascalon as a whole which is actually enormous and has always been historically charr land, since the time of the exodus, well before humans began their expansion in the world.

The Searing ruined that land for everyone for well over a hundred years. The beauty of Ascalon having returned is a fairly recent thing.

We have overthrown, denounced, and excised with extreme prejudice an exceedingly foolish and weak bunch of liars, cowards, and religious fanatics. A victory is a victory.

The charr have reclaimed what is theirs. And it is ours. The human ascalonians fought well for a place in the land. They have it.

Now leave the past alone and focus on the present, or do the rest of us who are trying to save this world a favor and go die in a ditch somewhere.

Spare us the casualties of your seemingly inexhaustible hatred and ignorance.


Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malox.5416


The event happen when I was a Charr. I decided I wanted to buy new armor. So I went to Divinity Reach to buy Cultural Armor, but the vendor didn’t want to sell to me. I think it was because I was a Charr. Glory “I can’t sell to you. Can’t be to careful who you associate with these days.”

I ask you this, Are Charrs and humans not friends? What happen if I wanted to buy the armor for my human friend. I want to just buy it. Also the beanie is to small for my Charr!!!

Charr problems/the struggle is real!!!!Btw I love gw2 and the community!!!!!!

Please be satire. Thanks.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

I don’ need to add what will be used as fuel for the fireplace, right?

The hopes of everyone wanting to actually see it without being “lost” somewhere down in the Ossan District, and found as a rather messy corpse?

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fireflyry.7023


kitten and use the litter box.

If your having adventurer problems I feel bad for you son, I dodged 99 arrows till my knee took one.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaced.7948


In this thread: People taking their played race way too seriously :P

xenophobia is a lifestyle.
i heard you can make great soap out of asura.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brahmincorle.1264


The Charr were kind of there first. The humans came along to Tyria with the Gods and kicked the Charr from their own lands, renaming the area they stole as Ascalon.

Don’t be silly…. animals cannot own land. You cannot steal something from Charr, they have about same rights to any land as deer or pigeons.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


The Charr were kind of there first. The humans came along to Tyria with the Gods and kicked the Charr from their own lands, renaming the area they stole as Ascalon.

Don’t be silly…. animals cannot own land. You cannot steal something from Charr, they have about same rights to any land as deer or pigeons.

rofl…you just made my spit my drink out across my keyboard

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naus the Gobbo.5172

Naus the Gobbo.5172

Charr bow to no one.

What we do in life echoes in eternity
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


The Charr were kind of there first. The humans came along to Tyria with the Gods and kicked the Charr from their own lands, renaming the area they stole as Ascalon.

Don’t be silly…. animals cannot own land. You cannot steal something from Charr, they have about same rights to any land as deer or pigeons.

Does kitty cat have to choke a human?

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


Charr ftw!

Racism, ehh? I remember a NPC conversation in the old Lion’s Arch (GW 2). He or she (it was a Asura, I think) said, the most advanced and intelligent races are:
1.) Asura (top)
2.) Sylvari
3.) Charr
4.) Human
5.) Norn (bottom)

At that time and as mainly human characters player I was really kittened.

I know what you’re talking about, and actually it’s an Asuran Personal story step. First mission in the Order introduction quest chain if I remember right. It was a female Asura, who was theorizing a race’s importance to the Eternal Alchemy based on the brain-to-body size ratio.

But yes, there is racism in GW2. Charr and humans (particularly Ascalonian humans) hate each other thanks to the whole Searing/Foefire debacle. Asura think themselves superior to everyone else. Krait think the same as the Asura, but are a lot less nice about it. And after Scarlet’s little rampage, a lot of the other races are having dark thoughts about Sylvari, something that will probably get a lot worse once the whole “Sylvari are Mordrem” thing becomes public knowledge.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Charr ftw!

Racism, ehh? I remember a NPC conversation in the old Lion’s Arch (GW 2). He or she (it was a Asura, I think) said, the most advanced and intelligent races are:
1.) Asura (top)
2.) Sylvari
3.) Charr
4.) Human
5.) Norn (bottom)

At that time and as mainly human characters player I was really kittened.

I know what you’re talking about, and actually it’s an Asuran Personal story step. First mission in the Order introduction quest chain if I remember right. It was a female Asura, who was theorizing a race’s importance to the Eternal Alchemy based on the brain-to-body size ratio.

But yes, there is racism in GW2. Charr and humans (particularly Ascalonian humans) hate each other thanks to the whole Searing/Foefire debacle. Asura think themselves superior to everyone else. Krait think the same as the Asura, but are a lot less nice about it. And after Scarlet’s little rampage, a lot of the other races are having dark thoughts about Sylvari, something that will probably get a lot worse once the whole “Sylvari are Mordrem” thing becomes public knowledge.

And pretty much all races except Quaggan look down on Skritt.
Charr thinks Grawl are stupid too.
There’re alot of racism in Tyria yes.
(Additional note: Humans are not even Tyrians originally)

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


The Flame Legion destroyed Ascalon. They were the ruling power of the charr back then.

Not all charr agreed with “well, since we can’t get by the wall, let’s just freaking nuke the place”.

Of course that kind of sentiment back then got you killed as a charr. So. Yeah.

The Searing was also a localized event. It destroyed the Iron Legion territory, what was the human kingdom of Ascalon.

Not Ascalon as a whole which is actually enormous and has always been historically charr land, since the time of the exodus, well before humans began their expansion in the world.

The Searing ruined that land for everyone for well over a hundred years. The beauty of Ascalon having returned is a fairly recent thing.

We have overthrown, denounced, and excised with extreme prejudice an exceedingly foolish and weak bunch of liars, cowards, and religious fanatics. A victory is a victory.

The charr have reclaimed what is theirs. And it is ours. The human ascalonians fought well for a place in the land. They have it.

Now leave the past alone and focus on the present, or do the rest of us who are trying to save this world a favor and go die in a ditch somewhere.

Spare us the casualties of your seemingly inexhaustible hatred and ignorance.

Any proof to back up some of these claims?
How do you know “not all charr agreed with the searing”?
I’m pretty sure history mentioned it was Grawl land before it was Charr land.

Also make no mistake – we’ll save this world from the dragons, and then we’ll deal with the charr and make them pay. Use them now, backstab and slay them later.
Seems perfectly fine to me.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I like your thinking there Harper. I will stand with you on the hill when that time comes.

You have my axe!

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


The Flame Legion destroyed Ascalon. They were the ruling power of the charr back then.

Not all charr agreed with “well, since we can’t get by the wall, let’s just freaking nuke the place”.

Of course that kind of sentiment back then got you killed as a charr. So. Yeah.

The Searing was also a localized event. It destroyed the Iron Legion territory, what was the human kingdom of Ascalon.

Not Ascalon as a whole which is actually enormous and has always been historically charr land, since the time of the exodus, well before humans began their expansion in the world.

The Searing ruined that land for everyone for well over a hundred years. The beauty of Ascalon having returned is a fairly recent thing.

We have overthrown, denounced, and excised with extreme prejudice an exceedingly foolish and weak bunch of liars, cowards, and religious fanatics. A victory is a victory.

The charr have reclaimed what is theirs. And it is ours. The human ascalonians fought well for a place in the land. They have it.

Now leave the past alone and focus on the present, or do the rest of us who are trying to save this world a favor and go die in a ditch somewhere.

Spare us the casualties of your seemingly inexhaustible hatred and ignorance.

Any proof to back up some of these claims?
How do you know “not all charr agreed with the searing”?
I’m pretty sure history mentioned it was Grawl land before it was Charr land.

Also make no mistake – we’ll save this world from the dragons, and then we’ll deal with the charr and make them pay. Use them now, backstab and slay them later.
Seems perfectly fine to me.

Gl with your backstabbing plan. Human will be the one who fall to demise if they call out the war.

Truth is Human is one of the weakest and most vulnerable races currently after the Five Human Gods left. They are even struggling to keep up the Divinity Reach.
The queen herself said that they have to keep up the peace treaty no matter what, not letting the radicals to ruin the peace treaty because they really have no power to fight the current stronger than ever Charr society anymore.

Charr is the strongest race in current Tyria. Asura can compete them with their high end technology. Norn has the strongest individual power that even Charr respect/ fear them. Sylvari has Mordremoth’s supreme power and almost infinite learning potential (looking at Scarlet). Human has magic, but is declining after the 5 Gods left, and no way to compete four other dominant races anymore.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dasenthal.6520


…my humans would side with the charr… (I don’t even a charr I just don’t like jennah/Logan)

“A conquered people will always resist you,
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Look, you have your priorities all wrong.

. . . first the asura, then the sylvari, then the charr. Then we pay off the norn with kegs of whiskey.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Any proof to back up some of these claims?
How do you know “not all charr agreed with the searing”?

As an explorer in good standing with the Durmond Priory, I know my history. You should try reading sometimes.

I’m pretty sure history mentioned it was Grawl land before it was Charr land.

Actually you ignorant mouse, the entire world pretty much belonged to the Forgotten before anyone else.

Including your current lands, for which the centaurs are challenging you for. We don’t need the birthright argument, we settled it in war. We charr won.

But if you separatist mice are going to try that angle it’s been ours much, much longer than it was ever yours or the grawls.

So in this case comparing with humans (or even grawl), charr also win the birthright argument.

Coming back to the centaurs (that for reason of the agreement between our people we charr are supporting you with, you know, in addition to your ogre problems with Ebonhawke), if you want to go that route human, it’s very likely they were there long before your people showed up.

Your birthright argument is as hollow as your head. Feel like surrendering the war to the centaurs and giving them Kryta based on that premise? No? Didn’t think so.

Also make no mistake – we’ll save this world from the dragons, and then we’ll deal with the charr and make them pay. Use them now, backstab and slay them later.
Seems perfectly fine to me.


Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nakatsu Hime.3520

Nakatsu Hime.3520

I’ve been spat at for being of Canthan origin.

They didn’t stay alive long enough to do it again, but that’s hardly the point.

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prophet.6257


Charrs and humans will never be friends. Never! Never forget Ascalon!!

Remember Ascalon!


Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belenus.9132


My main character is a Charr (Arcos Shiningpaw, the self-proclaimed ‘Charr Diplomatic Corpse (sic) to Lion’s Arch’ – it’s a sort of RPG joke) and in character holds some very strong and somewhat unsavory opinions about Skritt and Asurans in that order … and yes, although we ought not to see any racism (or should that be species-ism?) in Tyria it is an expected quantity that certain Humans and Charr have an on-going distrust of each other despite the treaties as this is recent history for these two species.

Some non-Asura for example also feel very uncomfortable about the Asura and some people do not know how to take the Sylvari because they are so new, especially when they have a duality and spawned horrors of The Nightmare (to say nothing of Scarlet).

I mean, you never see anyone going around with a big silly grin on their face and saying, ‘’I like Dredge!’’ (If they did, they would be in the local guardhouse quicker than you can say Gnashblade Who?) And as a Charr, I’ve encountered anti-Charr sentiment from humans in Ebonhawke, but that’s to be expected.

So coming back to the original point, it is understandable to find traders in the cities who will only trade to members of their own cultures. It would be curious to see an Asura wearing Charr cultural armor but it might be an insult to the Charr on a cultural level or perceived as such unless that Asuran had EARNED the right to wear it by acting with and in defense of Charr interests. Anyway, I’m sure you can see the cultural questions, which this raises.