Raiding MIGHT be in the works?
(Q:) Will we ever see anything like raiding?
(A:) Our answer to raiding may very well be in the works!
(Q:) (In whisper) Can you say anything at all about raid style content?
(A:) It is something I am very excited about and will be unique to GW2
OK, so the second one pretty much confirms that they’re working on something. It won’t apparently (going into guess mode now) be like raiding from the more archaic MMOs, something unique to GW2… this intrigues me. Large party dungeons, like from GW1? Open world events of a massive scale?
The only thing I know for sure is whatever we guess at we’ll likely be wrong. Interest is piqued however…
I’ll believe it when I see it.
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Well, I can guarantee that you definitely may or may not see something soon or further in the future.
(Q:) Will we ever see anything like raiding?
(A:) Our answer to raiding may very well be in the works!
This is what I’ve always said !
give the chance to come up with their own answer to raiding instead of asking them to implement wow style raiding which I totally dislike and doesn’t fit Guild Wars 2 play style.
My interest as to what they might come up with is definitely peaked
What you may think of raiding may be completely different than what they consider raiding
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Only way I’ll “Raid” in GW2 is if it’s FoW/UW. And no gear prereqs to do it. Make it like it was in GW and have it unlocked per server thru HoH.Have mobs in UW drop a hard to find mat that is used for Obsidian armor and weapons. Obisidain armor and weapons would be craftable in FoW only. IF we ever get Elona then they could also add DoA and have Tormented weapons drop there.
(edited by Galphar.3901)
Only way I’ll “Raid” in GW2 is if it’s FoW/UW/DoA. And no gear prereqs to do it. Make it like it was in GW and have it unlocked per server thru HoH.
I’d rather they just bring back the HoH, man that was some awesome fun back in the day! crushing those pesky IWAY teams…
Only way I’ll “Raid” in GW2 is if it’s FoW/UW. And no gear prereqs to do it. Make it like it was in GW and have it unlocked per server thru HoH.Have mobs in UW drop a hard to find mat that is used for Obsidian armor and weapons. Obisidain armor and weapons would be craftable in FoW only. IF we ever get Elona then they could also add DoA and have Tormented weapons drop there.
Great idea, I never did those instances in GW1.
Would love to see them implemented in Guild Wars 2 version of raiding.
- Hard challenging content w/o the need to grind for gear, though something akin to agony would be good to implement in order to make it viable.
- rewards need to match the level of difficulty though in this regard Fractals failed hard !
- Rewards can be cosmetic along side some resources say gold or something, because tbh if its only cosmetic it will suffer the same fate as Fractals have, or the skins will have to be epic in nature to make it worth it.
Those are some great news.Good to hear Anet is working on a raid system
What you may think of raiding may be completely different than what they consider raiding
I hope so. I was a serious raider in some other games (mostly EQ2) and I’m done with it. My heart sank a little when I read about this.
Only way I’ll “Raid” in GW2 is if it’s FoW/UW. And no gear prereqs to do it. Make it like it was in GW and have it unlocked per server thru HoH.Have mobs in UW drop a hard to find mat that is used for Obsidian armor and weapons. Obisidain armor and weapons would be craftable in FoW only. IF we ever get Elona then they could also add DoA and have Tormented weapons drop there.
Great idea, I never did those instances in GW1.
Would love to see them implemented in Guild Wars 2 version of raiding.
- Hard challenging content w/o the need to grind for gear, though something akin to agony would be good to implement in order to make it viable.
- rewards need to match the level of difficulty though in this regard Fractals failed hard !
- Rewards can be cosmetic along side some resources say gold or something, because tbh if its only cosmetic it will suffer the same fate as Fractals have, or the skins will have to be epic in nature to make it worth it.
If they were to do FoW/UW like they did in original GW then it would be packed all the time. Temple of Ages in GW was always full with people looking to form 8-man parties to go farm/get armor. And it would also give people a reason to do HoH pvp. They could just make it be the 3 servers doing WvW competing in HoH.
Am I the only one who initially read this as they’re working on an answer to the question, rather than working on making something like raids?
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Challenging content with unique rewards for group sizes > 5? Yes please.
Anything to do with ascended gear or agony resistance? No thanks.
6 man ‘Raid’ dungeon releases next month.
Hundreds of players commit suicide.
Challenging content with unique rewards for group sizes > 5? Yes please.
Anything to do with ascended gear or agony resistance? No thanks.
Very well said!
I have always wanted a 10 man raid/dungeon in this game … BUT, after they introduced ascended gear, I became very fearful of them actually implementing it. I can hear the WoW teens crying already, “but it’s the hardest dungeon in the game, it should have gear rewards with better stats than everyone elses gear!” —- LOL
But yes, as long as the rewards/loot are only new and wonderful skins for our weapons and armor: HELL yeah!
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Well, I can guarantee that you definitely may or may not see something soon or further in the future.
“We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future.” ~ Criswell
This would be glorious!
However for this to work they need to fix conditions first. Even in 5-mans there is all sorts of cap-hitting and over-riding each others conditions.
Unless they want any more than 2 characters that are condition-based to be just waving their arms without actually contributing (or only contributing a small portion of what they should be).
As long as there is a cap on players so they can actually design around having a set amount of players.
Challenging content with unique rewards for group sizes > 5? Yes please.
Anything to do with ascended gear or agony resistance? No thanks.
The very fact a developer/staff member did this is in itself amazing. Way to give me a bit of faith back. Please do more stuff like this, you can see from reddit thakittens a strong way to interact with the playerbase. Much more personal than a forum.
As for the raiding, heres hoping my ideas of a multi group dungeon might come to fruition, considering how weak guild wars 2 gets above 5 players outside WvW.
That or a epic update to world bosses adding zone wide events requiring mad amounts of players at keys points would be nice as well. Yes as well as instanced content.
I’m confused, how will GW2 have Raids without a trinity? not saying i want a trinity but wont they just be larger dungeons with bigger hit points and more players all zerging the crap out of stuff, as everyones just DPS anyway, sounds like WvW for PvE..
Before raids this game needs mechanics overhauls..
If you don’t think you’ll need agony resist it is time to vastly lower your expectations. Any form of progressive hard content in the format of raids is almost certainly going to have some gating mechanic such as agony resist.
People whining over having to get agony resist is a much better option then people leaving in droves because they clear all the raid content in 2 days.
I think its just what it sounds like, larger group dungeons, probably with set objectives, some defend while other take points or something like that, and I believe it will as always leave someone disappointed while other rave for it, but considering current mechanics and gameplay dynamics, nothing much will change, it is ok by me tho..
I’m confused, how will GW2 have Raids without a trinity? not saying i want a trinity but wont they just be larger dungeons with bigger hit points and more players all zerging the crap out of stuff, as everyones just DPS anyway, sounds like WvW for PvE..
Before raids this game needs mechanics overhauls..
You don’t need the Trinity for a group to have synergy.
There are hundreds of viable builds in this game, some I’d wager that we’ve haven’t found.
However, I would be pretty disappointed if they did the whole “we have to cater to how people want to play the game” and let these raids be completed by a raid (?) full of GC Warriors. It’s great that they want to try and achieve that, but in reality they haven’t really done that to date and it just wouldn’t work in a raid, imo.
I think it would be great if they did raiding in like the GW1 UW, where you need different (but not specific) types of builds varying across multiple professions. Add decent boss mechanics that require more than just dodge roll out of this, attack when you can.
I wouldn’t even have a problem if people found ways to speed run raids and farm them for cool skins. Why? Because that’s Guild Wars. It’s how it was in Guild Wars 1 and it was great. It separates the dedicated players (who have full Awesome-o skin) from the casual whom will still be able to run it, but don’t have many pieces.
Players that dedicate more of their time need to have something to do. There will always be those players that are hardcore and need that carrot, it’s never going to go away. I really hope these raids can be a carrot for some people for at least some amount of time.
I’m confused, how will GW2 have Raids without a trinity? not saying i want a trinity but wont they just be larger dungeons with bigger hit points and more players all zerging the crap out of stuff, as everyones just DPS anyway, sounds like WvW for PvE..
Before raids this game needs mechanics overhauls..
They said “something unique to GW2”. This strongly implies that it won’t simply be a dungeon with more people. I could try and guess, but I’m pretty certain I’d be wrong.
I’m confused, how will GW2 have Raids without a trinity? not saying i want a trinity but wont they just be larger dungeons with bigger hit points and more players all zerging the crap out of stuff, as everyones just DPS anyway, sounds like WvW for PvE..
Before raids this game needs mechanics overhauls..
They said “something unique to GW2”. This strongly implies that it won’t simply be a dungeon with more people. I could try and guess, but I’m pretty certain I’d be wrong.
I understand that, i’m just saying i’d prefer Viable mechanics added to the game before raid like things were added..
And to the poster above, i’m pretty sure there aren’t 100 viable builds in this game, if there were we’d be using them by now.. I didn’t ask for the trinity, i asked for a “non zerg fest dps wins all” mechanics fix..
i’m just saying i’d prefer Viable mechanics added to the game before raid like things were added..
I doubt we`ll ever see that day.
bah. Raids. I hope that they won’t give better gear in raids and in raids only (like for example ascended armor). If they do I’m out of here.
Well we’ll see I guess.
First fix the rest of the game.
What’s the point of adding more instance content when current ones are in such shape?
Boring meta and mechanics, uninteresting encounters, bugs, rewards unbalance (and lack of thereof), and much more.
And that’s talking about DGs only.
Also, take care HOW you’ll do it (if it’s true).
Fow/UW/Urgoz/Deep/DoA/Slavers should be your inspirations.
Not WoW or any other clone: do the GW1 style things.
And keep any gear stat progress out of it.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
The Champs in the Orr events will maybe have 10 times more hitpoints and deal even more damage .. there you have your challenging raid content. Something like that is very much what i expect :/
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I’m confused, how will GW2 have Raids without a trinity? not saying i want a trinity but wont they just be larger dungeons with bigger hit points and more players all zerging the crap out of stuff, as everyones just DPS anyway, sounds like WvW for PvE..
Before raids this game needs mechanics overhauls..
They said “something unique to GW2”. This strongly implies that it won’t simply be a dungeon with more people. I could try and guess, but I’m pretty certain I’d be wrong.
Well, it could be a larger version of that minesweeper game we played in Southsun. That would be “unique to GW2.”
Honestly, unless they work on making control and support viable, the raid will likely be some iteration of DPS > everything or a gimmicky fight that requires players to occasionally drop weapon skills for some temporary item/lever/button that negates some buff on the boss and/or condition on the party. (If it’s the latter, what does that say about the state of skills in this game that you would need environmental triggers to give you what you can’t find on your skill bar?)
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
I’m confused, how will GW2 have Raids without a trinity? not saying i want a trinity but wont they just be larger dungeons with bigger hit points and more players all zerging the crap out of stuff, as everyones just DPS anyway, sounds like WvW for PvE..
Before raids this game needs mechanics overhauls..
You hit the nail right on the head my friend..Raiding would be a joke the way things are now….
I quit the game in a heartbeat and uninstall if this “raiding” is the only way, or easiest way, to obtain the next level ascended item or some other skin/item.
No. I’ll head back to a game that does raiding way better. You know of which I speak.
I’m confused, how will GW2 have Raids without a trinity?
Simple, it won’t. They haven’t said they will introduce raids, but “GW2’s answer to raids”, but also unique to this game. Most likely something that fulfills similar game goals without actually being Raids as you would define them.
It’s entirely possible that it will be conceptually completely different from WoW raids.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Anyone who has done guild challenges and guild puzzles can see how a form of raiding would not only be viable – but extremely fun – in this game.
I would like to see “raiding” take the form of a sixth guild mission type and look something like Vexa’s Lab or the Font of Rhand (instanced but accessible when the mission is triggered), only with much more complex fights.
And – like everyone else has said – the rewards need to be there, but still accessible through other activities in the game.