This is an age long discussion. Well what my idea are, is the following; imagine that there arent a lot of people killing the centaur’s and because of that the centaurs gather every week (if they are enough) at their gigantic citadel where we have to raid them there or defend Divinity’s Reach from their planned attack or bad stuff happens(like divinity’s reach looks like LA:P). Same go’s for the inquest->asura, dredge->whoever, cant remember the dragon worshippers name->norn, Fire legion->char, evil plants-> good plants. The Sylvari, norn, humans, asura and char all have their own home capitals why cant the evil plants, molls, rats, ponies and white walkers have theirs? Also if one 2 isnt enought then they can combine to attack LA for example, Sylvari+flame legion (lol)
Sorry – makes absolutely no sense what so ever…..
Your reason is flawed and makes no sense thematically.
As for raids themselves, they do not suit the aim of GW2 or the major playerbase the game aims to please. There are several MMOs out there that cater to a raiding community, with one more being released at the end of the month.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
I was just trying to help solve the “PvE is boring” problem
This is an age long discussion. Well what my idea are, is the following; imagine that there arent a lot of people killing the centaur’s and because of that the centaurs gather every week (if they are enough) at their gigantic citadel where we have to raid them there or defend Divinity’s Reach from their planned attack or bad stuff happens(like divinity’s reach looks like LA:P). Same go’s for the inquest->asura, dredge->whoever, cant remember the dragon worshippers name->norn, Fire legion->char, evil plants-> good plants. The Sylvari, norn, humans, asura and char all have their own home capitals why cant the evil plants, molls, rats, ponies and white walkers have theirs? Also if one 2 isnt enought then they can combine to attack LA for example, Sylvari+flame legion (lol)
Sorry – makes absolutely no sense what so ever…..
Er. How does it not make sense? Aside from the fact that he said ‘raid’ and since it’s linked to other MMOs, it’s instantly disregarded, because “GW2 is different from other MMOs”.
With some refinement, it could be a pretty nice idea for some PvE content.
Your reason is flawed and makes no sense thematically.
As for raids themselves, they do not suit the aim of GW2 or the major playerbase the game aims to please. There are several MMOs out there that cater to a raiding community, with one more being released at the end of the month.
Aside from the aversion to other MMO ideas implemented into GW2 (LFG tool, wardrobe, WvW, to name a few, say hi btw), this could be implemented as an extension to PvE, apart from the LS, that becomes permanent.
It just needs some brainstorming, which of course might just be wasted time on our parts, but, on the off chance that it does get read and taken into consideration, it wouldn’t hurt, right?
I’d change the thread name into something else, though, else the white knights will run rampant.
– Euripides
This is an age long discussion. Well what my idea are, is the following; imagine that there arent a lot of people killing the centaur’s and because of that the centaurs gather every week (if they are enough) at their gigantic citadel where we have to raid them there or defend Divinity’s Reach from their planned attack or bad stuff happens(like divinity’s reach looks like LA:P). Same go’s for the inquest->asura, dredge->whoever, cant remember the dragon worshippers name->norn, Fire legion->char, evil plants-> good plants. The Sylvari, norn, humans, asura and char all have their own home capitals why cant the evil plants, molls, rats, ponies and white walkers have theirs? Also if one 2 isnt enought then they can combine to attack LA for example, Sylvari+flame legion (lol)
Sorry – makes absolutely no sense what so ever…..
Er. How does it not make sense? Aside from the fact that he said ‘raid’ and since it’s linked to other MMOs, it’s instantly disregarded, because “GW2 is different from other MMOs”.
With some refinement, it could be a pretty nice idea for some PvE content.
Your reason is flawed and makes no sense thematically.
As for raids themselves, they do not suit the aim of GW2 or the major playerbase the game aims to please. There are several MMOs out there that cater to a raiding community, with one more being released at the end of the month.
Aside from the aversion to other MMO ideas implemented into GW2 (LFG tool, wardrobe, WvW, to name a few, say hi btw), this could be implemented as an extension to PvE, apart from the LS, that becomes permanent.
It just needs some brainstorming, which of course might just be wasted time on our parts, but, on the off chance that it does get read and taken into consideration, it wouldn’t hurt, right?
I’d change the thread name into something else, though, else the white knights will run rampant.
Raids would be welcome.
I just hope they have both Easy Raid dungeons, and also Extremely hard raids.
Think Easy Raid == Frozen Maw
Hard Raids == Teq/TT
So we can choose the difficulty of the content we want to do.
We have two raids.
One in Bloodtide Coast at 8:00 PM, 5:30 AM, and 11:00 AM.
One in Sparkfly Fen at 7:00 PM, 4:30 AM and 10:00 AM
(all time are server – Pacific Daylight time)
Raids != Zerged content
No – if you zerg the wurm or Tequatl, you will fail.
Raids != Zerged content
No – if you zerg the wurm or Tequatl, you will fail.
If you don’t zerg it you lose to the timer.
The only thing that will drive me faster away from this game than raids would be Open-World ganking.
And no, i don’t believe people that say they would only do it for the “challenge”, there maybe a small minority, but most want simply better exclusive stuff that all the non-raiders can’t get.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Sometimes I feel like the GW2 community has no clue what it wants. They run champ zergs and complain that it’s boring. When someone suggests instanced/organized raiding, people come foaming at the mouth to attack and destroy any such notions. Anet tries to find a middle ground by adding open world boss (triple wurm) but the implementation is so terrible they have to nerf the encounter so that the lowest common denominator (random pugs in the megaserver system) can clear it.
I have posited many times that GW2 raiding need not be an elitist activity due to the fact that getting the required gear and switching to a useful build is so easy in this game. Alas, no one believes me.
There are already a plethora of skins for non-raiders, I have absolutely no clue why they complain about having hard stuff in the first place.
There are already a plethora of skins for non-raiders, I have absolutely no clue why they complain about having hard stuff in the first place.
They think that if GW2 had raiding, that the entire purpose of the entire game would shift to doing those raids, and that getting in to a raid would be a nightmare due to elitists. These people are wrong in my opinion. Getting gear and switching your build is easy. The only factor left is learning to dodge and use more than #1 on the skill bar, and that’s a personal choice, not an “elitist gate” barring “casuals” from playing.
Sacrlet’s invasions were essentially ‘making PVE more interesting’ in the way the OP requested but players were actually more interested in loot bags. I’m not sure where the designers go with that type of event but I suspect we will see something like it again in season 2.
Sometimes I feel like the GW2 community has no clue what it wants.
The community is just very diverse, and unfortunately there’s a few players who actively oppose content that they dislike rather than just ignoring it and doing the things that they do like.
I’m all for raids though. Don’t have much experience in ’em, but any new content and activities are a plus in my books.
I know, I know. It’s better to gate stuff behind a cash shop so you can just buy it and everyone’s equal, rather than actually having to play the game and clear content.
I know, I know. It’s better to gate stuff behind a cash shop so you can just buy it and everyone’s equal, rather than actually having to play the game and clear content.
Strawman, ahoy!
No-one has said anything about it being better to gate things behind a cash-shop.
Raids as content wouldn’t be too bad, I don’t think. As long as they left behind gear requirements and such.
After all, raids are simply dungeons with more people.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
I know, I know. It’s better to gate stuff behind a cash shop so you can just buy it and everyone’s equal, rather than actually having to play the game and clear content.
Strawman, ahoy!
No-one has said anything about it being better to gate things behind a cash-shop.
Raids as content wouldn’t be too bad, I don’t think. As long as they left behind gear requirements and such.
After all, raids are simply dungeons with more people.
After all Raids give way better items than normal dungeons in every raid-centric MMO i have played so far.
And better don’t ask there why you can’t have better stuff if you don’t raid .. because you don’t need it .. you don’t deserve it since you don’t work so hard ..
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Some people enjoy challenging PvE content and the loot that comes with that. Shocker, I know. Seems like in GW2 the only acceptable way to get better gear is to undertake a massive, expensive grind for ascended and legendaries.
Don’t like instanced content? Then don’t do it, but don’t covet the drops because you can always grind.
Raids as content wouldn’t be too bad, I don’t think. As long as they left behind gear requirements and such.
After all, raids are simply dungeons with more people.
After all Raids give way better items than normal dungeons in every raid-centric MMO i have played so far.
And better don’t ask there why you can’t have better stuff if you don’t raid .. because you don’t need it .. you don’t deserve it since you don’t work so hard ..
Key phrase: Raids as content.
I didn’t make a statement about also including the reward or requirement structure from other MMO’s.
Skins unique to the content (both something you can work up to and RNG), crafting recipies, titles, achievements ect. You know, pretty much exactly the same reward structure for dungeons.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Some people enjoy challenging PvE content and the loot that comes with that. Shocker, I know. Seems like in GW2 the only acceptable way to get better gear is to undertake a massive, expensive grind for ascended and legendaries.
Don’t like instanced content? Then don’t do it, but don’t covet the drops because you can always grind.
Why don’t those people then play some of those games out there that fill their needs, but must instead try to change one of the few that are different to be just like all the other games ?
A lot of people simply have chosen GW2 because they just don’t wanted the same old EQ-style stuff again and again.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
… but players were actually more interested in loot bags…
This is the basic core of the problem with the game right now. People want loot and rewards, and that’s fine, but there’s a sort of equation there. It’s something like profit / time = effort. People naturally gravitate toward a certain equilibrium where effort and time are low, but profit is high. The problem is that the current best answer to the equation is champ zergs. Granted doing a few specific dungeon paths with some competent zerkers is also highly profitable, but it’s only once a day and not everyone has competent zerker friends.
The megabosses are nowhere near as profitable under the equation. They are either too hard with crap rewards, or too easy with even crappier rewards.
Some people enjoy challenging PvE content and the loot that comes with that. Shocker, I know. Seems like in GW2 the only acceptable way to get better gear is to undertake a massive, expensive grind for ascended and legendaries.
Don’t like instanced content? Then don’t do it, but don’t covet the drops because you can always grind.
Why don’t those people then play some of those games out there that fill their needs, but must instead try to change one of the few that are different to be just like all the other games ?
A lot of people simply have chosen GW2 because they just don’t wanted the same old EQ-style stuff again and again.
Because those other games have issues. GW2 is the only MMO where I love the art style, combat system, lore, and pvp. However in order to raid, you are suggesting I go play something like WoW instead; a game which I find abhorrent in every single way. Wow’s combat system is archaic and clunky, the questing is abysmal, the art is ancient, the lore is (or rather has become) stupid and convoluted, it’s got a sub fee and thus chock full of arbitrary limitations designed to get you to play and pay longer (took me over 200 hours to get make a fresh death knight and get it leveled and geared to actually be able to raid with my friends guild during Throne of Thunder), there’s tons of “waiting to have fun” and I generally just dislike the player community there.
People who want raids don’t just want raids. They want a game they enjoy in it’s entirety to include raids. GW2 is a game I enjoy from top to bottom, and I would enjoy it even more if it had raids.
I don’t get people at all, I for one would love to teach people through raiding if I could. Not all the players are kittens… just got to find the cool ones.
Raids != Zerged content
Any thing with over say 10 ppl is zerg content in any game.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Some people enjoy challenging PvE content and the loot that comes with that. Shocker, I know. Seems like in GW2 the only acceptable way to get better gear is to undertake a massive, expensive grind for ascended and legendaries.
Don’t like instanced content? Then don’t do it, but don’t covet the drops because you can always grind.
Why don’t those people then play some of those games out there that fill their needs, but must instead try to change one of the few that are different to be just like all the other games ?
A lot of people simply have chosen GW2 because they just don’t wanted the same old EQ-style stuff again and again.Because those other games have issues. GW2 is the only MMO where I love the art style, combat system, lore, and pvp. However in order to raid, you are suggesting I go play something like WoW instead; a game which I find abhorrent in every single way. Wow’s combat system is archaic and clunky, the questing is abysmal, the art is ancient, the lore is (or rather has become) stupid and convoluted, it’s got a sub fee and thus chock full of arbitrary limitations designed to get you to play and pay longer (took me over 200 hours to get make a fresh death knight and get it leveled and geared to actually be able to raid with my friends guild during Throne of Thunder), there’s tons of “waiting to have fun” and I generally just dislike the player community there.
People who want raids don’t just want raids. They want a game they enjoy in it’s entirety to include raids. GW2 is a game I enjoy from top to bottom, and I would enjoy it even more if it had raids.
What about EQ2 if you really want hard raids .. or RIFT that is not sooo old ?
I would maybe still play EQ2 ot RIFT if they didn’t had raids, but at some point
i just had enough of beeing always a second class person because i don’t like raids.
Btw.: i’m not against raids directly, but more against the elitist behaviour of some hardcore raiders in other games and their opinion that only they have the right to get better stuff.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Raids != Zerged content
No – if you zerg the wurm or Tequatl, you will fail.
If you don’t zerg it you lose to the timer.
You are confusing zerg with a DPS check. Common mistake. Zerg implies you can simply throw numbers at the boss and win (like most world bosses in GW2). DPS is a metric needed to meet time constraints. You cannot simply throw bodies at either of those bosses and win. Ever. You need a balance of teams doing various tasks as well as enough people doing DPS (in a separate group) to beat the clock. You clearly have only been part of the DPS groups. There are other groups that are doing other things, you should actually thank the people that aren’t in your DPS blob because they are doing the hard part while you mash 1 and hopefully dodge at appropriate times.
DPS is 100% needed to down those bosses within the time limit, but it can’t be done solely with DPS, which means it effectively isn’t zerg content.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….