Randomly Suppressed From /say and /map
More Soul Than ‘Fight Club’
Sometimes when advertising your party in the LFG, you can get suppressed in say and map chat.
Other than that, someone may have reported you for spamming if you got suppressed quicker than normal.
Nevermind, I fixed it. Relogging didnt work but zoning in and out did.
More Soul Than ‘Fight Club’
It’s a known issue, but it apparently is “working as intended.”
Your messages will often be suppressed if they begin similarly. For example, if you begin some of your messages by “I think” within a certain amount of time, your messages may eventually be suppressed.
It is unknown what the restrictions are, or how long message suppression lasts, and it is most likely to stay that way.
This also applies to /e messages, but interestingly enough, not to slash command emotes.