Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: Knights of Ares [ARES]
I’ve got to get this off my chest.
-How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm? Do any of you have access to some leaked version of the full expansion or w/e? Enough with assumptions and back seat game development. You don’t work for Anet.
-The base expansion is $50. Ok, cool. Historically, most MMO expansions have been about $40-60. So how is this a problem? It’s because people keep equating whatever “value” the game has with games that aren’t even in the same genre: ie every game that doesn’t require an internet connection. They just don’t say it(probably because they dot understand the meaning of their words). Those games(usually) don’t ask for this level of pricing because they don’t have to continue developing content for it. People can continue to play those games well after the publisher and devs have moved on to other projects. MMOs(and MOBAs) don’t get this luxury.
-Yet naive individuals here will procrastinate on the “value” of the prices. There is no “value”. That’s a subjective emotion you make up for yourself to justify your purchase. And there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it holds not one kitten ounce of meaning as far as the quality of the expansion goes. We have reviews/reviewers for that.
The price of reason is steep.
At least we can still all agree that the real only valid argument here is that the standard edition does not come with a free character slot. As it should, at the minimum for people who bought the game very recently.
There is no “value”. That’s a subjective emotion you make up for yourself to justify your purchase.
Truly a tour de force.
I get no extra character slot. Something that previously ALWAYS was included with n expansion or “new” game when linking the serials. This is just a bad move to make us pay 25 euro extra for a characterslot and some useless title and mini
I’ve got to get this off my chest.
-How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm? Do any of you have access to some leaked version of the full expansion or w/e? Enough with assumptions and back seat game development. You don’t work for Anet.
-The base expansion is $50. Ok, cool. Historically, most MMO expansions have been about $40-60. So how is this a problem? It’s because people keep equating whatever “value” the game has with games that aren’t even in the same genre: ie every game that doesn’t require an internet connection. They just don’t say it(probably because they dot understand the meaning of their words). Those games(usually) don’t ask for this level of pricing because they don’t have to continue developing content for it. People can continue to play those games well after the publisher and devs have moved on to other projects. MMOs(and MOBAs) don’t get this luxury.
-Yet naive individuals here will procrastinate on the “value” of the prices. There is no “value”. That’s a subjective emotion you make up for yourself to justify your purchase. And there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it holds not one kitten ounce of meaning as far as the quality of the expansion goes. We have reviews/reviewers for that.The price of reason is steep.
At least we can still all agree that the real only valid argument here is that the standard edition does not come with a free character slot. As it should, at the minimum for people who bought the game very recently.
Dude, you do realize by your own vocation that’s like someone showing you half of something behind their back and saying “50 bucks and it’s yours” Well can I see the rest of what i’m buying that’s a lot of money to be investing in a few things here and there, can I see if it’s broken, scratched up, can I at least see the details on the item i’m buying?"
So far we know we’re getting two large maps, guild halls and a bunch of gamechanges KEEP IN MIND these changes will not come with HoT but actually be released before hand into the main game.
And yes we do have reviewers for the expansion when it comes out.
“But if you want all those shiny bonuses and stuff we off, throw your lot in with us now, commit and hope it’s what you’re after!”
So in retrospec 2 maps, a class and guild halls ((Which I believe might actually be coming base game as well))
for $50 USD take a step back and re-read what you said and what I have clarified on.
(edited by WereDragon.6083)
How do you procrastinate on the value of prices?
How do you procrastinate on the value of prices?
I don’t know but it sure sounds complicated.
I’ve got to get this off my chest.
-How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm? Do any of you have access to some leaked version of the full expansion or w/e? Enough with assumptions and back seat game development. You don’t work for Anet.
-The base expansion is $50. Ok, cool. Historically, most MMO expansions have been about $40-60. So how is this a problem? It’s because people keep equating whatever “value” the game has with games that aren’t even in the same genre: ie every game that doesn’t require an internet connection. They just don’t say it(probably because they dot understand the meaning of their words). Those games(usually) don’t ask for this level of pricing because they don’t have to continue developing content for it. People can continue to play those games well after the publisher and devs have moved on to other projects. MMOs(and MOBAs) don’t get this luxury.
-Yet naive individuals here will procrastinate on the “value” of the prices. There is no “value”. That’s a subjective emotion you make up for yourself to justify your purchase. And there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it holds not one kitten ounce of meaning as far as the quality of the expansion goes. We have reviews/reviewers for that.The price of reason is steep.
At least we can still all agree that the real only valid argument here is that the standard edition does not come with a free character slot. As it should, at the minimum for people who bought the game very recently.
How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm?
That’s actually also an aggravating factor – we know sooooo little, yet they slam us with this “deal” ha!
I mean, if they had already laid out a ton of content I probably wouldn’t care, but we barely know how much and what we are getting. I don’t want to gamble thanks.
@OP, ok i dare you to prove everyone wrong and make the comparison list
Am eager to see it Maybe u will convince me to buy it who knows.
this xpac is clear worth the $50 price and the core game is free if you don’t like it don’t by it or whine some more see how far the get you!
It’s because people keep equating whatever “value” the game has with games that aren’t even in the same genre: ie every game that doesn’t require an internet connection. They just don’t say it(probably because they dot understand the meaning of their words). Those games(usually) don’t ask for this level of pricing because they don’t have to continue developing content for it.
What they develop after HoT’s release isn’t directly related to the expansion’s price. As with the core game and it’s added content, new content released after HoT is supported by the gemstore. The $50 they are asking for HoT is for the content included in the expansion. And it needs to have enough new content to justify that price.
This is the same as expansions in subscription-based MMOs. The sub pays for content updates between retail releases, and the cost of expansions is for the content included in said expansions. The only difference with GW2 is that gemstore sales replace the subscription fee.
this xpac is clear worth the $50 price
You base this on what exactly? They have revealed nothing of the new zones other than the beta area.
I’d just like everyone who played the original Guild Wars to reflect on the expansions for that game, specifically the content-to-price ratio of those expansions. Each gave us a whole new continent-worth of new maps (including new PVP continent), 2 new professions, an extra character slot, and they each cost about 30 units, either USD or EUR.
It’s not the content that HoT is supposed to bring, it’s just that the price is a bit too steep for my taste, and I can understand why everyone seems to be upset right now.
In that light, the “if you don’t like it don’t buy it” is simply poor reasoning.
this xpac is clear worth the $50 price and the core game is free if you don’t like it don’t by it or whine some more see how far the get you!
The original game which is bigger and had 5 slots and costs less. How is this 50 euro worth it again?
I’d pay 100 bux for it
How do you procrastinate on the value of prices?
Do you even read the posts here?
Dude, you do realize by your own vocation that’s like someone showing you half of something behind their back and saying “50 bucks and it’s yours” Well can I see the rest of what i’m buying that’s a lot of money to be investing in a few things here and there, can I see if it’s broken, scratched up, can I at least see the details on the item i’m buying?"
So far we know we’re getting two large maps, guild halls and a bunch of gamechanges KEEP IN MIND these changes will not come with HoT but actually be released before hand into the main game.
And yes we do have reviewers for the expansion when it comes out.
“But if you want all those shiny bonuses and stuff we off, throw your lot in with us now, commit and hope it’s what you’re after!”So in retrospec 2 maps, a class and guild halls ((Which I believe might actually be coming base game as well))
for $50 USD take a step back and re-read what you said and what I have clarified on.
That’s what you have issues with? Shiny stuff? SMH
How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm?
That’s actually also an aggravating factor – we know sooooo little, yet they slam us with this “deal” ha!
I mean, if they had already laid out a ton of content I probably wouldn’t care, but we barely know how much and what we are getting. I don’t want to gamble thanks.
If you’ve ever preordered once in recent years your already not in a position to complain. The only solution to preordering anything is “voting” with your wallet in the form of nothing. That’s really all that needs to be said on that.
@OP, ok i dare you to prove everyone wrong and make the comparison list
Am eager to see it
Maybe u will convince me to buy it who knows.
I stopped when you said DX12. Obviously you can’t really be taken that seriously.
this xpac is clear worth the $50 price
You base this on what exactly? They have revealed nothing of the new zones other than the beta area.
Which is why you wait until the expansion releases to see if it is “worth” it to you, based on “reviews”. Which IMO is downright silly. If you truly like something, go ahead and pay for it, otherwise you just live with some regret that manifests itself into some form of pessimism that only contributes to a toxic community.
In that light, the “if you don’t like it don’t buy it” is simply poor reasoning.
That’s not poor reasoning at all. If you’re truly that dissatisfied you’d be writing a formal letter to Anet expressing you concerns. Otherwise, it’s just a matter of voting with your wallet. That’s all it’s ever been. Pricing practices remain so because there’s a market for it.
I don’t know if the expansion worth it or not. I can’t tell how much love or hate towards HoT.
I do know that the price is not my say, its Anet’s game, their call.
They set a whatever price they see fit, and its my call to buy it or not.
I may or may not like the expansion after actual playing, but I do want to play it. Therefore I bought it. Don’t buy if you think it is out of budget.
I cannot see the legit reason to make it loud about how not worth the price the expansion is without actually played it. But it is totally reasonable to make it loud after you played it and you still think it is not worth.
Buy it > play it > rate it
I’ve got to get this off my chest.
-How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm? Do any of you have access to some leaked version of the full expansion or w/e? Enough with assumptions and back seat game development. You don’t work for Anet.
-The base expansion is $50. Ok, cool. Historically, most MMO expansions have been about $40-60. So how is this a problem? It’s because people keep equating whatever “value” the game has with games that aren’t even in the same genre: ie every game that doesn’t require an internet connection. They just don’t say it(probably because they dot understand the meaning of their words). Those games(usually) don’t ask for this level of pricing because they don’t have to continue developing content for it. People can continue to play those games well after the publisher and devs have moved on to other projects. MMOs(and MOBAs) don’t get this luxury.
-Yet naive individuals here will procrastinate on the “value” of the prices. There is no “value”. That’s a subjective emotion you make up for yourself to justify your purchase. And there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it holds not one kitten ounce of meaning as far as the quality of the expansion goes. We have reviews/reviewers for that.The price of reason is steep.
At least we can still all agree that the real only valid argument here is that the standard edition does not come with a free character slot. As it should, at the minimum for people who bought the game very recently.
How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm?
That’s actually also an aggravating factor – we know sooooo little, yet they slam us with this “deal” ha!
I mean, if they had already laid out a ton of content I probably wouldn’t care, but we barely know how much and what we are getting. I don’t want to gamble thanks.
You know you dont have to buy it now right? Its okey to wait and learn more. In fact I’d say its the sensible thing to do.
And if they declared the expansion is free, people would still find something to complain about. And they all lived hapilly ever after.
Ladies and gentlemen, fanboyism in its rawest truest form.
There is so much we dont know so I ask again how can anyone judge value at this point? Surely you’re not going to argue that if HoT has 3 maps or if it has 15 maps it would still be considered to have the same value right?
I actually agree with this. It’s the lack of any information about the content, combined with give us your money that’s freaking annoying.
If the content warranted the $50, the fact that we vets are getting shafted wouldn’t bother me so much. But don’t sell me hype and expect me to shell out coin without some real information. Or lie to us for months on your FAQ’s and try to hide it -_-
Oh please. Anyone who’s watched the streams is aware that these maps are large, or at the very least bigger than any other map in the base game. That said they come with additional “floors” at would be at the very least of 3, and could be more for all we know. What you have not seen does not excuse what you have heard, and I’m positive you are aware of this much. Anet cannot afford to skimp out here.
No Geneaux I wish to make sure i’m getting value for my money. The game isn’t dying the Gemstore has been keeping it quite happily afloat, take a lok at the Q1:15 earnings GW2 is making money. So it’s not like Arenanet requires a donation to keep the game living.
But right now we have a FRACTION of the content GW2 had at launch and only $10 off the base game, this is a problem. Where is that extra cost and value being factored in. It made sense at release for the game cause we where getting a TON of stuff a new world already fleshed out to explore.
We don’t know WHAT we’re fully getting so far ALOT of this content will be coming out before launch even and at the moment 50 USD is not worth the price of the content we know we are getting…
So lets do some simple math here.
If they aren’t struggling for cash and are actually making money through the game, even before the expansion drops.
And we the players are being asked to dump what is essentially 10 usd off the launch price for the main game.
Why does this cost nearly the same as the launch price for a fraction of the orignal content for the game? Are they attempting to cash in on us? Is it simple greed or are they delusional enough that
GW2 is worth the same, content wise as HoT
Understand this and you understand why the playerbase is ticked and confused EVEN MORE SO the vet players.
Ladies and gentlemen, fanboyism in its rawest truest form.
There is so much we dont know so I ask again how can anyone judge value at this point? Surely you’re not going to argue that if HoT has 3 maps or if it has 15 maps it would still be considered to have the same value right?
I actually agree with this. It’s the lack of any information about the content, combined with give us your money that’s freaking annoying.
If the content warranted the $50, the fact that we vets are getting shafted wouldn’t bother me so much. But don’t sell me hype and expect me to shell out coin without some real information. Or lie to us for months on your FAQ’s and try to hide it -_-
If the complaint here was that pre-orders opened before full details have been released it would most certainly be a valid complaint. Its this whole “I am forced to buy the original game even though I already own it” and to a lesser extent the “its too small to warrant kitten price” that I have an issue with.
Lie is too heavy a word. People and companies change their mind all the time. Obviously you need the base game to play HoT that goes without saying. This whole free core game was probably a recent idea by someone who thought it may boost sales by getting people who dont own Gw2 to pre-order the expansion and it was a good idea in that regard because lets face it its much more enticing to pre-order something if you get something you can play right away rather then commit to buy something you dont even know when its going to release! Simply speaking it most likely wasnt a lie because most likely at the time it was written there wasnt the lets give out the core game for free with the expansion idea yet.
I guess this is why there are smart money wise people in this world who have assets and worth, while others blow money frivolously on anything shiny and live pay check to paycheck. xD
“Hey bud, buy this car! it looks cool, we aren’t sure if it runs well and we can’t show you everything or even let you try it till after you pay for it, but take our word for it, you’ll love it. "
Ladies and gentlemen, fanboyism in its rawest truest form.
There is so much we dont know so I ask again how can anyone judge value at this point? Surely you’re not going to argue that if HoT has 3 maps or if it has 15 maps it would still be considered to have the same value right?
I actually agree with this. It’s the lack of any information about the content, combined with give us your money that’s freaking annoying.
If the content warranted the $50, the fact that we vets are getting shafted wouldn’t bother me so much. But don’t sell me hype and expect me to shell out coin without some real information. Or lie to us for months on your FAQ’s and try to hide it -_-
If the complaint here was that pre-orders opened before full details have been released it would most certainly be a valid complaint. Its this whole “I am forced to buy the original game even though I already own it” and to a lesser extent the “its too small to warrant kitten price” that I have an issue with.
Lie is too heavy a word. People and companies change their mind all the time. Obviously you need the base game to play HoT that goes without saying. This whole free core game was probably a recent idea by someone who thought it may boost sales by getting people who dont own Gw2 to pre-order the expansion and it was a good idea in that regard because lets face it its much more enticing to pre-order something if you get something you can play right away rather then commit to buy something you dont even know when its going to release! Simply speaking it most likely wasnt a lie because most likely at the time it was written there wasnt the lets give out the core game for free with the expansion idea yet.
Agreed above, and they should give the impression for “free core content access for limited time” where new players don’t buy it now, they will have to buy the core and the expansion.
I guess this is why there are smart money wise people in this world who have assets and worth, while others blow money frivolously on anything shiny and live pay check to paycheck. xD
“Hey bud, buy this car! it looks cool, we aren’t sure if it runs well and we can’t show you everything or even let you try it till after you pay for it, but take our word for it, you’ll love it. "
Slightly, it’s more along the lines of "Hey you bought this epic car right, got some great use out of it, took it in for free tune ups and such, then bought some extra things for it.
Now we’re coming out with this really cool decal pack, it’s nearly the same as the car was at purchase but it’s worth it, the flames make it go faster!
A bit of a convoluted explanation yes, but it basically sums the situation.
I would pay 50€ monthly if they delivered even fraction of HoT content every month.
It is really low price compared to other activities like sitting in a bar or driving motocross etc.
“Hey bud, buy this car! it looks cool, we aren’t sure if it runs well and we can’t show you everything or even let you try it till after you pay for it, but take our word for it, you’ll love it. "
That’s a great example hehe.
Only thing bothering me is when you log in game they offer you to bay core game you have +exp!!!
Why there is no upgrade only i doubt they could charge it 50 if it is only upgrade,and that would affect the rest of the offers!
So it is confirmed they are greedy kittens!
Now we’re getting to the meat and potatoes.
No Geneaux I wish to make sure i’m getting value for my money. The game isn’t dying the Gemstore has been keeping it quite happily afloat, take a lok at the Q1:15 earnings GW2 is making money. So it’s not like Arenanet requires a donation to keep the game living.
Getting “value” for you money is factor that applies you and you only. It is an amalgamation of what you enjoy versus what you are willing to pay and how much you can pay. As such, it will never be the same person to person, for obvious reasons.
But right now we have a FRACTION of the content GW2 had at launch and only $10 off the base game, this is a problem. Where is that extra cost and value being factored in. It made sense at release for the game cause we where getting a TON of stuff a new world already fleshed out to explore.
They’re BETAs for a reason. but then again a beta is pointless if you can’t playtest the rest of the map. Unfortunately, that would only serve to spoil the rest of the expansion. Which is EXACTLY where the uncertainty lies.
We don’t know WHAT we’re fully getting so far ALOT of this content will be coming out before launch even and at the moment 50 USD is not worth the price of the content we know we are getting…
Yes we don’t know what are getting but that is the only other logically valid reason to refrain preordering other than you simply do not want to. Anet can’t force you to do anything, they can only pick and prod.
So lets do some simple math here.
If they aren’t struggling for cash and are actually making money through the game, even before the expansion drops.
And we the players are being asked to dump what is essentially 10 usd off the launch price for the main game.Why does this cost nearly the same as the launch price for a fraction of the orignal content for the game? Are they attempting to cash in on us? Is it simple greed or are they delusional enough that
GW2 is worth the same, content wise as HoT
I know many people don’t do this but it is really kitten easy to find this game for cheap. And If people are acutally frgual, even this wouldn’t be a problem. Secondly, unless they REALLY care about this game, potential buyers would simply walk away the take their desires elsewhere. The $50 problem doesn’t become a ‘problem’ until you’ve paid for it and we all know its too late by then.
Understand this and you understand why the playerbase is ticked and confused EVEN MORE SO the vet players.
People ticked off for whatever minutiae they can think of. Loving the broad generalizations though.
Its actually called being objective. We dont even know the full extent of the content HoT carries how can anyone really evaluate value at this point?
Since ArenaNet is asking us to pay the full price of the game, they obviously think we have enough information to evaluate value.
Meanwhile, HONEST developers give people more information before allowing pre-orders, such as, I don’t know, the RELEASE DATE or something?
Personally, I’m going to wait until it’s actually out rather than indulge in this pre-purchase malarkey. And then I’ll be waiting to see what others think about whether it’s actually worth buying.
At the moment, it seems a bit “slim” on content but I’m happy to be learnt differently.
What I am expecting from HoT is not worth $50. If they came out and said 7 new maps, then I’d say “Awesome, take my money!” I am expecting 3-5, so I am a little reluctant to hand over my money. The problem for me is that by preordering I don’t have a reasonable idea of what I am paying for.
-How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm? Do any of you have access to some leaked version of the full expansion or w/e? Enough with assumptions and back seat game development. You don’t work for Anet.
We don’t know how much content is in HoT because Anet doesn’t tell us anything and is expecting us to drop $50-$100 sight unseen.
I’m afraid, unless Anet has something really amazing up their sleeve (that they foolishly didn’t reveal when they dropped the price bomb on everyone), HoT looks an awful lot like someone bundled together the next living story season and an unrelated feature pack and sold them to us for almost as much as the original game.
Its actually called being objective. We dont even know the full extent of the content HoT carries how can anyone really evaluate value at this point?
Since ArenaNet is asking us to pay the full price of the game, they obviously think we have enough information to evaluate value.
Meanwhile, HONEST developers give people more information before allowing pre-orders, such as, I don’t know, the RELEASE DATE or something?
Different people require different level of knowledge to make an informed decision.
For some there is enough information to pre-order. I’d argue for some knowing there is going to be an expansion was enough for them to pre-order. Dont even need to argue you can find threads asking about pre-orders dating back to the announcement.
In anycase why is this a problem? is there a benefit to pre-ordering now then pre-ordering a day before release? if you’re not confortable with the amount of knowledge you have right now (and you’d be right not to by the way) then wait until you get enough information to make an informed decision. There is no hurry.
What I am expecting from HoT is not worth $50. If they came out and said 7 new maps, then I’d say “Awesome, take my money!” I am expecting 3-5, so I am a little reluctant to hand over my money. The problem for me is that by preordering I don’t have a reasonable idea of what I am paying for.
then wait until they actually expand on what maps we can expect in HoT, why is that a problem?
I’ve got to get this off my chest.
-How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm? Do any of you have access to some leaked version of the full expansion or w/e? Enough with assumptions and back seat game development. You don’t work for Anet.
-The base expansion is $50. Ok, cool. Historically, most MMO expansions have been about $40-60. So how is this a problem? It’s because people keep equating whatever “value” the game has with games that aren’t even in the same genre: ie every game that doesn’t require an internet connection. They just don’t say it(probably because they dot understand the meaning of their words). Those games(usually) don’t ask for this level of pricing because they don’t have to continue developing content for it. People can continue to play those games well after the publisher and devs have moved on to other projects. MMOs(and MOBAs) don’t get this luxury.
-Yet naive individuals here will procrastinate on the “value” of the prices. There is no “value”. That’s a subjective emotion you make up for yourself to justify your purchase. And there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it holds not one kitten ounce of meaning as far as the quality of the expansion goes. We have reviews/reviewers for that.The price of reason is steep.
At least we can still all agree that the real only valid argument here is that the standard edition does not come with a free character slot. As it should, at the minimum for people who bought the game very recently.
the arguement that we dont know whats in it, so we shouldnt judge if its worth 50 dollars…
cuts the other way, because, perhaps, we should know whats in it before we decide if 50 dollars is a worthy price?
they should have released at least the overview before they started selling
1)release date
2)number of new zones
3)what are all the elite specializations
4)what is challenging new content
What you pay is the original game, the expansion is for FREE! See what I did there?
I want a version with only the expansion, no matter how much it costs. I don’t buy something I already own.
I’ve got to get this off my chest.
-How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm? Do any of you have access to some leaked version of the full expansion or w/e? Enough with assumptions and back seat game development. You don’t work for Anet.
-The base expansion is $50. Ok, cool. Historically, most MMO expansions have been about $40-60. So how is this a problem? It’s because people keep equating whatever “value” the game has with games that aren’t even in the same genre: ie every game that doesn’t require an internet connection. They just don’t say it(probably because they dot understand the meaning of their words). Those games(usually) don’t ask for this level of pricing because they don’t have to continue developing content for it. People can continue to play those games well after the publisher and devs have moved on to other projects. MMOs(and MOBAs) don’t get this luxury.
-Yet naive individuals here will procrastinate on the “value” of the prices. There is no “value”. That’s a subjective emotion you make up for yourself to justify your purchase. And there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it holds not one kitten ounce of meaning as far as the quality of the expansion goes. We have reviews/reviewers for that.The price of reason is steep.
At least we can still all agree that the real only valid argument here is that the standard edition does not come with a free character slot. As it should, at the minimum for people who bought the game very recently.
the arguement that we dont know whats in it, so we shouldnt judge if its worth 50 dollars…
cuts the other way, because, perhaps, we should know whats in it before we decide if 50 dollars is a worthy price?
they should have released at least the overview before they started selling
1)release date
2)number of new zones
3)what are all the elite specializations
4)what is challenging new content
Yes, there is no point in arguing its worth $50 or not unless we’ve seen all the contents. If anybody thinks the current released information doesn’t not worth it, then wait and see until the information convincing enough.
It is not fair to Anet without seeing the whole picture yet.
I will explain you why:
Core game = 25 Complete maps, with at least 2500+ events, plus a full story, complete brand build mechanids of gameplay, 8 professions, 5 races and etc, etc, etc..
Expansions represent in the most, 25% of the total ammounf of the core game (And take in count that they don’t need to rebuild the game whole again. Just “Expand” it).
So, how in the world is fair pay the same price of the core game, for 25% extra of it?
(edited by MauricioCezar.2673)
I’ve got to get this off my chest.
-How can some of you look people in the eye and claim Arenanet is not giving you a whole lot of content(HoT specifically) when you haven’t played or experienced everything(and I mean EVERYTHING) that is this expansion offers, hmm? Do any of you have access to some leaked version of the full expansion or w/e? Enough with assumptions and back seat game development. You don’t work for Anet.
-The base expansion is $50. Ok, cool. Historically, most MMO expansions have been about $40-60. So how is this a problem? It’s because people keep equating whatever “value” the game has with games that aren’t even in the same genre: ie every game that doesn’t require an internet connection. They just don’t say it(probably because they dot understand the meaning of their words). Those games(usually) don’t ask for this level of pricing because they don’t have to continue developing content for it. People can continue to play those games well after the publisher and devs have moved on to other projects. MMOs(and MOBAs) don’t get this luxury.
-Yet naive individuals here will procrastinate on the “value” of the prices. There is no “value”. That’s a subjective emotion you make up for yourself to justify your purchase. And there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it holds not one kitten ounce of meaning as far as the quality of the expansion goes. We have reviews/reviewers for that.The price of reason is steep.
At least we can still all agree that the real only valid argument here is that the standard edition does not come with a free character slot. As it should, at the minimum for people who bought the game very recently.
the arguement that we dont know whats in it, so we shouldnt judge if its worth 50 dollars…
cuts the other way, because, perhaps, we should know whats in it before we decide if 50 dollars is a worthy price?
they should have released at least the overview before they started selling
1)release date
2)number of new zones
3)what are all the elite specializations
4)what is challenging new contentYes, there is no point in arguing its worth $50 or not unless we’ve seen all the contents. If anybody thinks the current released information doesn’t not worth it, then wait and see until the information convincing enough.
It is not fair to Anet without seeing the whole picture yet.
it is fair to anet, because anet chose to ask people for money before releasing that info.
Some people will be optimisitic, and some pessimistic, but if they had the major info it wouldnt be an unknown factor, and people could make their decsions based on real information.
truth is the marketing hasnt been handled that greatly.
On the plus side, people can just wait to purchase it when they have enough info. But anet opened themselves to this type of backlash by asking for money before telling people the basics.
I will explain you why:
Core game = 25 Complete maps, with at least 2500+ events, plus a full story, complete brand build mechanids of gameplay, 8 professions, 5 races and etc, etc, etc..
Expansions represent in the most, 05% of the total ammounf of the core game (And take in count that they don’t need to rebuild the game whole again. Just “Expand” it).
So, how in the world is fair pay the same price of the core game, for 25% extra of it?
it was actually 1500 events at launch but still point stands..
in which case can you please point out where anet said HoT would only have 1 map and no more then 75 events?
your 5% claim is bogus, truth is we dont know how big / small HoT is right now.
besides who says expansions need to have the same amount of content as the full game?
WoW expansion had no or maximum 2 new classes or races , none of them had a full 9 new classes to justify the price.
same if we take FFXIV upcoming expansion, they’re getting 1 new race no 5, they’re adding 3 new jobs not 10 and no new classes.
how is any of that any different then adding 9 specializations and 1 new profession?
these both ask the same price Anet are for their expansion.
is everyone a cheat because their expansions are technically smaller then the core game?
I will look you straight in the eye and tell you that given the combination of the track record of anet’s “content” and what they’ve shown us of the expansion, that asking for 50$ is hilariously laughable.
I paid a $100. Happily. Their ‘track record’ stems all the way back to Prophecies. So let’s see…hmmm, the core GW1= brilliant, Factions= excellent, Nightfall= fantastic, GWEN= fun, and then onto GW2…which I have 2k thousand hours on.
Now either buy it or don’t, but if you want to argue ‘track record’, Anet has made millions of happy gamers for ten years now.
I do however, want this expansion to stretch all the way to the sea. They can sell their 3-ply maps all they want, but HoT has to give us access to the ocean or we won’t see a new race in even the NEXT expac.
Anet have been proving themselves incompetent for 2 years straight, and some people still haven’t gotten the message?
Dear God.
I paid a $100. Happily. Their ‘track record’ stems all the way back to Prophecies. So let’s see…hmmm, the core GW1= brilliant, Factions= excellent, Nightfall= fantastic, GWEN= fun, and then onto GW2…which I have 2k thousand hours on.
Now either buy it or don’t, but if you want to argue ‘track record’, Anet has made millions of happy gamers for ten years now.
Well that is not the same Anet that made gw1. That is for sure.
this xpac is clear worth the $50 price and the core game is free if you don’t like it don’t by it or whine some more see how far the get you!
I will keep whining about it, thank you. I would be content if the expansion was $40, not $50. That’s just too steep for me and I will not be picking it up until it drops.
Have you been playing still? If you are NOT enjoying the game then why are you still playing? More importantly, why are you on the forums?
For those of us that still love the game, and thought the cutscene at the end of Season 2 was epic, then the price* is justified.
Any individual voice does not speak for the masses.
(*the asterisk is because I believe every edition should include a character slot.)
Ridiculous? The amount of content that is supposed to justify the price tag is ridiculous.
To the OP, I’m going to save you some time and a whole lot of frustration. You can thank me later. Please read this quote:
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. – Albert Einstein
My suggestion to you is to stop fighting against the infinite amount of human stupidity that pervades our planet. You’re not going to win.
You’re welcome!
Yes, it’s subjective, but just because a view is subjective doesn’t make it not worth expressing.
If it is a full expansion, then I personally think $50 is fair enough and pretty much in-line with what other games charge.
In fact, you really would be getting quite a lot of entertainment for that price.
If not, then it probably is a little on the high side, but I have no idea how many gems they have been selling lately (for real money)?
Maybe it’s not deemed to be enough?
As long as most of the money they receive (in whatever way) is ploughed back into the game, to sort out any issues quickly and the game continues to improve and grow, then I think it’s OK.
If not, then it obviously isn’t.
As an expansion (however large) for a flawed, unbalanced game, that is never really fixed, obviously wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) be worth very much.
…or not to me, anyway.
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