Rare for ectos drop nerfed?
RNG akittens best.
Yesterday I threw 100 rare greatswords in the mystic forge and got 1 exotic back. RNG akittens best.
I got 5 ectos from three rares today using a mystic salvage kit. RNG is RNG. Your sample rate is way too low.
I salvaged 7 rares yesterday and got 12 Ecto…
I used to get a .78 drop rates.. The ecto drop have been Buffed? >_>
Well.. Anyway, I use to salvage 15~25 rares EVERY day since 2 months. Never get 7 rares salvaged in a row without even 1 ecto in all those days before. But now, I’ve got much more 2 days in a row, I Just don’t wanted to throw off rares for nothing.
But ok, you guys are very “Helpful” ! Very nice your sarcasm . But no.
Tx for those that really helped
Serously what were you expecting by coming here to complain. I don’t mean to be rude but seriously you should learn some statistics basics.
You had the habit to get a lot of ectos in a row and now you don’t, great , but that doesn’t mean ANYTHING about the global drop rate.
Everytime there’s an update, we see people like you coming to whine about them not getting ecto out of their dozen rares salvaged. Now if you want to prove your point , try to do it seriously and give yourslef the mean to do it by salvaging a thousand or so rares than compare it to the various data records you can find about ecto salvage. If you see some serious deviation THEN come here complain.
Same thing with precursors, some guys can throw away thousands of golds in the forge and won’t get any while some others will do 2 tries and get two,. So what ? RNG is RNG and you cannot make figures say what you want them to say.
I know the average player has absolutely no concept of statistics but good heavens…
Ladies, it’s random. RNG is RNG… etc. If you notice a significant decrease, over a very large sample (let’s say 100-300, to be very generous) over a significant period of time (i.e.: not one day), then you might be on to something.
Your loot being slightly better yesterday means kitten all. It’s honestly such a ridiculous notion…
I know the average player has absolutely no concept of statistics but good heavens…
Ladies, it’s random. RNG is RNG… etc. If you notice a significant decrease, over a very large sample (let’s say 100-300, to be very generous) over a significant period of time (i.e.: not one day), then you might be on to something.
Your loot being slightly better yesterday means kitten all. It’s honestly such a ridiculous notion…
lol right. qft
Far enough… if you salvage 100k of rare itens u receive one special item from Zommoros called: Gift of Eternal Low Chances to Get Super Valuable Items from Salvage.
Good luck! And… stop crying for the love of Zommoros!
This is why we have a forum guy. To get questions awnsered. What do you want to me do? Garbage 1000+ rares for then come to ask if anyone more have problems? I don’t have money to spare.
Its a sample question, that only a sample awnser : “No, the rate its normal. No changes” will be samply resolve the problem. Don’t need a worthless awnser without any content, Thank you.
By the way, if not have any changes in the drop rate, I’ll continue salvagind they and hoping for the best >_> .
This is why we have a forum guy. To get questions awnsered. What do you want to me do? Garbage 1000+ rares for then come to ask if anyone more have problems? I don’t have money to spare.
Its a sample question, that only a sample awnser : “No, the rate its normal. No changes” will be samply resolve the problem. Don’t need a worthless awnser without any content, Thank you.
By the way, if not have any changes in the drop rate, I’ll continue salvagind they and hoping for the best >_> .
Yea, somebody pee’d in the kids cheerios on the forum this morning I noticed. It’s sad that harassment is the highlight of some people’s lives.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I salvaged 30 rares yday and only got 16 ecto’s. I salvaged them and got 47 dusts… RNG is a strange thing.
If it ain’t dutch,… :P
i’m sure this has nothing to do with it but….when i reached a stack of ectos in my collection, my ecto rate plummeted. I moved that stack to my bank so my collection was empty and my ecto rate went back up. I’m superstitious so I think it helps lol.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Might be true. I don’t have a stack of ectos in my bank at this time.
This is why we have a forum guy. To get questions awnsered. What do you want to me do? Garbage 1000+ rares for then come to ask if anyone more have problems? I don’t have money to spare.
Previous time a doubt about ecto salvage rate surfaced, some people did just that (and documented it). That’s why it’s been found that the rates were indeed lowered (and why Anet was forced to acknowledge that and introduce a fix).
Without proof (as in – documented effects of salvaging rares in huge amounts by many people) all we can say is that RNG is a kitten. And not even a cute one.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
i’m sure this has nothing to do with it but….when i reached a stack of ectos in my collection, my ecto rate plummeted. I moved that stack to my bank so my collection was empty and my ecto rate went back up. I’m superstitious so I think it helps lol.
Interesting theory. There might actually be something to this, but then again I’m pretty superstitious sometimes too :P
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I noticed that I would get 0 on attempts alot after their patch that supposedly fixed the bug that was reported before is the bug back or was it intended to still drop 0 from an attempt?
Must be a bug
I salvaged 6 last night and got 9 ectos, RNG is a fickle master.
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks
I know the average player has absolutely no concept of statistics but good heavens…
Ladies, it’s random. RNG is RNG… etc. If you notice a significant decrease, over a very large sample (let’s say 100-300, to be very generous) over a significant period of time (i.e.: not one day), then you might be on to something.
Your loot being slightly better yesterday means kitten all. It’s honestly such a ridiculous notion…
Actually, it appears you have no concept in statistics. For one, computers are not 100% random and cause anomalies. Furthermore, most people tend to follow a pattern. One person will always get more ectoplasm than another. Pretty much everything in life follows a particular pattern. This causes a dilemma between developers, because they could make an item a 2% drop rate and discover that 10% of the game has it.
After the last fiasco involving a bug to the ecto salvage rates, it is fair for someone to come here and simply ask others if they are experiencing the same poor luck as he is.
No need to bash the man, just acknowledge that you are not experiencing the decrease in the salvage rate as he has seen and move on.
No reason for anyone to salvage 1000+ rares just on a hunch that a bug may have been introduced. If a lot of people had started to claim that they were experiencing the same issue, then it would be a good time to start documenting.
The same people who always quickly chime in and say RNG is RNG are the ones who doubted the last salvage bug, the ones who doubted there was a loot drop bug that was eventually semi-confirmed.
I know the average player has absolutely no concept of statistics but good heavens…
Ladies, it’s random. RNG is RNG… etc. If you notice a significant decrease, over a very large sample (let’s say 100-300, to be very generous) over a significant period of time (i.e.: not one day), then you might be on to something.
Your loot being slightly better yesterday means kitten all. It’s honestly such a ridiculous notion…
Actually, it appears you have no concept in statistics. For one, computers are not 100% random and cause anomalies. Furthermore, most people tend to follow a pattern. One person will always get more ectoplasm than another. Pretty much everything in life follows a particular pattern. This causes a dilemma between developers, because they could make an item a 2% drop rate and discover that 10% of the game has it.
This certainly happens with loot in this game (and no other game I’ve ever played or am currently playing at the moment.) so it’s definitely not based on the fallacy of luck.
However, what I was just posting was a question of the range. Is the range for these ectos actually 0-3 per salvage or is it 1-3 because if it’s 1-3 then there’s still something wrong as I’ve receive 0 on multiple occasions now since the “fix”. If it’s intended to be 0-3 then I am actually seeing random results. That’s all I am saying about this fix.
The loot however is still a different story, we’re still seeing the Wi Flag style problems with that but that’s a totally different problem.
Is it possible that after the last patch it is bugged again?
I think it’s bugged. I’ve salvaged 10 rares today and gotten 1 ecto. Sure it’s a small sample, but that’s not just RNG being fickle. No one salvages 10 rares and gets 1 ecto.
(edited by lover.8351)
I’m really not sure. Was it 0-3 per item or is it 1-3 per item salvaged?
I’ve been tracking my salvages post “fix” and right now after 42 salvages I’m sitting on the “accepted” 0.8 ectos/salvage for master kits. Rather small sample size, but my results are evening out. That’s considering that my last 6 salvages have all been for zero ectos. Yes it’s possible to get 1/10, but your luck will turn around. If I average the first 10 salvages, my ecto/salvage rate is 0.2. RNG is a fickle creature whether you like it or not.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, for rares the ecto rate is 0-3. For exotics I think it’s 0-5. It’s always been this way, barring bugs.
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated
(edited by ExTribble.7108)
After the last fiasco involving a bug to the ecto salvage rates, it is fair for someone to come here and simply ask others if they are experiencing the same poor luck as he is.
No need to bash the man, just acknowledge that you are not experiencing the decrease in the salvage rate as he has seen and move on.
No reason for anyone to salvage 1000+ rares just on a hunch that a bug may have been introduced. If a lot of people had started to claim that they were experiencing the same issue, then it would be a good time to start documenting.
The same people who always quickly chime in and say RNG is RNG are the ones who doubted the last salvage bug, the ones who doubted there was a loot drop bug that was eventually semi-confirmed.
or “The Boys and Girls Who Cried Ecto Nerf After Every Patch”
It’s 0-3. You’ve always had a chance to get zero ectos.
At the patch of ‘dust is salvagable from ecto’, i salvaged 180 rares, and got similar output in ecto’s (wich is better then my expectations). However, one by one salvaging give crazy bad results. Last week the one by one salvage (salvage when it drops), i got like 3 ecto’s out of 20 rares, ridiculous.
The rng seems to have changed, and favoring, speed salvaging, rather then one by one salvaging. That’s my take on it. I havent had a single time 3 ecto’s, anymore out of 35 one by one salvages.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Well. I’ve tried somes salvages last days and got REALLY low rates of ecto drops. Salvaged 25 Rares in Wednesday using Mystic salvage kit, and got only 9 Ectos in all.
Salvaged more 15 rares tuesday with the Master Salvage kit, and got 6.
‘-’ , I used to get a 1.2 drop rates.. The ecto drop have been nerfed? >_>
SSS….. Small Sample Size
Your going have to bring more to the table than a handful of salvages i’m afraid.
RNG is a fickle thing and it seems you hit some unlucky rolls, dust yourself off and try again… or don’t if RNG hurts your feeling enough to post this kind of sample.
At the patch of ‘dust is salvagable from ecto’, i salvaged 180 rares, and got similar output in ecto’s (wich is better then my expectations). However, one by one salvaging give crazy bad results. Last week the one by one salvage (salvage when it drops), i got like 3 ecto’s out of 20 rares, ridiculous.
The rng seems to have changed, and favoring, speed salvaging, rather then one by one salvaging. That’s my take on it. I havent had a single time 3 ecto’s, anymore out of 35 one by one salvages.
If you’re right handed, use your left hand to salvage, and vice-versa if left-handed. The other hand should be rubbing the top of your head in a counter-clockwise motion unless it’s Thursday, in which case use clockwise.
In the southern hemisphere, reverse these directions.
Lord if I see another “it’s only RNG” “your sample size is too small” or “these things don’t happen despite multiple bugs they’ve already found” reply I think I’m going to turn into a Risen and run around throwing Orrian Truffles at everyone I see.
/double facepalm
Lord if I see another “it’s only RNG” “your sample size is too small” or “these things don’t happen despite multiple bugs they’ve already found” reply I think I’m going to turn into a Risen and run around throwing Orrian Truffles at everyone I see.
/double facepalm
Your sample size it too small.
Sorry, I just really want to see you turn into a risen and throw truffles. lol
what is RNG ???
Comeon people, don’t come in with your ant size sample sizes and make huge claims or assumptions that there has been a nerf. If you want anyone to take you seriously, bring in at least a minimum of 100, that is 100 attempts btw. E.G. 100 rare GS is really only 25 attempts, out of which only 20 % of those will be exotics. Therefore, you are really only have 5-7 exotic. I guarantee you if you upped that by another at least 4x (i.e. 400 rare GS), you will get at least ~22 exotics back. RnG is just all statistics, it’s not “luck” it’s numbers. (though you CAN get lucky with it but in the long run everyone gets the same % is my point)
Lord if I see another “it’s only RNG” “your sample size is too small” or “these things don’t happen despite multiple bugs they’ve already found” reply I think I’m going to turn into a Risen and run around throwing Orrian Truffles at everyone I see.
/double facepalm
Y’know, you’re right… I did the Shadow Behemoth event once today, and I got 0 exotics and only 1 rare (the bonus chest). From this sufficiently large sample I can say with absolute certainty that the game is horribly broken and Anet needs to mail every player a random Legendary weapon to make up for it. Except the crappy ones, they need to just send the good ones.
I know the average player has absolutely no concept of statistics but good heavens…
Ladies, it’s random. RNG is RNG… etc. If you notice a significant decrease, over a very large sample (let’s say 100-300, to be very generous) over a significant period of time (i.e.: not one day), then you might be on to something.
Your loot being slightly better yesterday means kitten all. It’s honestly such a ridiculous notion…
Actually, it appears you have no concept in statistics. For one, computers are not 100% random and cause anomalies. Furthermore, most people tend to follow a pattern. One person will always get more ectoplasm than another. Pretty much everything in life follows a particular pattern. This causes a dilemma between developers, because they could make an item a 2% drop rate and discover that 10% of the game has it.
Er, I think there is something significantly wrong with your logic in that paragraph. Assuming you mean the game as in the population, if an item has a 2 % drop rate it does not mean that in the total in game population, only 2 % of it has it… (assuming if your so called “pattern” doesn’t affect the players)
Let’s put this in an easier perspective, if an item at 99 % drop rate, does that mean 1 % of the game doesn’t have it and will never have it? Of course it doesn’t. Most people would have this item because if they don’t get it on their first mob they kill, they’ll get it on the second (assuming every mob has a 99 % chance to drop this item). Again, varying this factor of which mobs drops which item, players getting same items etc will greatly alter the % of this items total number in game. (also this number will change greatly, depending on how this item is consumed in the game i.e demand/supply).
So yeah, this has nothing to do with pattern which affects the % of this item’s existence in the game.
Also, just to add, even though it’s true computers are not truly random, it doesn’t mean that the statistical drop is significant affected by it. God knows, if this was true, then RnG would REALLY be based on luck. In a big enough sample size, everyone gets roughly the same number of apples.
(edited by Lafiel.9372)