Rares. Lots of them.
The community asked for this improvement to drops and ecto gain every day since launch, loudly, often offensively. Anet listened and responded. I sort of know what you mean, but I’d much prefer the way it now is. It’s a little unfair to the devs to start complaining too much about the very things they changed because the community asked them to.
(edited by Randulf.7614)
Well, that didn’t take long.
Wow…before the patch people complaining about how kittenty those world event rewards were, now some of you are complaining how good it has became?…
Blackgate Militia
The rewards are right where they should have been from the beginning.
No. It’s great now. Lower rare and ecto prices are fantastic. Stop whining.
-Most beneficial way to generate income now: Farm all bosses on all characters. Nothing else is worth playtime in comparison.
wait, so I don’t get it…do you play for fun or to make gold? Why would or should you feel forced to farm just because it is profitable? I mean seriously, what will you do with all that gold that you are amassing?
-Most beneficial way to generate income now: Farm all bosses on all characters. Nothing else is worth playtime in comparison.
wait, so I don’t get it…do you play for fun or to make gold? Why would or should you feel forced to farm just because it is profitable? I mean seriously, what will you do with all that gold that you are amassing?
Get a legendary that you use to farm more gold with, obviously!
Don’t forget the loud people not always represent the majority. But don’t get me wrong, I welcome that they listen to the community. But this patch were over the edge in my opinion. I can live with things not being as before where you would get a rare ~half the time, but it certainly is some change from 50% chance for a rare to 100% + 50% for an additional rare, if not an exotic. I might have been lucky, but I’d guess around 1½ rare per boss at the moment. That’s a 200% increase in drops.
I’m not complaining how “good” it has become because I don’t feel that spending 5 minutes (for example Maw event) to earn 1½ rare isn’t good in my opinion. It is too much.
The change was great at least 250 ectos for just a cosmetic item wont be that bad now. At least now theres actually a reward for killing kitten.
Don’t forget the loud people not always represent the majority. But don’t get me wrong, I welcome that they listen to the community. But this patch were over the edge in my opinion. I can live with things not being as before where you would get a rare ~half the time, but it certainly is some change from 50% chance for a rare to 100% + 50% for an additional rare, if not an exotic. I might have been lucky, but I’d guess around 1½ rare per boss at the moment. That’s a 200% increase in drops.
I’m not complaining how “good” it has become because I don’t feel that spending 5 minutes (for example Maw event) to earn 1½ rare isn’t good in my opinion. It is too much.
And then you consider the time the event takes to cycle, the time and gold spent levelling and gearing each level 80, and the adjusted value of rares.
It is most definitely NOT too much until you factor in the exploitative nature of guesting to grab more chests per character.
Vial of Powerful Blood – 29s. How is it the best way to make money?
Wait, Ectos are dropping in price? By how much?
That 50 Ecto cost looks a little better now if it’s entering the economy that fast . . . still not happy it’s there, but meh . . .
Good change! Equipment that is affordable. Reward that fits the task. Ectos that are affordable so that more players actually get those ascended accessories. I’m satisfied with this change.
Don’t forget the loud people not always represent the majority. But don’t get me wrong, I welcome that they listen to the community. But this patch were over the edge in my opinion. I can live with things not being as before where you would get a rare ~half the time, but it certainly is some change from 50% chance for a rare to 100% + 50% for an additional rare, if not an exotic. I might have been lucky, but I’d guess around 1½ rare per boss at the moment. That’s a 200% increase in drops.
I’m not complaining how “good” it has become because I don’t feel that spending 5 minutes (for example Maw event) to earn 1½ rare isn’t good in my opinion. It is too much.
I STRONGLY disagree that the drop rate for Rares from anywhere ever approached 50%.
As to farming easy events like the Maw en masse… wait til that new event scaling feature their testing in the Orr events goes live everywhere and champion Grawl, Icebrood, Savnir get in the regular spawns.
Seems the economy is calming down a bit. I like the new prices. Hope they stay like that
Open world loot has never been as good as dungeon loot, and now it is probably on par with it probably better, which imo is a good thing.
Anet stated they wanted a persistent and open world, and these large events get people to go out and travel around the world.
In the end people need to stop complaining about the great loot the elite farmers could always get. Before this I would get a rare every couple of days because I don’t play hardcore enough to do dungeons. Now it isn’t like the elite hardcore gamers are getting more loot, they could always get this much gold much easier from dungeons (CoF)
so nothing has changed except now it is easier for casual players who can’t run CoF hours a day to get gold.
-Most beneficial way to generate income now: Farm all bosses on all characters. Nothing else is worth playtime in comparison.
wait, so I don’t get it…do you play for fun or to make gold? Why would or should you feel forced to farm just because it is profitable? I mean seriously, what will you do with all that gold that you are amassing?
Saw that one coming. I play for fun. I did not mention “force” which I’m sure you’d love to have me say, that I’m forced to farm to keep up with other players, blabla. I am just sad that a rare isn’t rare and that generation of income now has a far superior method, which is farming bosses. While not forced to do anything, anyone wanting a bit of extra cash will identify boss farming as the (way) fastest method of doing it. There will always be faster ways to get gold, but should timer checking, waypointing and 2-5 minutes of auto attacking really be the best? It sounds really dull to me, compared to pre-patch where Dungeons, Fractals and big event chains were where you could play some fun content, while still making something off it. A guaranteed rare for stacking on 50 other players is not fun, at least to me. It was however fun a week ago when me and 3 other players killed Taidha Covington. It took us a while, it was challenging and fun. She went down in the end, and the chest had a rare for me! Awesome!! That is the gameplay I would encourage. And no, nothing is holding me back from still doing content like that (except there is now a quadruple amount of players farming bosses), but there is absolutely no sense of progress or achievement to it if I could have recieved the same reward on 2 minutes, if I had bothered waypointing to Maw.
That’s not the wrong way to look at things, but that mindset can now be transferred to exotic drops instead from teh chests, as they drop better, but rare enough to get “awesome” moment. Which is at it should be. Rares simply don’t have enough prestige attached to them to warrant that. Exotics do.
It is too much.
It’s not. Most of those events were not worth visiting at all before this change, as far as the drops were concerned. Quite often they barely covered waypoint costs.. Sometimes they didn’t even do that.
Also, TP flipping is still way more profitable.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Don’t forget the loud people not always represent the majority. But don’t get me wrong, I welcome that they listen to the community. But this patch were over the edge in my opinion. I can live with things not being as before where you would get a rare ~half the time, but it certainly is some change from 50% chance for a rare to 100% + 50% for an additional rare, if not an exotic. I might have been lucky, but I’d guess around 1½ rare per boss at the moment. That’s a 200% increase in drops.
I’m not complaining how “good” it has become because I don’t feel that spending 5 minutes (for example Maw event) to earn 1½ rare isn’t good in my opinion. It is too much.
Good because it is your opinion…. one not shared by many.
Because before you would spend days farming and doing dragons or other things and get no rares….. the loot is right where it should be now….. exotics are still pretty rare which is the point. Just because yellow = rare doesn’t mean orange = non existant lol.
There have been thousands upon thousands of complaints on loot, some people were getting amazing drops multiple rares per run in dungeons over and over again while others got jack…. now everyone is getting decent loot.
And its going to stay that way because thats what the community asked for.
Your also forgetting that world chests can only be looted once per day per character so with the increase of chest loot came a nerf on how many times you can loot the chest.
So if someone just farmed each world boss off cd they would actually end up with more loot granted it is just blues with some greens, which they said was lower than intended btw. But now you can do each boss once a day and get a rare or better for sure and thats that. I fail to see the connection between the term RARE and your logic. Because technically exotics are rare and they still are.
And when items require 250 to 500 ectos for an upgrade….. well 30s a pop…. and the fact that rares were dropping very rarely…. well you do the math. Thats 77 gold for 250….
Thats a huge expense for a item that is needed in pretty much EVERYTHING endgame and it can only be gained from rare or better items…. which were dropping very inconsistently and not inline with craft costs for items.
(edited by Namu.5712)
Vial of Powerful Blood – 29s. How is it the best way to make money?
Count in the occasional exotic, the other stuff in the chest + drops from event mobs, the reliability of always getting a rare and the amount of players farming. The low level bosses go down in less than a minute.
think you are being overly dramatic..
For the first time in a long time people actually bother with dynamic events, that is a great thing.
and despite the fact that 1 rare is guaranteed it is very far from the most profitable option, it is simply a good DIVERSE option.
As for ecto prices dropping, ABOUT TIME! the ecto/rare prices went up WAY to much after the snowflake incident.
Goes hand in hand with precursor prices being ridicilous.
Unless ecto somehow bounces back precursor prices will finally drop some aswell, hopefully.
PS: I have done almost every chest event 2 time per day since patch went out, and I still havnt gotten a exo drop, so its definatly not overtuned.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but being very unlucky when it comes to loot in this game this has made the game alot more enjoyable for me.. before getting rares was almost impossible for me because my rng was horrible, and now I can actually to some extent keep up with the general population..
(edited by Kilrain Daggerspine.6843)
You can’t increase the value of something while also increasing its availability.
Higher availability make more people happy than higher value. Turn up the availability too far and your economy brakes down, create too much scarcity and you cripple people’s progression.
Lower ecto/rare prices = less people farming for gold in order to buy ectos for crafting and other purposes.
Prices of crafted exotic equips will also go down, which is a good thing imo, it will help keep inflation down a tin bit since people wont be farming for gold as much to buy these items.
Good because it is your opinion…. one not shared by many.
Because before you would spend days farming and doing dragons or other things and get no rares….. the loot is right where it should be now….. exotics are still pretty rare which is the point. Just because yellow = rare doesn’t mean orange = non existant lol.
There have been thousands upon thousands of complaints on loot, some people were getting amazing drops multiple rares per run in dungeons over and over again while others got jack…. now everyone is getting decent loot.
And its going to stay that way because thats what the community asked for.
Your also forgetting that world chests can only be looted once per day per character so with the increase of chest loot came a nerf on how many times you can loot the chest.
So if someone just farmed each world boss off cd they would actually end up with more loot granted it is just blues with some greens, which they said was lower than intended btw. But now you can do each boss once a day and get a rare or better for sure and thats that. I fail to see the connection between the term RARE and your logic. Because technically exotics are rare and they still are.
That is plain false. You do not farm for days and not see a rare. I never used magic find, and while not a given I would get a rare at least every other run through a dungeon. And I did all dungeons, and some of them several times. I’d be very impressed if you legitimately can say you farmed a dungeon for days to never see a rare. And come on, exotics were not non-existant. But it is also the rarest lootable gear. If they dropped like rares did, we might as well have the GW1 state of weapon looting. It wasn’t even like the BLTP prices for exotics were bad. Most of the exotics I looted, I could sell for ~2g. You could equip a character in all rare gear for around 2g as well. (I’m not talking precursors here however!) Those numbers should represent the “rarity” of gear. If I can fully equip my character for ~2g in rares or ~15g in full exotic, I can’t see the gear being non-existant. In fact it would seem that some players found it very obtainable, since the price isn’t higher.
That some get “jack” in dungeons, while some get a lot, I dont really find relevant. One aspect is Magic Find. Another is that people are good at making it sound worse. Another thing is RNG. But that doesn’t explain to me while you should have a guaranteed rare for a 5 minute event; It could justify making a rare guaranteed for completing a dungeon which at least takes half an hour for normal people.
Not sure what i need your statement for, that it isn’t going to change. That is kind of arrogant to be honest; you are not the developer, but I shouldn’t need to spell that out. I have no reason not to try. The community is often represented by those who are unsatisfied. It is not you anymore, congratulations. That doesn’t mean there isn’t another subset of the community who can ask for something that contradicts the previously unsatisfied part of the community.
-No I’m not forgetting that you can’t loot more than once. But I don’t see how that is a nerf? Let’s go with the easy to farm bosses and a standard account; 6 bosses, 5 characters. That is at least 30 rares per day. Do you even want to farm any more after that?
I don’t see how the logic behind the gear is difficult, a rare should be rare, but a rare isn’t rare. If it is something you expect to see everytime you hit F on a chest, I’d say it is quite common.
think you are being overly dramatic..
For the first time in a long time people actually bother with dynamic events, that is a great thing.
and despite the fact that 1 rare is guaranteed it is very far from the most profitable option, it is simply a good DIVERSE option.
As for ecto prices dropping, ABOUT TIME! the ecto/rare prices went up WAY to much after the snowflake incident.
Goes hand in hand with precursor prices being ridicilous.
Unless ecto somehow bounces back precursor prices will finally drop some aswell, hopefully.
PS: I have done almost every chest event 2 time per day since patch went out, and I still havnt gotten a exo drop, so its definatly not overtuned.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but being very unlucky when it comes to loot in this game this has made the game alot more enjoyable for me.. before getting rares was almost impossible for me because my rng was horrible, and now I can actually to some extent keep up with the general population..
“First time people bother” – I don’t know about your server, but on mine the dragons were always killed as soon as they spawned. I can’t see why people would do dynamic events unless it has boss at the end? How does it help that people are farming the same 10 events, if the rest of the world is rotting?
I certainly agree, ecto was getting steep. But 10 silver down in 2 days.. It isn’t over yet, people has just begun farming. I don’t even have a guess at how low the ecto and rares will go.
Certainly agree with precursors as well, i have no idea how much that was changed though.
But seriously, if you look 2 weeks ahead.. How do you think the economy is looking?
But I have a question for you; Would you prefer this way of ensuring not getting rolled by RNG, or would you prefer playing content like dungeons, fractals, (long) dynamic events (not the boss ones) for the good drops? And again, please think a few weeks ahead, when you have killed maw 3 times a day for two weeks.
Good because it is your opinion…. one not shared by many.
Because before you would spend days farming and doing dragons or other things and get no rares….. the loot is right where it should be now….. exotics are still pretty rare which is the point. Just because yellow = rare doesn’t mean orange = non existant lol.
There have been thousands upon thousands of complaints on loot, some people were getting amazing drops multiple rares per run in dungeons over and over again while others got jack…. now everyone is getting decent loot.
And its going to stay that way because thats what the community asked for.
Your also forgetting that world chests can only be looted once per day per character so with the increase of chest loot came a nerf on how many times you can loot the chest.
So if someone just farmed each world boss off cd they would actually end up with more loot granted it is just blues with some greens, which they said was lower than intended btw. But now you can do each boss once a day and get a rare or better for sure and thats that. I fail to see the connection between the term RARE and your logic. Because technically exotics are rare and they still are.
That is plain false. You do not farm for days and not see a rare. I never used magic find, and while not a given I would get a rare at least every other run through a dungeon. And I did all dungeons, and some of them several times. I’d be very impressed if you legitimately can say you farmed a dungeon for days to never see a rare. And come on, exotics were not non-existant. But it is also the rarest lootable gear. If they dropped like rares did, we might as well have the GW1 state of weapon looting. It wasn’t even like the BLTP prices for exotics were bad. Most of the exotics I looted, I could sell for ~2g. You could equip a character in all rare gear for around 2g as well. (I’m not talking precursors here however!) Those numbers should represent the “rarity” of gear. If I can fully equip my character for ~2g in rares or ~15g in full exotic, I can’t see the gear being non-existant. In fact it would seem that some players found it very obtainable, since the price isn’t higher.
That some get “jack” in dungeons, while some get a lot, I dont really find relevant. One aspect is Magic Find. Another is that people are good at making it sound worse. Another thing is RNG. But that doesn’t explain to me while you should have a guaranteed rare for a 5 minute event; It could justify making a rare guaranteed for completing a dungeon which at least takes half an hour for normal people.
Not sure what i need your statement for, that it isn’t going to change. That is kind of arrogant to be honest; you are not the developer, but I shouldn’t need to spell that out. I have no reason not to try. The community is often represented by those who are unsatisfied. It is not you anymore, congratulations. That doesn’t mean there isn’t another subset of the community who can ask for something that contradicts the previously unsatisfied part of the community.
-No I’m not forgetting that you can’t loot more than once. But I don’t see how that is a nerf? Let’s go with the easy to farm bosses and a standard account; 6 bosses, 5 characters. That is at least 30 rares per day. Do you even want to farm any more after that?
I don’t see how the logic behind the gear is difficult, a rare should be rare, but a rare isn’t rare. If it is something you expect to see everytime you hit F on a chest, I’d say it is quite common.
Good for you getting a rare every other run…. Try running 5 fractals in a row and not getting a single rare while everyone else is linking rares left and right. That just solidifies why this change was made as well. Did you even read my post? Because I stated some people got rares alot more often than others. I could go for days and not get a rare. Now I am guaranteed one just by joining in on world events….. I fail to see how that is a bad thing…. it equalizes things and drives the economy into a more affordable line vs one where prices were inflated due to things that are commonly needed at level 80 but aren’t common in their drop rate.
There were plenty of reports of people that would get nothing but blues and greens in their runs while friends were getting rares every run. I am sorry but just because your experience is different doesn’t mean its fact. Nor does my experience equal fact. But many reported what I just told you, so either we are all lieing or you just weren’t as unlucky as other players were.
Its really that simple.
So many people at events now its terrible.
Wish people would crawl back into their instances.
I don’t see how the logic behind the gear is difficult, a rare should be rare, but a rare isn’t rare. If it is something you expect to see everytime you hit F on a chest, I’d say it is quite common.
Is it really necessary to get into semantics? Call a yellow a “gleep” and an orange a “glorp.” Perhaps that will help? Just because more people are running around in gleeps doesn’t make your glorps any less significant to you does it? There are plenty of ways differentiate your gear from others (skins/dyes), but from the very incarnation of the gear progression system it was always the intent to be reasonable to get max-ish gear.
In a game where you can buy legendarys with real cash, does it really matter that a bunch of people you’ll never see/know got an extra shiney?
(edited by Transistor.8746)
And when items require 250 to 500 ectos for an upgrade….. well 30s a pop…. and the fact that rares were dropping very rarely…. well you do the math. Thats 77 gold for 250….
Thats a huge expense for a item that is needed in pretty much EVERYTHING endgame and it can only be gained from rare or better items…. which were dropping very inconsistently and not inline with craft costs for items.
A quick note on that one; I believe you are refering to the fractal backpiece? The first 250 ecto is for 5 agony resistance, which is only neccessary for very highlevel fractals. At level 33 I still dont have it. But since level 20 you simply cant do fractals without coming out with a few rares, and occasionally a bound exotic. (Once again, I don’t use Magic Find). If you really want that upgrade you can get it from the cash you earned, progressing to.. Well.. Near level 40 i guess. That should net the 70-80g needed without a problem. The last upgrade for 250 ecto is cosmetic ONLY and can as such cost whatever.
Anything else that costs 250 ecto does not improve your stats from something that costs just about 250 ecto less.
Good for you getting a rare every other run…. Try running 5 fractals in a row and not getting a single rare while everyone else is linking rares left and right. That just solidifies why this change was made as well. Did you even read my post? Because I stated some people got rares alot more often than others. I could go for days and not get a rare. Now I am guaranteed one just by joining in on world events….. I fail to see how that is a bad thing…. it equalizes things and drives the economy into a more affordable line vs one where prices were inflated due to things that are commonly needed at level 80 but aren’t common in their drop rate.
There were plenty of reports of people that would get nothing but blues and greens in their runs while friends were getting rares every run. I am sorry but just because your experience is different doesn’t mean its fact. Nor does my experience equal fact. But many reported what I just told you, so either we are all lieing or you just weren’t as unlucky as other players were.
Its really that simple.
What you are saying is simply not possible. The end chest after Jade Maw ALWAYS holds rare(s). BUT if what you say is the case, that does not justify creating entirely other means of getting rare gear; If anything, it justifies Anet taking a serious look at how their RNG system works. So fair enough, let’s say I get more rare gear than you in generel. That is a flaw, bug, error whatever you call it. It is not a reason to create an entirely different system to even the gear out. If the case you make is true, why not just fix that instead?
Just like with the other thread that got closed today:
None of your complaints count as reasons to reduce the rare-item chance.
They’re reasons to buff the world bosses to be more difficult – More specifically, to make them anti-zerg.
Learn to see the bigger picture -> See the next step forward instead of wanting to go back
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
I just don’t understand some people here……………
I don’t see how the logic behind the gear is difficult, a rare should be rare, but a rare isn’t rare. If it is something you expect to see everytime you hit F on a chest, I’d say it is quite common.
Is it really necessary to get into semantics? Call a yellow a “gleep” and an orange a “glorp.” Perhaps that will help? Just because more people are running around in gleeps doesn’t make your glorps any less significant to you does it? There are plenty of ways differentiate your gear from others (skins/dyes), but from the very incarnation of the gear progression system it was always the intent to be reasonable to get max-ish gear.
In a game where you can buy legendarys with real cash, does it really matter that a bunch of people you’ll never see/know got an extra shiney?
Okay, let’s skip the semantics. We have 5 rarities of lootable gear. Rare is the second most uncommon gear obtainable through loot. Does it make sense this is consistantly obtainable through ~9 × 2-10 minute events, on 5 characters a day? Calculated, does it make sense you can loot at least 30 pieces of this rarity every day if you bother?
Just like with the other thread that got closed today:
None of your complaints count as reasons to reduce the rare-item chance.
They’re reasons to buff the world bosses to be more difficult – More specifically, to make them anti-zerg.
Learn to see the bigger picture -> See the next step forward instead of wanting to go back
I don’t see how learning is an aspect, but it is definitely an idea that could help the situation as well, if the events took some more effort. That would re-introduce the sense of having accomplished something and actually having earned the rare waiting at the end.
Edit; Also, luckily it is not you who decide what valid reasons is, but you are welcome to argue your case, instead of using bold text to state something that is supposed to be facts. I also see no reason why the thread should be closed. The discussion is certainly going, although I certainly seem to be a minority so far.
(edited by Treeline.3865)
Calculated, does it make sense you can loot at least 30 pieces of this rarity every day if you bother?
In the current vertical-progression model, yes [said with great sadness]. As “Rare” grade loot is useful but not of the same caliber as Exotic and Ascended. Furthermore, “Rare” will be further degraded in time due to power creep as more tiers are added, et al. Therefore, “Rare” is simply a stepping stone to further tiers and as such likely should be more available as we will, and already have, move[d] on from them to other tiers.
Vial of Powerful Blood – 29s. How is it the best way to make money?
Count in the occasional exotic, the other stuff in the chest + drops from event mobs, the reliability of always getting a rare and the amount of players farming. The low level bosses go down in less than a minute.
Then the scaling for these low level should be improved. It’s a good thing people now visit low level maps for these events. If they nerf the drops again, we will be just back to square 1 – not worth it rewards from open world events. If these events were done by 5-10 players, the reward vs effort in finishing these events are just fine. But if the events are being done by 20+, 30+ players, the zerg just detroys all the fun and challenge in ANY event. Bosses HP will drop down in less than 5 minutes without even attempting to play with the event’s mechanics. There lies the problem. These events should have some sort of built in anti-zerg mechanic with regards to scaling. The problem is the scaling does not work properly for massive amount of players. They should focus more on that.
I’m pretty sure Anet will find the right balance between loot and difficulty scaling with these open world events.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Calculated, does it make sense you can loot at least 30 pieces of this rarity every day if you bother?
In the current vertical-progression model, yes [said with great sadness]. As “Rare” grade loot is useful but not of the same caliber as Exotic and Ascended. Furthermore, “Rare” will be further degraded in time due to power creep as more tiers are added, et al. Therefore, “Rare” is simply a stepping stone to further tiers and as such likely should be more available as we will, and already have, move[d] on from them to other tiers.
You’re definitely right that the caliber of the armor is getting worth less. But following that logic, if we add Awesomniom Gear(you pick a better name) as a new tier after Ascended, should that make exotic gear drop more, because it is now a bit more obsolete? Because I wouldn’t agree with that. Just because gear gets obsolete does not for me create reason to generate more of it.
But if the events are being done by 20+, 30+ players, the zerg just detroys all the fun and challenge in ANY event. Bosses HP will drop down in less than 5 minutes without even attempting to play with the event’s mechanics.
I think you just defined the reason I hate farming better than I could have myself And what you are describing there is the exact scenario I have seen since the patch. You run in, stomp the boss, move on to the next. And I actually think I would feel that added difficulty or some kind of anti-zerg code would help my case a lot. If people are guaranteed a rare drop, I at least want them, and myself for that sake to have earned it.
Calculated, does it make sense you can loot at least 30 pieces of this rarity every day if you bother?
In the current vertical-progression model, yes [said with great sadness]. As “Rare” grade loot is useful but not of the same caliber as Exotic and Ascended. Furthermore, “Rare” will be further degraded in time due to power creep as more tiers are added, et al. Therefore, “Rare” is simply a stepping stone to further tiers and as such likely should be more available as we will, and already have, move[d] on from them to other tiers.
…should that make exotic gear drop more, because it is now a bit more obsolete? .
For the record, I am a Horizontal-Progression Fan. Thus, I will attempt to restrain my cynicism. || If a new tier is implemented and the movement of the world gravitates towards the acquisition of said new tier, it might actually make sense to make the previous tiers more accessible to allow players a more ‘shallow’ curve, or perhaps not notice the progression as much. A more natural, organic, evolution if you will. By keeping the rarity of each tier intact, a player will get to a point [in this case “Rare?”] organically (through normal play) and then be left behind. If the organic evolution point continues to be at “rare” and more tiers are added post-rare, the push towards specific farming activities becomes almost encouraged from a development standpoint – even more so than it is currently. If a tier is added, make a tier more accessible, so the organic progression of a player continues.
These bosses have always been farmed – countless times, by lots of zergs. Only a few got rares or exotics-very few of them, while the rest of them have been spending equal amount of time and effort in doing these events and not getting rewarded well. That is unfair. Anet listened to the community and fixed things so there’s no more “class difference” in-game like “lucky” and “unlucky”. If they were givin away exotics, even I’d be complaining, but that’s not the case. Things are fine as they are now.
Tee See
Enjoy it while you can before Anet nerf it again as usual.
I don’t see how learning is an aspect, but it is definitely an idea that could help the situation as well, if the events took some more effort. That would re-introduce the sense of having accomplished something and actually having earned the rare waiting at the end.
Edit; Also, luckily it is not you who decide what valid reasons is, but you are welcome to argue your case, instead of using bold text to state something that is supposed to be facts. I also see no reason why the thread should be closed. The discussion is certainly going, although I certainly seem to be a minority so far.
I don’t need to be the one to decide what the reasons are valid for. Arena Net does that for me.
My reasoning is after-the-fact, thus, it’s already valid
Arena Net is not one to make knee-jerk changes. If the Rare-item chance is increased, it’s because the decision to do so has been in the works for a while now. They’re confident in their decision, and your opinion alone isn’t going to even dent that.
Therefore – The only justifiable change to make getting Rares more meaningful is to buff the bosses that guard them.
If you had bothered learning more about the situation, you would know all that and your thread’s topic would be different – Or it wouldn’t exist at all.
That is what I mean by “learning” to see the bigger picture.
You only focused on the problem in front of you (rares being more frequent), completely ignoring the reason such a change was made (people have been yearning for income-sources as good as dungeons / Orr for a long time) and the root of your own dissatisfaction which was right under your nose (the difficulty of bosses).
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
Wow how is this a problem a small price to pay than actually getting rewarded from in game activities that should be rewarding exactly what they give you now
But if the events are being done by 20+, 30+ players, the zerg just detroys all the fun and challenge in ANY event. Bosses HP will drop down in less than 5 minutes without even attempting to play with the event’s mechanics.
I think you just defined the reason I hate farming better than I could have myself
And what you are describing there is the exact scenario I have seen since the patch. You run in, stomp the boss, move on to the next. And I actually think I would feel that added difficulty or some kind of anti-zerg code would help my case a lot. If people are guaranteed a rare drop, I at least want them, and myself for that sake to have earned it.
Well that is understandable you don’t want freebie rares. But instead of making things more expensive and less rewarding for people that really weren’t getting rares that much before the patch you should have made a post detailing that DE scaling sucks sack in the face of the zerg and the mechanics as well….
90% of the boss’s for DE’s you can just stand in one spot spamming 1 lol. Theres no chance you will die. Theres no challenge and the boss is downed in 5 minutes or less and you collect your freebie loot.
That is a valid arguement. They do need to increase difficulty and scaling on these world events because they really are face roll.
I don’t see how the logic behind the gear is difficult, a rare should be rare, but a rare isn’t rare. If it is something you expect to see everytime you hit F on a chest, I’d say it is quite common.
Is it really necessary to get into semantics? Call a yellow a “gleep” and an orange a “glorp.” Perhaps that will help? Just because more people are running around in gleeps doesn’t make your glorps any less significant to you does it? There are plenty of ways differentiate your gear from others (skins/dyes), but from the very incarnation of the gear progression system it was always the intent to be reasonable to get max-ish gear.
In a game where you can buy legendarys with real cash, does it really matter that a bunch of people you’ll never see/know got an extra shiney?
Okay, let’s skip the semantics. We have 5 rarities of lootable gear. Rare is the second most uncommon gear obtainable through loot. Does it make sense this is consistantly obtainable through ~9 × 2-10 minute events, on 5 characters a day? Calculated, does it make sense you can loot at least 30 pieces of this rarity every day if you bother?
This is highly inaccurate. I’m a working person, I get tops of 2 hours to play everyday. I logged on last night, with the help of the dragon timers, to do as many of these events as I can over 3 different servers. I have 3 80s to do events with. Over the course of two hours, with the waiting and slight inaccuracy of the timers, I managed to do 5 events. Megadestroyer did not give me a rare even though I got gold participation.
4 rares in 2 hours. Terrible. I also had to choose between Shatterer and Shadow Behemoth since they started at the same time.
think you are being overly dramatic..
For the first time in a long time people actually bother with dynamic events, that is a great thing.
and despite the fact that 1 rare is guaranteed it is very far from the most profitable option, it is simply a good DIVERSE option.
As for ecto prices dropping, ABOUT TIME! the ecto/rare prices went up WAY to much after the snowflake incident.
Goes hand in hand with precursor prices being ridicilous.
Unless ecto somehow bounces back precursor prices will finally drop some aswell, hopefully.
PS: I have done almost every chest event 2 time per day since patch went out, and I still havnt gotten a exo drop, so its definatly not overtuned.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but being very unlucky when it comes to loot in this game this has made the game alot more enjoyable for me.. before getting rares was almost impossible for me because my rng was horrible, and now I can actually to some extent keep up with the general population..
“First time people bother” – I don’t know about your server, but on mine the dragons were always killed as soon as they spawned. I can’t see why people would do dynamic events unless it has boss at the end? How does it help that people are farming the same 10 events, if the rest of the world is rotting?
I certainly agree, ecto was getting steep. But 10 silver down in 2 days.. It isn’t over yet, people has just begun farming. I don’t even have a guess at how low the ecto and rares will go.
Certainly agree with precursors as well, i have no idea how much that was changed though.But seriously, if you look 2 weeks ahead.. How do you think the economy is looking?
But I have a question for you; Would you prefer this way of ensuring not getting rolled by RNG, or would you prefer playing content like dungeons, fractals, (long) dynamic events (not the boss ones) for the good drops? And again, please think a few weeks ahead, when you have killed maw 3 times a day for two weeks.
1: Yes people were killing dragons on my servers, but with 10-20 people showing up on a very high pop server, it said alot about the worth of doing them.
Dragons should be high value targets, and now we finally got 100-200 people rushing finally its something people want to do again.
2: As for your question, I have been playing for 4 months, for me there is one constant, I get crap loot in dungeons, fractals and previously dynamic events.. while I’ve had to sit on the sidelines and watch other people linking rares like they were kittening candy.
I still have to sit on the sidelines and watch people link exo’s from dynamic events, without getting a single one ever myself, despite doing pretty much all the events twice per day since patch.. However it sucks that much less now that I atleast get something for my effort.
3: while it has dropped 10s in 2 days, it has dropped slowly over those 2 days, and yes it will definatly stop at some point, as there is also a very high demand for them still.
And honestly I don’t get why people are under the impression that economy will suffer is ectos keep dropping.
It could drop to 10s and the economy would still be perfectly healthy, infact it would prob be more healthy, and alot more starter friendly then what it currently is.
EDIT: Treeline I see you claiming that the end chest at Jade Maw always dropping rares, that is bullkitten.. I know that from experience, as I suffer from exactly the kinda of bad rng as namu is..
The Pile of Vile Essence drops almost all the time, but yeah its not always, and thats a 5s crafting component, hardly the reward you expect after a hours work.
I’ve gone as much as 5 runs myself without seeing a rare myself (20-30). and those times where I do get rares I RARELY get more then 1.
And Exos, well.. gotten mabye 4 total since i started fractals.. all acc bound.
(edited by Kilrain Daggerspine.6843)
Teq is dying so fast on crystal desert. Hes dead as soon as he spawns.
A loading screen takes longer than it does to kill him.
seen enough people to lag the entire zone on him, and he still dosnt die anywhere near that fast rei..
Unless you use 10-15 actual minutes to load the zone ofc..