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What are those evil hack links or rick rolled, I don’t click on shorten links.
I don’t think you’ll make it in the fashion world. I’m a guy, a guy with terrible fashion sense and it looks like kitten to me.
I don’t think you’ll make it in the fashion world. I’m a guy, a guy with terrible fashion sense and it looks like kitten to me.
You do realize she/he said that he/she is colourblind right..?
Anyway,OP your colours are looking a bitt off to me,the Blue is too dark in comparison to the matte colour.I dont know what colours you see and wich you dont,but do you also realize that since your a pvp char only you do not even notice the colour changes you made because when playing pvp you all have the same colour, aka red/blue ? Or do you go wvwvw aswell ? Anyway,if you try to accomplish a sort of look wich can be hard when being colourblind offcs,i will be gladly to help you in finding the right dyes for your char.
He’s trying to make her I think:
I appreciate that you are colour blind, but there are people who aren’t and do much worse. I’d just stick to what you like or seems right to you rather than worrying if it looks right to others.
Because let’s be honest, who decides what looks right and who actually decideds what looks good or doesn’t? Exactly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
He’s trying to make her I think:
Ahh,,allright,well if that’s the case you’re on the right track buddy.
Just need a black dye for your boots,or midnight ice perhaps.
(edited by Caedmon.6798)
He’s trying to make her I think:
Yes. I am.
I was hoping this didn’t need to be said :P
I’m making Erza. That being said, let’s rate it now!
On a side note, I appreciate the colorblind kindness :P
(edited by Shady C.5041)
What are those evil hack links or rick rolled, I don’t click on shorten links.
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