Rating System?
Haha I think that’s a great idea! I ALWAYS see posts where people argue about whether anet listens to their players, who is the majority/minority, and why doesn’t anet respond or listen when there are so many threads about it on the forums. I think it’d be great to know just how many people hate or like the content, it doesn’t even have to include comments just a scale of 1-5 of how much you like the update.
Great idea
Haha I think that’s a great idea! I ALWAYS see posts where people argue about whether anet listens to their players, who is the majority/minority, and why doesn’t anet respond or listen when there are so many threads about it on the forums. I think it’d be great to know just how many people hate or like the content, it doesn’t even have to include comments just a scale of 1-5 of how much you like the update.
Great idea
Thank you, Would like more community feedback on it though :s