Rating System?

Rating System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


This is just a copy & paste from i’ve postd in in a topic in the WvW section, Would like to see the general community consensus on it please.

What I believe they need to do is put in a rating system each update IN THE GAME, NOT THE FORUMS for the new content each time, Release the system perhaps 1 week after each patch once people have settled into the content instead of just rage quitting first day as releasing it immediately would skew the system results instrumentally (I.e. First day ragers: SAB, Scarlet, Bloodlust, Teq). If there are bad reviews after the 1 week rating vote, Either implement a change next patch or get working on one ASAP, Alternatively you can EASILY revert to previous version of the content before the update until a fix can be implemented.

Good idea, Yes/No?
Criticism welcome.

Isle Of Janthir

Rating System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ash.2175


Haha I think that’s a great idea! I ALWAYS see posts where people argue about whether anet listens to their players, who is the majority/minority, and why doesn’t anet respond or listen when there are so many threads about it on the forums. I think it’d be great to know just how many people hate or like the content, it doesn’t even have to include comments just a scale of 1-5 of how much you like the update.

Great idea

Rating System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Haha I think that’s a great idea! I ALWAYS see posts where people argue about whether anet listens to their players, who is the majority/minority, and why doesn’t anet respond or listen when there are so many threads about it on the forums. I think it’d be great to know just how many people hate or like the content, it doesn’t even have to include comments just a scale of 1-5 of how much you like the update.

Great idea

Thank you, Would like more community feedback on it though :s

Isle Of Janthir